League of Legends

I personally would never call 20% a slight reduction. if you have all 4 team mates in it there is an extra champ worth of HP they have to get through. or I consider it as another free defensive item for team. and when there team comp relies on life steal / vamp it doubles its effectivity.

you only really have trouble against vyne because she is the only % true damage tank killer.
Mao is very strong early due to a gapcloser + 3 kinds of cc pre-6. However, he falls off really hard late game. His base damage is relatively high, his skills actually are on a pretty high cooldown with the exception of his short range, weaker Q (13 seconds is really not a low cooldown for a gapcloser at all) and he just doesn't put out that much damage for whatever reason. Also, his ult is never big enough to cover many people; generally you're either covering your backline allies (in which case its rarely going to damage opponents), or a couple of melee range champions (in which case you're reducing damage to your allies who are usually the tankiest anyway and dealing damage to the tankiest enemies). He can engage on enemies caught out of position well with his w and start off a teamfight strong, but all he does after that is heal and tank, but nobody focuses him so it doesn't matter that much (at least, this is in my experience). He's still good because of his great ganks early, but he falls off late-game hard imo.
Ugh. Within the last two days, I've failed both promotion series to drag myself out of Silver V. It's quite upsetting.
The Fire Wyrm said:

Yeah, can't wait. Only issue is he's pretty much Ez without a gapcloser (in terms of having no CC atleast)

Note to self: Your team cannot carry when you starve them as Jungle Sejuani. She is massively OP and can steal kills at the drop of a hat without trying. CC means nothing without damage. And Kassadins should learn to focus enemy ADCs when they're fed to hell and back and have double cleanse against Ashe/Sejuani/Sona wombo-combos.
Been on a terrible losing streak lately.
KDR's havent been that bad, but I just kept losing.
Playing ARAM or normals until I think I'm ready for ranked.
Uggggh. Had an amazing team in ranked just now. But our Sona got caught in the jungle and forced us into a fight we didn't want to be in, resulting in the game.

But it kinda sucks that the first black champ's ultimate is a drive by shooting...
The Fire Wyrm said:

But it kinda sucks that the first black champ's ultimate is a drive by shooting...

Let's see. Quinn's passive, but ability triggered. Cait's Q, probably shorter ranged. Quinn's passive on an ability with Sivir's passive. Graves' E with Garen's E non-damaging effect.

His ult sounds amusing to say the least. Seems like Leona, Blitz, and possibly Nami would be his support choices.
He sounds like he'll be a big bully in lane so bully type supports should work well with him, Sona and Thresh included in the above.
I feel like he's probably going to be on par with draven once everyone figures out how to use him. I think he'll be a crazy strong bully, with a pretty good late game.
We're repositioning Flame Breath as a core tool for objective control and faster jungle clear, while also emphasizing its use as a “burn down” ability to be followed up with auto attacks against tankier fighters. We've also fixed a long-standing bug with Shyvana's Burnout where it wasn't scaling with attack damage while in Dragon form. This fix - along with her increased fury gains and reduced fury decay – will help her in late game teamfights. Lastly, we've moved the descriptions of her previous passive effects to their new ability tooltips to help centralize information.

Fury of the Dragonborn - Remade. All Fury of the Dragonborn effects have been moved to their respective abilities.

Dragonborn - Gains 5/10/15/20 Armor and Magic Resist. These bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form.

Flame Breath

No longer reduces Armor by 15%
Now passes through all units hit instead of stopping at the first
Debuff duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
Damage reduced to 80/115/150/185/220 from 80/125/170/215/260
On-hit magic damage to debuffed targets changed to 2% of the target's maximum Health from 15% of Flame Breath's damage (12/18.75/25.5/32.25/39 + 0.09 Ability Power).


Fixed a bug where Burnout wasn't scaling with attack damage when Shyvana was in Dragon form

Dragon's Descent

Passive Armor/Magic Resistance component removed
Passive Fury Gain increased to 1/2/3 per 1.5 seconds from 1/1/1
Fury decay while in Dragon Form reduced to 5 per second from 6 per second

I auto-bought it. Ended up staying up late enough to get it the moment it released. It's on sale, and I've been waiting forever for it. And with all the Udyr players prepping for it, I learned some top-lane builds, so yay. Just haven't had the chance to use the skin yet.
There are people banning him in ranked just so that people on their team won't play it, too many bad people trying to play udyr lol.
Dark Void said:
Armaldo1 said:
There are people banning him in ranked just so that people on their team won't play it,

I ban Blitzcrank for this reason too.
Blitz is understandable, as it goes both ways: There's either a bad Blitz on your team, or an amazing Blitz on the opposing team.

Udyr however is a spite ban, but I support it. I would rather fight against a powerhouse champ than worry about that one Udyr that will ruin the game for my team because he's the new Pulsefire Ezreal.

Plus, a good Udyr is easy to deal with, a good Blitz however...Ugh... Too game changing.
Quadra with Karthus! Too bad Pride stole a kill, not his fault though. I didn't think I would get this close to a penta anyways.