League of Legends

I just found this guide for shyvana: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/shyvana-dovahkiin-187705#chapter8
I have mixed feelings about this guide and the other one D:

LOL! I just found a smurf account (on mine :D), so me and my friends harassed him with our AoE attacks from all sides.
He went from 29/0 to 29/19.
Nengeni said:
I don't like that guide for the sole reason that it tells you to start at red.
I like the tanky DPS masteries on that one better.
Especially because don't really jungle anymore because of my friend who plays WW.
I'm usually AD Carry now.
I used a guide on mobafire similar to that one to learn shyvanna. I actually prefer starting blue with her, only because you immediately drop a ward at their red, get first blood when they come to grab it, and take their red. Shyvanna pretty much requires red in all situations, which is one reason i'm not a huge fan of her. And those runes are really weird for a jungler o_O I normally run attack speed reds, flat armor yellows, MR blues, and movement speed quints.
Armaldo1 said:
I used a guide on mobafire similar to that one to learn shyvanna. I actually prefer starting blue with her, only because you immediately drop a ward at their red, get first blood when they come to grab it, and take their red. Shyvanna pretty much requires red in all situations, which is one reason i'm not a huge fan of her. And those runes are really weird for a jungler o_O I normally run attack speed reds, flat armor yellows, MR blues, and movement speed quints.
I was not using jungling guide for that one lol.
I was using the tanky DPS offtank on that one.
Ah ok. Anyone here main ADC? we need an ADC for our team. Just letting you guys know we're all around silver/bronze area.
Armaldo1 said:
Ah ok. Anyone here main ADC? we need an ADC for our team. Just letting you guys know we're all around silver/bronze area.
I would, but new account so sorry bro.

Has anyone here gotten a pentakill before?
I just got my fourteenth on while hell was breaking loose at our inhibitor lol.
We lost, and this stupid Ashe literally waited until the champion I was killing was at like 50 HP to steal the kill.
I went 7-2-7 because of... ...that ashehole. *rimshot*
Armaldo1 said:
Ah ok. Anyone here main ADC? we need an ADC for our team. Just letting you guys know we're all around silver/bronze area.

I would, but I'm not on the American server. Otherwise I'd be more than glad.
Lissandra is baws. I've played 6 games with her and I've won 5.
The Fire Wyrm said:
Armaldo1 said:
Ah ok. Anyone here main ADC? we need an ADC for our team. Just letting you guys know we're all around silver/bronze area.
I would, but new account so sorry bro.

Has anyone here gotten a pentakill before?
I just got my fourteenth on while hell was breaking loose at our inhibitor lol.
We lost, and this stupid Ashe literally waited until the champion I was killing was at like 50 HP to steal the kill.
I went 7-2-7 because of... ...that ashehole. *rimshot*

I actually got my second penta last game xD kha'zix breaks the format.

Oh well, thanks anyways guys.
ChillBill said:
I've gotten two penta as well. Mordekaiser ftw!
A friend of mine once got penta with Soraka :D.
Only two?
I guess I'm the only one here who Leroy Jenkins into battle.
I've got 14.
The Fire Wyrm said:
Armaldo1 said:
Ah ok. Anyone here main ADC? we need an ADC for our team. Just letting you guys know we're all around silver/bronze area.
I would, but new account so sorry bro.

Has anyone here gotten a pentakill before?
I just got my fourteenth on while hell was breaking loose at our inhibitor lol.
We lost, and this stupid Ashe literally waited until the champion I was killing was at like 50 HP to steal the kill.
I went 7-2-7 because of... ...that ashehole. *rimshot*
If ashe stole the final kill, you didn't get a penta.

I'm quite confused.
Nengeni said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
I would, but new account so sorry bro.

Has anyone here gotten a pentakill before?
I just got my fourteenth on while hell was breaking loose at our inhibitor lol.
We lost, and this stupid Ashe literally waited until the champion I was killing was at like 50 HP to steal the kill.
I went 7-2-7 because of... ...that ashehole. *rimshot*
If ashe stole the final kill, you didn't get a penta.

I'm quite confused.

She had 5 steals after my penta.
By the way, how do you guys like the whole Freljord theme? You know, with the icons, the sales, the new map?
I like it if it's going to run it's course and then they'll move on to something else. It's cool right now with the clans and the new map, but in order to keep people playing they'll have to keep doing stuff like this. I'm really quite happy with all the detail they did put into this though ^.^
I disagree on one aspect; the ARAM map.

People have been playing ARAM forever, and I don't think that "novelty" will die down anytime soon.
Nengeni said:
I disagree on one aspect; the ARAM map.

People have been playing ARAM forever, and I don't think that "novelty" will die down anytime soon.

I didn't mean ARAM in that respect, I meant the map itself, since it's just frosted over from the last one.

EDIT: and yeah i have seen lucian. Mainly from gregidot's video. If you guys haven't watched his content on youtube, you need to, he's hilarious.