Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

I FRICKIN' LOVE SNOW!!!! in my neighborhood when the temperature is at 5f we have water gun fights and bulid cover using snow. just imagine how cold it must be to be wet and laying on the snow! surprisingly we don't get frostbites
You guys are so lucky. I used to live norther and we got like 2 feet of snow, but down here in Vancouver we get like... 2 cm if we're lucky. So far we don't have any this year, just rain.
XD, Ohio is no fun. 60 MPH wind, no snow = school in session. The wind made me lose my science essay, and I almost missed the bus chasing down my homework! I heard that this will be the coldest winter though.
Eh, I don't particularly care if it snows Christmas here, since that is a very rare occasion. Speaking of wind, it was really cold and windy this morning, which makes waiting for the bus a horrible experience, especially when the bus driver picked the perfect time to start picking up our stop last. -_- Anyway, it's really irritating that we only get really cold rain here.
I was making a snow fort with Arcanine King, and then we threw snow balls at cars.
shadoworganoid said:
Normally I would hope for snow like crazy. But over here in OR/WA, we are very unprepared for such weather that when it does happen, we all die because we cant go anywhere.

Last year we had snow over christmas which was nice, but our family friends coudnt make it over for xmas dinner....

So all I say is; NO SNOW.

After 12" of snow, 50 mile an hour winds, lows tonight of below zero. I agree with you!
Last week down here in texas
we got some snow
but of course my school has to stay open right?

well later during the day the snow picked up
and are school let out early :)

glad i didnt have to go to seventh period.....i hate math class!
InfinityFangX said:
today I went to red rock canyon in Vegas, and there was 1/2 inch of snow.
it was intense. :]
1/2 inch Intense? lol I live "near" the snow, but it's not snowing here, it's about 30 out and its raining but no snow :x Intense snow is like 2 Feet up in Big Bear City :]
OMG, I am so glad it's snowing again. Even though it lasts a loooong time it's fun. I love sledding down our big hill and building snow tunnels. Yeah, snow tunnels are epic. xD
MylesPrower said:
What is snow?

Snow is a type of precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a multitude of snowflakes that fall from clouds. Since snow is composed of small ice particles, it is a granular material. It has an open and therefore soft structure, unless packed by external pressure. Snowflakes come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Types which fall in the form of a ball due to melting and refreezing, rather than a flake, are known as graupel, with ice pellets and snow grains as examples of graupel. Snowfall amount, and its related liquid equivalent precipitation amount, are determined using a variety of different rain gauges.

The process of precipitating snow is called snowfall. Snowfall tends to form within regions of upward motion of air around a type of low-pressure system known as an extratropical cyclone. Snow can fall poleward of their associated warm fronts and within their comma head precipitation patterns, which is called such due to its comma-like shape of the cloud and precipitation pattern around the poleward and west sides of extratropical cyclones. Where relatively warm water bodies are present, for example due to water evaporation from lakes, lake-effect snowfall becomes a concern downwind of the warm lakes within the cold cyclonic flow around the backside of extratropical cyclones. Lake-effect snowfall can be locally heavy. Thundersnow is possible within a cyclone's comma head and within lake effect precipitation bands. In mountainous areas, heavy snow is possible where upslope flow is maximized within windward sides of the terrain at elevation, if the atmosphere is cold enough.

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Drizzle · Rain · Snow
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Once on the ground, snow can be categorized as powdery when fluffy, granular when it begins the cycle of melting and refreezing, and eventually ice once it packs down, after multiple melting and refreezing cycles, into a dense mass called snow pack. When powdery, snow moves with the wind from the location where it originally landed, forming deposits called snowdrifts which may have a depth of several meters. After attaching to hillsides, blown snow can evolve into a snow slab, which is an avalanche hazard on steep slopes. The existence of a snowpack keeps temperatures colder than they would be otherwise, as the whiteness of the snow reflects most sunlight, and the absorbed heat goes into melting the snow rather than increasing its temperature. The water equivalent of snowfall is measured to monitor how much liquid is available to flood rivers from meltwater which will occur during the upcoming spring. Snow cover can protect crops from extreme cold. If snowfall stays on the ground for a series of years uninterrupted, the snowpack develops into a mass of ice called glacier. Fresh snow absorbs sound, lowering ambient noise over a landscape due to the trapped air between snowflakes acting to minimize vibration. These acoustic qualities quickly minimize, and reverse once a layer of freezing rain falls on top of snow cover. Walking across snowfall produces a squeaking sound at low temperatures. For motion pictures, the sound of people walking across snow are duplicated through the use cornstarch, salt, and cat litter.

The term snow storm can describe a heavy snowfall while a blizzard involves snow and wind, obscuring visibility. Snow shower is a term for an intermittent snowfall, while flurry is used for very light, brief snowfalls. Snow can fall more than a meter at a time during a single storm in flat areas, and meters at a time in rugged terrain, such as mountains. When snow falls in significant quantities, travel by foot, car, airplane and other means becomes highly restricted, but other methods of mobility become possible: the use of snowmobiles, snowshoes and skis. When heavy snow occurs early in the fall, significant damage occurs to trees still in leaf. Areas with significant snow each year can store the winter snow within an ice house, which can be used to cool structures during the following summer.
Anyone planning on doing more snow fun with the snowstorm that started last night, assuming you got some?
MylesPrower said:
What is snow?

They say an image is worth 1000+ words, so...

This is snow:

dragonexpert said:
Anyone planning on doing more snow fun with the snowstorm that started last night, assuming you got some?

I did do something when we got it. I made a snow fort with some friends, and we made some cool tunels, and had fun. :)
Whoooooo Yeahhhhhh Yesterday some snow felt =D It's already, it wasn't much. But it was snowwww 0-o; And it tasted gooood.. yumm :3

Anyway, I'm still hoping for a snowy Christmas!
I want some snow. D:

But I don't want to shovel the driveway. D:

Anyways, some snow is always nice on Christmas.