League of Legends

Pride said:
Yeah I was Diana, iPrideful was the username, who were you using and nick?

I was playing Shy top lane and my username is the same as PB.

I was playing with pride, so much feeding occured...
Nengeni said:
If anyone wants to link / upload a LoL replay, I would be happy to give you tips.
That would be good for players < Level 15.
I don't think people above that would need it.
The Fire Wyrm said:
Nengeni said:
If anyone wants to link / upload a LoL replay, I would be happy to give you tips.
That would be good for players < Level 15.
I don't think people above that would need it.

What? No matter what level you are, getting someone else to offer you advice is always beneficial.
Damn right he is. May I ask your build? Perhaps I could get some ideas, and I could give you some too if you want.
I only got 3-4 items on him before the game ended (i had 2 surrenders) But i went madreds/merc treads/Wits end/sheen both games. Attack speed is way op on him because of his passive.
My usual build on Skarner jungle is Machete+5pots-Spirit Stone-Ninja Tabi-Spirit of the Ancient Golem-Wit's End-Sheen-Trinity Force-Warmog's Armor-Guardian Angel. I think it's obvious that I held Skarner's standard damage in a very high regard and as such I don't build many damage items. Still, I think you could use Spirit Stone over Madred's. In my opinion, it's upgrades are better than Wriggle's. Just remember, in case you don't make Spirit of the Ancient Golem or another Tenacity item, get Mercury Treads. Skarner needs Tenacity to make good use of Crystalline Exoskeleton.
Yeah, all junglers have to run tenacity IMO. I am surprised that you went with a tankier build rather than some more damage. And i'm also surprised at no randuins, I feel like that's the first tanky item you would go for on skarner.
What would you suggest building on Graves? I haven't played the ADC role much, and I figured Graves would be a fine one to learn on during the free week. I've had some decent success starting: Doran --> Boots + Vampiric Scepter or B.F. Sword --> Berserker Greeves --> The Bloodthirster --> Zeal --> Statikk Shiv since I like the midgame push on the lanes and the fast ability to farm thanks to the passive but I don't know how ideal this is. I also fail to get BOTRK and I'm not sure if I should rush it over BT...
That's a decent build. I rush BT on every single adc but some people prefer to rush IE. Reasons why I prefer BT: Finishes sooner (especially since some build Vamp even if rushing IE), gives you (more, if you build a Vamp Scepter before IE) lifesteal, which is incredibly useful tool in laning. Rushing BT gives you more time to farm it up whereas if you get it mid or lategame you'll either charge it up slower or split up from your team (most of the time). In addition, crits and some champions abilities deal pretty pathetic damage without a lot of AD already (and nothing gives as much AD as a BT except a fully stacked Sword of the Occult. I would especially rush BT on Graves because a decent chunk of his damage comes from his Q and R, which scale on AD but not any other ADC stat. I generally get IE after BT because IE is what makes you able to out-dps bruisers for the most part (although, without the bonus AD of a BT it doesn't help nearly as much) and after that I get a PD or Shiv (depends on the champ) for more attack speed and crit chance. To round out my build I get some combination of another BT to increase dps significantly and double sustain, IE/Shiv (whichever I didn't get before, generally to augment my dps further as a last item) a Runaan's (almost always get because its actually a huge increase in damage in teamfights, on champs that have good synergy with it such as Twitch I get it sooner) or a Guardian's Angel if there are still enemies who can kill me (almost always) and I feel like I will actually be able to do something after respawning (not always). I don't think I've ever built a BotRK or Last Whisper on a champion as I feel like they are almost always outclassed by BT. After your build is done, consider selling Greaves for Zephyr. With a Zephyr and PD/Shiv, you'll still be as fast or faster than most other champions and Zephyr gives AD, Tenacity, and more Attack Speed. Make sure you're buying the Elixir(s) towards the end of the game. Also, I generally start with Long Sword 2 Health Potions because boots start is imo useless unless you really need hardly noticeable movespeed to dodge their skillshots, and Doran's Blade doesn't put me 400 gold ahead in my build if I start snowballing. Dagger is bad to start with because attack speed is not that good in pokes or early trades compared to flat AD.

On Graves I'd go Greaves+BT (I prioritize building BT and build the Greaves whenever I don't have enough for a B.F. Sword when I back) then if I'm snowballing an IE (Q and R scale on AD) and if not then a Shiv to keep up dps with 2 items and get a second sooner. After that you'd either get the other or Runaan's (Runaan's decreases the cooldown on Grave's E by 3 if both Runaan's bolts hit I believe) depending on whether you want more single target or multi target damage. After that I'd get the last one of those 3 and then either another BT (I don't think anyone can kill me, OR I just don't feel like I'm doing enough damage but its not because they're too tanky OR I want more health sustain), GA (I often get focused but feel like I can still do good damage without another damage item), or Last Whisper/BotRK (I'm not doing any damage purely because they all have so much Armor/Health).

Yeah that was a wall of text here's a tl;dr: On Graves go Greaves->BT->IE if snowballing, Shiv if not->whichever of IE/Shiv you don't have if want single target damage, Runaan's if want multi-target->whichever you didn't already get->BT if I don't die, GA if I do.
Some heroes benefit from IE more than BT in early game stages (like Twitch, who has very high base attack speed), and especially if they manage to outfarm the enemy's carry, IE is often superior to BT at that point. Also, not building BotRK is a major mistake. Without it, even the strongest ADC is easily countered by 150 armor and 3000HP. You can always build both BT and BotRK, but not building the latter can prove disastrous.
The Fire Wyrm said:
Dark Void said:
Why wouldn't you run BT on an ADC or an AD Bruiser? ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MINDS?

What...? I can't understand this at all. I didn't say anything about bruisers and said to run BT... If you meant BotRK, I've just never needed it. Generally if someone has enough health for BotRK to be worth it they're still squishy to an adc unless they also have a lot of armor, which makes the BotRK not as useful anyway. In addition, you're rarely 1v1ing the tank or bruiser late game and shouldn't be focusing them often in teamfights, so your team can help bring them down for you. In addition, BotRK does less in teamfights because it scales downwards progressively as the enemy's health does.
ChillBill said:
Some heroes benefit from IE more than BT in early game stages (like Twitch, who has very high base attack speed), and especially if they manage to outfarm the enemy's carry, IE is often superior to BT at that point. Also, not building BotRK is a major mistake. Without it, even the strongest ADC is easily countered by 150 armor and 3000HP. You can always build both BT and BotRK, but not building the latter can prove disastrous.

When do you think BOTRK should be bought? Rushed? Second item?
Dark Void said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
Why wouldn't you run BT on an ADC or an AD Bruiser? ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MINDS?

What...? I can't understand this at all. I didn't say anything about bruisers and said to run BT... If you meant BotRK, I've just never needed it. Generally if someone has enough health for BotRK to be worth it they're still squishy to an adc unless they also have a lot of armor, which makes the BotRK not as useful anyway. In addition, you're rarely 1v1ing the tank or bruiser late game and shouldn't be focusing them often in teamfights, so your team can help bring them down for you. In addition, BotRK does less in teamfights because it scales downwards progressively as the enemy's health does.
I was trying to say you should even run it on an AD bruiser.
Sorry for being unclear.
Pride said:
When do you think BOTRK should be bought? Rushed? Second item?
Weeell... It largely depends on your opponents, actually. If things go well for you and the opposing tank/offtank doesn't have a good game, then you could completely skip it. Now, in other cases... You definitely need it if you have an opponent who builds a lot of HP (like Voli or Dr. Mundo), less if there isn't such a threat... Generally though, if you are to build it, I'd say you rush it. Unless of course you consider you don't need it and later on an opponent decides to build tankier. To be honest though, I think that items and skills which deal % of HP (Liandry's, Deathfire, Vayne's Silver Bolts, Morde's ult etc) are always a great touch. There's guaranteed to be an opponent who will build HP and especially for ADCs, who are extremely fragile, they need a defense against a guy whose life just doesn't reach 0.