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RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - now updated through RR \o/ - REALLY WANT GLACEON X >:O

shadoworganoid - I sent you a PM a while ago to confirm. Didn't you see it?

your Venusaur SV + Mawile SV x4
my Luxray GL

If you've changed your mind, let me know, otherwise PM me details

magikarpusedsplash - Venusaur SV is the only thing I saw. I do want Dialga G LV.X and Raichu LV.X, so if you can manage to find anything else on my list you want, then I'll hear an offer for them as well. Otherwise we can just trade Darkrai #4 for Venusaur SV if you like.

EspeonROX - I don't need Magnezone X (or Spiritomb) anymore so I have to decline your offer. Geez you want a ton of stuff though, do you have anything else off my wants?

Hyunbin - I'll... get back to you on that.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - STILL WANT GLACEON X. New additions: Leafeon LV.X, Azelf LV.X, & Mesprit LV.X!

How about my Mawile SV and Venusaur SV for your Weavile SW, Bronzong MD, and Unown Q MD?
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - STILL WANT GLACEON X. New additions: Leafeon LV.X, Azelf LV.X, & Mesprit LV.X!

OH! Sorry. I just found that PM in my inbox....sorry. Well as of now theres a few changes...

I have the Fan Rotom and the Venasaur (SV) you wanted.

Would you trade your Dusknoir DP (the one with Dark Palm) and Luxray GL for those????

Or CML....
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - STILL WANT GLACEON X. New additions: Leafeon LV.X, Azelf LV.X, & Mesprit LV.X!

CML for Leafeon X please. Thanks!
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - STILL WANT GLACEON X. New additions: Leafeon LV.X, Azelf LV.X, & Mesprit LV.X!

Nope, sorry. :( CML?
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - STILL WANT GLACEON X. New additions: Leafeon LV.X, Azelf LV.X, & Mesprit LV.X!

darksoulSP - Sure, I can do that. I'll PM you the details.

shadoworganoid - Apologies, but I don't have Dusknoir anymore.

zephilim - There's quite a bit of stuff but I gotta get back to you on that one

EspeonROX - I did, but didn't see anything. Sorry. Come back if you get anything from my wants, though.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - STILL WANT GLACEON X. New additions: Leafeon LV.X, Azelf LV.X, & Mesprit LV.X!

Hey. I have these off your wants: Aaron's Collection, Volkner's, Level Max, sunyshore City Gym, 2 stark Mountains, and a few Buneary.

Do you have any Warp Point (DP or MD), Night Teleporter?

I am interested in a Dialga G, Premier Ball RH, Rare Candy RH, and Regice LA from your list. So feel free to cml and let me know if we can work something out. Thanks!
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - STILL WANT GLACEON X. New additions: Leafeon LV.X, Azelf LV.X, & Mesprit LV.X!

p8ntchucker7 - Didn't see anything, sorry.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - STILL WANT GLACEON X. New additions: Leafeon LV.X, Azelf LV.X, & Mesprit LV.X!

I didn't need ALL of those cards, I was just telling you which cards I liked.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - [W] Ray C X [H] Rhyperior X, Leafeon X, Azelf X, Mesprit X

1P: Didn't see anything, sorry.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - [W] Ray C X [H] Rhyperior X, Leafeon X, Azelf X, Mesprit X

I thought you said that you don't like to send anyone away empty handed???
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - [W] Ray C X [H] Rhyperior X, Leafeon X, Azelf X, Mesprit X

I don't, but that doesn't mean I'm obligated to do a trade if I don't see anything I even like. I was wrong about Dialga G - it was Dialga, the {C}-type error one.

I have no use for singles that I have no plans to use. The only card of yours that I was interested in was Dialga G LV.X, and unless you're willing to trade it for Regice LA and a reverse holo Premier Ball (the Rare Candy is currently on hold and as I said above, the Dialga G doesn't exist), there's nothing I can do.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - [W] Ray C X [H] Rhyperior X, Leafeon X, Azelf X, Mesprit X

Haha, I'm jk man. Just giving you a hard time. If you didn't see anything, then that's perfectly ok. Thanks for your time.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - [W] Ray C X, Shaymin X [H] Rhyperior/Leafeon/Azelf/Mesprit X

PokeKid Brandon: I can offer it for your 4 Tyranitar SF and, if you have them, 2 Honchkrow G.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - [W] Ray C X, Shaymin X [H] Rhyperior/Leafeon/Azelf/Mesprit X

Landmin lv. x

Leafeon Lv. x
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - [W] Ray C X, Shaymin X [H] Rhyperior/Leafeon/Azelf/Mesprit X

I can't do that, sorry.
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - [W] Ray C X, Shaymin X [H] Rhyperior/Leafeon/Azelf/Mesprit X

Im getting Uxie Lv X in the mail this week.
And I have the Rayquaza C Lv X you want too.
I think i have other things you may want.

Do you have any of these: (and how many)

Blaziken FB
Blaziken FB Lv X
Azelf (LA)
Uxie (LA)
Chatot (MD)
Cyrus's Conspiracy
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - Now with a taste of SV. New: POP 8 holo Raichu, Hippowdon LV.X

I might have a Chatot MD, but I have nothing else.

New stuff! ;D
RE: Mystuf 4 yorstuf - now updated through RR \o/ - REALLY WANT GLACEON X >:O

Hyunbin said:
Do you think we could do this?:

SW Flygon x2
SW Flygon RH
GE Darkrai (3/106)
GE Darkrai (3/106) RH x2
GE Darkrai (4/106) x2
GE Darkrai (4/106) RH
MD Call Energy RH
RR Darkrai G
RR Flygon

Arceus Sleeves
Pt4 Frosslass x2 [Throw-In]
Pt4 Buneary [Throw-In]

Let me know. =3

Just want to ask again if you'd be interested in this.
I apologize if I'm being bothersome.
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