LM´s shop we died maybe opening other soon. Or not?

will this shop be popular?

  • Yes the work is very good

    Votes: 68 97.1%
  • No your work is the living expression of thrash

    Votes: 2 2.9%

  • Total voters
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RE: LM´s new revamped small shop


i don't know if its any good, but its something I made up. trainer fushion's.
RE: LM´s new revamped small shop

Can I get a userbar with Cradily, Toxicroak, Octilley and Wormadam, with the text just being Toxicity_Trapper OR if that's too long just T_T. Color Gold...
RE: LM´s new revamped small shop

I don't no how to make good pokeballs and i need to no where to find and ultra ball sprite LM
RE: LM´s new revamped small shop

Lm, do I work here now?
RE: LM´s new revamped small shop

New development!!
Ash Kechup:sure you can be here just improve your work BTW are you using the draw opaque thing at paint and saving as PNG?
RE: LM´s new revamped small shop

nope...I wonder what´s up with him? thanks for the comment both surfboard and bob-omb mon were my ideas
RE: LM´s new revamped small shop

Could you make me:

Angel Riolu

Evil Riolu

Riolu Chao

Glacier Riolu

Reposing of Riolu

Surfboard Riolu

I know its a HUGE order and im sorry for that but I realy want them

Also, i like Riolu's if you couldnt already tell :F
RE: LM´s new revamped small shop

could I have a trainer card. name=Ash Can you give me all of the D/P gym Badges too, I would like my party to be (all Lv. 100's) Blaziken, Rayquaza, Infernape, Staraptor, Metagross, Empoleon. Thanks a ton!:D
RE: LM´s new revamped small shop

I call Blaziken's request!!

How do you get so many request LM. mine has not been requesting for a while now
RE: LM´s new revamped small shop

shard79:here are your requests:





for the reposing one with which pokemon should I repose
any specific background etc?
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