League of Legends

Armaldo1 said:
Nengeni said:
I disagree on one aspect; the ARAM map.

People have been playing ARAM forever, and I don't think that "novelty" will die down anytime soon.

I didn't mean ARAM in that respect, I meant the map itself, since it's just frosted over from the last one.

EDIT: and yeah i have seen lucian. Mainly from gregidot's video. If you guys haven't watched his content on youtube, you need to, he's hilarious.

Actually correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that it's a bigger map.
Had fun in games with Suitcune earlier, #teampokebeach

I'm hoping Lucian isn't an ADC since we had Quinn not that long ago... But very interesting anyways.
Yeah, but Quinn was so horrible they had to buff all of her abilities in two consecutive patches.
So, is Lucian official material? I wasn't very sure in the first place.
I think they did "reveal" him but sorta just as an idea, not as an official character yet. I feel like he'd be similar to graves.
Quinn isn't supposed to be an ADC. She just doesn't fit a specific role right now, but she might be a better ad mid, perhaps with ap top.

(Just so she can roam with her ult)
Disaggreeing here. Quinn is too fragile for top, and it's been shown that AP mid are better than AD. That's why they buffed her so much in the last patches, 'cos no one played with her as anything.
I challenge your statement that AP mids are better than AD mids.

Talon, Kha, LeeSin, and pantheon are all great mids.
True, but they are so good at mid due to them countering normal AP champs. For example, Talon's ability to shut down the feared-by-many Kassadin. And still, Lee Sin isn't that good mid while Pantheon often finds himself outfarmed. Not to mention that, since the majority of top champions and junglers are AD based, it is very easy by being some armor to completely eliminate opposing damage output.
And Kha doesn't count. Kha is so super awesome and OP, he can play anything bar support and be excellent at it.
Quinn is, after these buffs, totally viable. I'm thinking about buying her next tbh because I did so well with her when she was just free (35/8/6, quite possibly my best PvP game ever) No penta though, only a 1v5 quadra. :( Anyway, I agree that Lee Sin isn't that good mid, but why exactly would Pantheon be bad at csing? Plenty of mids have melee autoattacks such as Kha'Zix, Katarina, Fizz, Akali, etc. You can't argue that they have better skills for csing since his q is on a low cd and low enough mana that a Chalice or Tear is usually enough for him to spam it, and once his e is leveled and he buys some ad he can farm waves relatively easily with it. Being able to build ad actually makes csing easier. Kha'Zix is really not op at all. He's an assassin and can quickly kill squishy champions, but he's also very squishy himself and most assassins can quickly burst squishies if they farm and play well. He's not even the most powerful 1v1er in the game even with the bonus isolation damage because he can't afford to build tanky unlike some assassin-bruisers like Xin Zhao, Pantheon, and Vi. He's also not that great a top since he's an assassin and by nature will usually lose to a bruiser or tank.
My friend has a kill stealing issue... 22 assists....\
Shyvana and Thresh is amazing.


I'll get him. Definitely. Looks like a combination of the WoW Warrior and Death Knight... They are my favorite classes so why not?
He looks pretty cool, but if Lucian becomes confirmed, he still on my list.
I also don't like to use champs that use health to cast, but thats just me...
Just a quick question, if I have the Mac Beta, will it update to the Mac client or will I have to download the Mac Client separately? Thank :)
The Fire Wyrm said:
Nengeni said:
I don't like that guide for the sole reason that it tells you to start at red.
Just realized you said RED...

On another note, I'm trying to develop a fan champ.
I'm thinking of submitting it.
The Fire Wyrm said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
Nengeni said:
I don't like that guide for the sole reason that it tells you to start at red.
Just realized you said RED...

I don't personally play Shyvanna, but starting blue is definitely not a bad idea. It still gives you a very useful 20% cdr even if you don't get the mana, and the 20% cdr probably increases your jungle speed more than the little DoT from red buff. You're rarely/never going to be ganking before you've had a chance to get your red buff anyway, and if you get red second as opposed to first you'll have it for more ganks. Starting at your blue also makes it easier to go right across the river and steal the enemy jungler's red since most other junglers start at blue and don't go immediately to red.

Since as I said I don't play Shyvana I'm not going to read through the whole guide, but the items section is pretty bad. I would never even consider buying Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, or Malady and I would probably never use Atma's Impaler, Youmou's Ghostblade, or Blade of the Ruined King. Shyvanna is a tank or offtank who does decent damage, but a lot of it through her Burnout. However, crit is a terrible terrible stat to build on her because a) she does a lot of her damage from things other than what can scale with crits (which is only the base damage of your autos without applying your e or malady or w/e) and b) she is a tank or offtank and should rarely be getting more than 1 item that gives only offensive stats, and a single crit item does very little for your dps compared to a Bloodthirster. While she scales on ap her scalings are pretty poor and I would never itemize for ap; not only is Malady giving you as much ap as any other stat, its first passive only works well if you have other ap items (which Shyvana shouldn't) and its second passive only works if most of your damage is magic (which Shyvana's isn't).
Dark Void said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
Just realized you said RED...

I don't personally play Shyvanna, but starting blue is definitely not a bad idea. It still gives you a very useful 20% cdr even if you don't get the mana, and the 20% cdr probably increases your jungle speed more than the little DoT from red buff. You're rarely/never going to be ganking before you've had a chance to get your red buff anyway, and if you get red second as opposed to first you'll have it for more ganks. Starting at your blue also makes it easier to go right across the river and steal the enemy jungler's red since most other junglers start at blue and don't go immediately to red.

Since as I said I don't play Shyvana I'm not going to read through the whole guide, but the items section is pretty bad. I would never even consider buying Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, or Malady and I would probably never use Atma's Impaler, Youmou's Ghostblade, or Blade of the Ruined King. Shyvanna is a tank or offtank who does decent damage, but a lot of it through her Burnout. However, crit is a terrible terrible stat to build on her because a) she does a lot of her damage from things other than what can scale with crits (which is only the base damage of your autos without applying your e or malady or w/e) and b) she is a tank or offtank and should rarely be getting more than 1 item that gives only offensive stats, and a single crit item does very little for your dps compared to a Bloodthirster. While she scales on ap her scalings are pretty poor and I would never itemize for ap; not only is Malady giving you as much ap as any other stat, its first passive only works well if you have other ap items (which Shyvana shouldn't) and its second passive only works if most of your damage is magic (which Shyvana's isn't).

Elder lizard works best for me.

I use Wriggles,Trinity, and extra attack boosting items. I would never use those items. lol.
She works best as AD Carry, her tanky qualities make her very hard to harass and kill when her burnout is doing 120+ damage every second. I also only use dragons decent if I know I can get the kill or need to escape.

I know how she works from 1+ years of experience. I've had very good games with her.
12-0-18, 11-0-7, 9-0-22 (Caitlyn KS...), and probably my best game ever... ...37-0(5)-4.
(The reason the five is there is because I had Yorick and Thresh support. Thresh guaranteed most of my kills and Yorick will never let you die.)
But you die even if Yorick ults you. They still get the gold; you just get to deal damage for a little while longer. Its different from Zilean's where they have to actually kill you the second time to get any gold.