League of Legends


He's in the new patch, just not unlocked yet. So probably anywhere between patch day and 3 days after.
So i've been testing jungling with the new patch, and I really like it a lot. Junglers are much more of a threat now with that added exp boost. Your wolves may spawn at the same time as blue, but the significant exp boost just threw me over the edge.
Armaldo1 said:
So i've been testing jungling with the new patch, and I really like it a lot. Junglers are much more of a threat now with that added exp boost. Your wolves may spawn at the same time as blue, but the significant exp boost just threw me over the edge.

You actually get less exp with the new jungle now. As well as less gold... Someone did the math.

Junglers were hurt, although no one else was (Except blue side bottom lane). I don't know what you're talking about.

This Shyvana free week is bugging me...
So. Many. Shyvana. Noobs.
I saw one go 0-29-3....
Nengeni said:
Armaldo1 said:
So i've been testing jungling with the new patch, and I really like it a lot. Junglers are much more of a threat now with that added exp boost. Your wolves may spawn at the same time as blue, but the significant exp boost just threw me over the edge.

You actually get less exp with the new jungle now. As well as less gold... Someone did the math.

Junglers were hurt, although no one else was (Except blue side bottom lane). I don't know what you're talking about.

Honestly I feel like if the only thing they were going for was weakening the quick level 2 bot they should've just increased golem spawn times. That way it would actually only affect blue side bot lane, which was apparently the problem, and not junglers in general (regardless of whether or not these changes made them better).

Edit: Well, there have been games where all my lanes are pushed/winning and I'm using someone with good clears and have nothing to do but create guaranteed-to-fail ganks. The lower spawn times could help junglers in situations like those. However, there are also games where every lane is losing and I'm forced to constantly gank. In those games I hardly have time to clear buffs without a teammate yelling at me for a gank, and the jungle changes would really hurt that kind of game. So...the changes benefit junglers who have teammates that snowball without their help, and hurts junglers whose teammates feed or lose lane? That...doesn't really seem like a great change to me. :/
The jungle doesn't feel TOO different, it just feels like the spawning is so much longer because of the equal spawn timers. So it gets a little boring standing there 15 seconds longer than usual.

As for Aatrox. His stats and scaling are super low. He's very subpar for a jungler, and I would gladly prefer Shyvana or Tryndamere over him. Hell, even Yi would be better stat wise. But he's a very fun and threatening top. I just see him getting touched a bit on his scaling and maybe his base AD or ASPD.
Freak :P said:
How do you guys stop yourself from being addicted to the game?

Play Awesomenauts instead.

I want to know how people get addicted in the first place. I know general MOBA terms, but time after time I've tried getting into this. Every time I came back out confused... Sorta'. Not in terms of how the game plays, but in terms of what to do; what to buy, what to avoid, who's a Jungler, who's for Ganking, etc..

I still stalk the threads for it on every forum I go to though. I don't even know why, lol.
My friend and I would play until 3 AM on a school night and it would get out of hand. We couldn't stop so I had to uninstall the game to stop myself. We want to get back into the game, but we decided we would have to have some kind of schedule to stop ourselves. :(
A schedule won't keep you from getting addicted. It just delays the inevitable. Though once you work through the addiction, it starts to wear down to where you don't want to play as much, but there's still the urge. Really depends on your tolerance for repetition and stupidity, haha.
Games where my teammates or I do really poorly tend to make me stop playing the game, at least for a few hours, and prevent me from becoming addicted. :D
I don't have that issue. Because teammates are interchangeable, so most of the time you don't get stuck with the same fools. And as for doing poorly yourself, that's how you get better. So I take that as "Okay, keep playing, you'll make progress." So it furthers my addiction.
Finally made it to level 30 again.
If you are on the US servers and want to join Bad Influence, shoot me a profile comment.