League of Legends

Camoclone said:
Yeah so this works perfectly... Thoughts on the plan? On a side note I'm 26 right now and am extremely close to 27. I can't wait until ranked. Those throws and feeds...

It doesn't stop with ranked =P
Top: Warwick, Udyr, Nocturne, Shyvana, Akali, Nasus
Jungle: Warwick, Udyr, Nocturne, Shyvana
Mid: Twisted Fate, Galio, Kayle, Akali

Will change when I remember who else I play haha, but I already made this list in my first post :p
I'm LV 24.

Oh are we doing champs per role?

Top: Jax, Pantheon, Riven, Nasus
Jungle: Diana, Master Yi, Vi
Mid: Diana, Fizz, Annie, Ryze
ADC: Pretty much just Ashe lol
Support: Annie, Blitzcrank, Fiddlesticks
Hey, had a team name idea, how about Skarner's Poke-Pals? Because when he hides in a bush he makes a Pokemon reference.
Welp, me and Pride decided to start the team first, so I assume we get first pick in the roles.

I'll be our jungler, but I'm willing to fill if I need to. If you miss your smite I will eat you with my large dragon mouth.

Top: Pride\TFW\
Jungle: TFW\
Mid: Pride\TFW\
Supp: TFW\Pride\

Oh yeah, my favorite champ is Shyvana, but my best champs are:

Top: SHYVANA, Riven, Vi, Trundle, Wukong
Mid: Veigar, Xerath, Katarina, Zed, Kennen, Diana
ADC: Draaaaaaaaaven, Caitlyn, Ezreal
Supp: Any and all.
Instead of everyone being like "I can play all roles" why don't we just add everyone who wants to play and depending who is online or who wants to play which position or champ, we can switch it up each game?
Posting here to let you guys know that I'm addicted to this game, hue. I wouldn't mind playing an organized group game if the opportunity shows itself. I'm doing my best to be able to play any lane because I'd enjoy the versatility of being able to do so, but currently I play support and mid most. GabTheLacMan is my summoner name.

@camoclone: Spending money on skins is never werf. :x
Hey. Been a while since I've poked my head around. Figure I'll give a little update.

My Current IGN - A Shiny Raikou
Previous IGNs - Raidra, Raiquaza

Current Role Main - Jungle
Main Jungle - Wukong, Diana, Rammus, Udyr,
Main ADC - Jinx, Ezreal, Ashe
Main Support - Lulu, Sona
Main Top - Riven, Wukong, Yasuo, Teemo
Main Mid - Lux, Ahri, Twisted Fate, Talon, Brand
I just want to say Fire Wyrm, I'm not comfortable being a part of anything where "we said it first" gives you any sort of power. At least not in this context. Like Safariblade said, we should just mix it up based on who's online. However, I am willing to admit that I'm sure you're a much better jungler than I am, so I will be totally willing to give you that role if we're online at the same time :) Also, most of this is a moot point because I won't be at lvl 30 for quite some time. Yay!
MtheW said:
I just want to say Fire Wyrm, I'm not comfortable being a part of anything where "we said it first" gives you any sort of power. At least not in this context. Like Safariblade said, we should just mix it up based on who's online. However, I am willing to admit that I'm sure you're a much better jungler than I am, so I will be totally willing to give you that role if we're online at the same time :) Also, most of this is a moot point because I won't be at lvl 30 for quite some time. Yay!
I understand.
I wasn't trying to make it like "I STARTED IT SO THIS ROLE IS MINE AND MINE ONLY". I just want to decide what roles we would like to play so we can give people a heads up on who they would have to share it with, and who's turn is next.

I typed that up late at night so sorry if it wasn't clear.


too bad i'm OCE
I want to cry. I want a simple ranked game where my team doesn't try to step sooo far out of the meta that it's completely mind-boggling. Or a game where, as a support, I feel I can actually save my teammates from a fed opponent rather than just watch them and myself explode in seconds because of the sheer stupidity. z.z
Ardi-Yarne said:
I want to cry. I want a simple ranked game where my team doesn't try to step sooo far out of the meta that it's completely mind-boggling. Or a game where, as a support, I feel I can actually save my teammates from a fed opponent rather than just watch them and myself explode in seconds because of the sheer stupidity. z.z

I guess I'll have to put AP Rengar away now...
The Fire Wyrm said:
Ardi-Yarne said:
I want to cry. I want a simple ranked game where my team doesn't try to step sooo far out of the meta that it's completely mind-boggling. Or a game where, as a support, I feel I can actually save my teammates from a fed opponent rather than just watch them and myself explode in seconds because of the sheer stupidity. z.z

I guess I'll have to put AP Rengar away now...

Lol, didn't AP Rengar get a huge nerf?