League of Legends

I would support you, but paying 15 bucks to change to NA is a big no-no. Good luck with your games nonetheless.
For our team name I'm thinking something like Gotta Poke' em all. We should incorporate pokebeach into our name and I'm trying to think of a clever way to do it.
My Summoner name is Schpammy. Add me if you'd like. I used to be really bad at LoL, but I've gotten a lot better recently. Still got placed in Bronze V and while trolls and an AFK Nidalee who wanted mid are partially to blame, I feel it's not really important because I can always improve. Anyway, I'm almost to my promos for Bronze IV so hurray for that.

I can play any role decently. Top? Renekton/Gangplank/etc. Jungle? I've got Zac/Sejuani/Fiddlesticks/Hecarim/Amumu/Vi/the list goes on. Mid? Support? You get the point. Although for Support I lack Blitzcrank, Thresh, and Nami, three very good supports. But I have Taric, Leona, and Annie, which are very high tier supports right now. As for the role of ADC (or the Marksman, as it has recently been rebranded), I like most of the major ADCs. I can get the job done with Sivir (<3) but she's really the /only/ ADC I'm comfortable using (And I only have Ashe and Tristana otherwise). So ADC is probably my weakest role. I don't play because I'm hardcore, I play for fun. If you ever join in on the skype calls my friends and I have, you'd know that XD

Yeah I'll join. I'm still learning but I think I can get there. I main mid, but am willing to see where else I can play strong.
Waiting for Fire Wyrm to reply about what happened to his other team that he started. Also, haven't been able to play for a while so I'm still level 20, although I might be able to get in some games tonight. We'll see.
So right now the team is looking something like this?

Top: Camoclone/???
Jungle: MtheW/TFW
Mid: Juliacoolo/Camoclone
ADC: sillykyle
Support: Spammy

My account, sillykyle17 (or sillykyle if it goes by screen name) is currently suspended until Saturday because I was having internet issues, but they're completely fixed now since I got a new router. For now I've been playing on my alt (RocketGrunt972). You guys can feel free to add either or both. My main account is level 24 btw (but I have an xp boost).
I believe I said that I would be top if Fire Wyrm was confident that he was best at jungle, because I'm sure he's had more experience with it than I have. Basically I just have no idea how to adc or support.
The list looks more like this:
Top: Camoclone / MtheW
Jungle: MtheW / TFW / Camoclone
Mid: Juliacoolo / Camoclone
ADC: sillykyle
Support: Spammy

We fill in where needed. This is provided that I can get my account back.
I'm a fairly solid solo laner and support if you want to add me. iPrideful is my ingame name.
I got my account back... Let's do this!

So right now here is who I can carry with:
I have and play: Varus, Vayne, Corki, Jinx, Caitlyn. I'm planning on getting Ezreal as well once I get a bit more IP.
Alright right now I see a couple of ideas for a team. Here is one (I actually played a team very similar to this but I'll make a few changes):
Top: Pantheon
Mid: Katarina (That's my main :p)
Marksman (ADC): Twitch (You would need to get him however he is only 3150)
Support: Sona
Jungle: Shyvana or Nocturne (Yeah I know who you main)

The basic strategy:
>Survive early game (don't feed :p)
>Force teamfights mid and lategame
>Panth and jungle both build tanky and engage
>Sona alts (makes them dance)
>Twitch runs in and does as much damage as he can (He has some major AoE)
>Kat runs in and alts
>We finish them
Champions in each role
Top: Shyvana, Renekton, Dr. Mundo, Shen, Jax
Mid: Diana, Kayle, Ahri, Lissandra, Orianna
Sup: Leona, Thresh, Sona, Lulu
Yeah so this works perfectly... Thoughts on the plan? On a side note I'm 26 right now and am extremely close to 27. I can't wait until ranked. Those throws and feeds...
I'm best with the following:

Caitlyn (Still a bit shaky, would prefer not to play her, but I'll start practicing if absolutely necessary)