My Summoner name is Schpammy. Add me if you'd like. I used to be really bad at LoL, but I've gotten a lot better recently. Still got placed in Bronze V and while trolls and an AFK Nidalee who wanted mid are partially to blame, I feel it's not really important because I can always improve. Anyway, I'm almost to my promos for Bronze IV so hurray for that.
I can play any role decently. Top? Renekton/Gangplank/etc. Jungle? I've got Zac/Sejuani/Fiddlesticks/Hecarim/Amumu/Vi/the list goes on. Mid? Support? You get the point. Although for Support I lack Blitzcrank, Thresh, and Nami, three very good supports. But I have Taric, Leona, and Annie, which are very high tier supports right now. As for the role of ADC (or the Marksman, as it has recently been rebranded), I like most of the major ADCs. I can get the job done with Sivir (<3) but she's really the /only/ ADC I'm comfortable using (And I only have Ashe and Tristana otherwise). So ADC is probably my weakest role. I don't play because I'm hardcore, I play for fun. If you ever join in on the skype calls my friends and I have, you'd know that XD