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Long overdue update! H: EXs, Full Arts & more! W: Beach, Black Kyurem EX PLS, FA Supporters, COL Ene

RE: H: FA EXs, Altaria, Primes W: Mew EX, Darkrai EX, Max Potion, Holo Energies, CYL

Yes, I'd love that! :)
RE: H: FA EXs, Altaria, Primes W: Mew EX, Darkrai EX, Max Potion, Holo Energies, CYL

i could add the pop lugia to my proposed trade A for you
RE: H: FA EXs, Altaria, Primes W: Mew EX, Darkrai EX, Max Potion, Holo Energies, CYL

may i get ur email address??? please pm me if u want :D
RE: H: FA EXs, Altaria, Primes W: Mew EX, Darkrai EX, Max Potion, Holo Energies, CYL

I liked:

1x Rayquaza EX
2x Virizion NVI
1x Altaria DRX

Could you CML for anything else you might like? or if you have any other of my wants

I have rare candies from the older sets too + lots of other rotated trainers from dp on format and previous
RE: H: FA EXs, Altaria, Primes W: Mew EX, Darkrai EX, Max Potion, Holo Energies, CYL

Hello :D I have good news, I have the Mew EX now and I should receive a Darkrai EX tomorrow or next week, too. I'm interested in your Groudon EX FA and Rayquaza EX. Trade? ^^
RE: H: FA EXs, Altaria, Primes W: Mew EX, Darkrai EX, Max Potion, Holo Energies, CYL

could you CML for Rayquaza EX?
RE: H: FA EXs, Altaria, Primes W: Mew EX, Darkrai EX, Max Potion, Holo Energies, CYL

Alright guys, in the following week I'm due to go to University, so whilst that moving process is going along, I'm afraid I'm going to have to put a temporary halt on all trading activity. I will get back to you all as soon as I've settled in at University. Thanks for your understanding and hope you're all having a good day :)
RE: H: FA Groudon and Tornadus EX, EXs, Primes W: Mew EX , Darkrai EX, Holo Energies, CYL

Alright, so whilst I've been away I've actually gotten a few of my wants some other ways (Including pulling a FA Mew EX out of a Darkrai Tin 8D), so my wants and haves list have changed up a bit. Please post again if you're still interested in working out a deal with me. Trading is now resumed though!
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Mew EX , Darkrai EX, Holo Energies, CYL

My mesprit lv.x jpn your 2x virizion and 2x tornadus lmk
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Mew EX , Darkrai EX, Holo Energies, CYL

Hmmm, I've had a think about it, and I think I'd be willing to do that! PM to confirm?
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Mew EX , Darkrai EX, Holo Energies, CYL

I have:
1x HGSS20 - Entei - $4
1x Ultra Ball - $1.25

I'm interested in your:
1 Groudon EX FA - $15
1x Mew prime - $4

(All prices are estimated out of completed eBay listings)

Also, see if you can find anything on my thread for Groudon :) (link in desc.)
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Mew EX , Darkrai EX, Holo Energies, CYL

Hi there, CML for:

1 Registeel EX FA
2 Rayquaza EX (1 Set, 1 Promo)
1 Pikachu BW

I have some
EX Emerald Holo Energies

Thank you!
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Rayquaza EX FA, Holo Energies, CYL

Mina: I'm really sorry, I just traded the Mew and the Groudon today at a tournament!

scizorrr: I'm afraid I didn't see anything, not for any of those at least. Sorry :(
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Rayquaza EX FA, Holo Energies, CYL

Hey sent you a PM
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Rayquaza EX FA, Holo Energies, CYL

Hey, could you cml for Reuniclus DRX? Thanks :)
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Rayquaza EX FA, Holo Energies, CYL

Can you please CML for:

1 Groudon EX
1 Donphan
1 Crobat
1 Lanturn
1 Terrakion
1 Registeel EX FA
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Rayquaza EX FA, Holo Energies, CYL

salmoncannon: Hey, I know that the Reuniclus is not worth all of these, but I'll just list all the stuff I might be interested in from your list, I also have an unlisted Aerodactyl ex and Delcatty ex if you're after those:

-Raikou EX FA
-Giratina EX
-Entei EX
-Kyurem EX Non Promo
-Psychic Energy COL

Which of those are you more/less willing to trade?

zega90: Would you do the Donphan, the Crobat, 2 Cheren and the Lanturn for your Regice ex?
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Rayquaza EX FA, Holo Energies, CYL

Hey man, I need the registeel EX FA, Rayquaza EX set, and I have:
Mew EX
Ho - Oh EX
Latios HGSS promo
Latias HGSS promo
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Rayquaza EX FA, Holo Energies, CYL

Oh, sorry man, I meant to take the Rayquazas off the list as I'm experimenting with Eels right now. Do you have any Raikou EXs?
RE: H: FA Registeel EX, Rayquaza EX and more! W: Rayquaza EX FA, Holo Energies, CYL

Nope, as I am making an Eels deck of my own! :3