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Looking for a Ampheros Great and Pikachu pokedoll, Not doll, "Pokedoll" offer for stuff that I have.

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RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

TofU said:
shaymin of the heart said:
TofU said:
Hey Shannon, could you please check my list for the Secret Rare Charmeleon.

I like charmander:D
Brandon, how much do you value azelf lv.X?

z0n3 g3tt3r said:
How about this:

Shaymin Lv.X
Palkia G Lv.X

Charmander SR (IFDS)
Charmeleon SR (SF)
Charizard SR (SF)
Heatran Lv.X (SF)

LMK! (I may add some Holo's)

Hhhmm, I kind of like that deal...Do you think you can get some BTET cards?

Lol, I am keeping the Charmander. I value the Azelf pretty high. =/

See anything for the Charmeleon?

Well I was mostly just interested in azelf lv.X. I will check again, but it is kind of hard to get from me because I have the whole set.

z0n3 g3tt3r said:
I also would take an Electivire Lv.X or two, but I don't value them high.

I didn't say I was going along with the trade =/ Its more like you are ignoring what I am telling you.

Hunga said:
ah! no, as I said in my thread, my have only goes up to hidden legend...Still in my offer your making the better deal...

Please stop spamming.
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

Oh, Sorry I've forgot to say that I can't get a Giratina Lv.X ^^''
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

shaymin of the heart said:
TofU said:
shaymin of the heart said:
TofU said:
Hey Shannon, could you please check my list for the Secret Rare Charmeleon.

I like charmander:D
Brandon, how much do you value azelf lv.X?

z0n3 g3tt3r said:
How about this:

Shaymin Lv.X
Palkia G Lv.X

Charmander SR (IFDS)
Charmeleon SR (SF)
Charizard SR (SF)
Heatran Lv.X (SF)

LMK! (I may add some Holo's)

Hhhmm, I kind of like that deal...Do you think you can get some BTET cards?

Lol, I am keeping the Charmander. I value the Azelf pretty high. =/

See anything for the Charmeleon?

Well I was mostly just interested in azelf lv.X. I will check again, but it is kind of hard to get from me because I have the whole set.

z0n3 g3tt3r said:
I also would take an Electivire Lv.X or two, but I don't value them high.

I didn't say I was going along with the trade =/ Its more like you are ignoring what I am telling you.

Hunga said:
ah! no, as I said in my thread, my have only goes up to hidden legend...Still in my offer your making the better deal...

Please stop spamming.

Ok, cool. Lmk. I have the set two times over, and I need my complete playset. =/

Also, Shannon don't mini-mod. I understand the fact that it's your thread, but it gives you no right to mini-mod. I will leave you alone this time, but don't let it happen again! =D
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

Well that is really the only thing I am looking for that interest me. LMK if you ever get one.

Brandon: Can I get back to you tomorrow about the charmeleon because I think I can try to get another at league so I will see if I can get one.

P.S. My bad ^^;
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

It's cool. PM me when you have your mind set on what you wanna do. Thanks! =D
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

Ok I shall let you know.

Ok, anybody else?
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

I,ll trade Rev Holo entei SW for Infernape SF
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

No thank you. Sorry.
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

Okay, I give you some time thinking about the trade, but I'd ask you to inform me in about a week, since it take some time shipping.
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

I decided no, even though value of Honchcrow is not high I am pretty sure I can get much more from it if I wait. Sorry.
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

Okay, try it. But you also now that 15$ are really high measured for a honchkrow lv. X since it's a uu deck. But okay ^^ I'll hope you get something good for it!
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

Ok, anybody else. Come on down. I need cards too. :)
At least offer.:p
RE: [H]Charizard,2 Gliscor lv.X, 2 Zone lv.X, 2 Glacy lv.X, SR charmeleon[W] Really want a Giratina lv.X for my collecti

*Bump 1*
New lv.X's (Garchomp & Magmortar)

New wants.
RE: [H]Many lv.X's [W] A lot of things

Dialga lv.X
Palkia lv.X
Darkrai lv.X

Dusknoir Lv. X or Machamp Lv. X

I don't care if I'm ripping myself, I just want any of these Lv. X's (if they are english and mint, my cards are).
LMK. :>
RE: [H]Many lv.X's [W] A lot of things

Dusknior I am not sure if it is coming in, should be in today.
And Machamp I may take off the list because it is the best deck I have played:p

But I am capable of getting an extra for you.
RE: [H]Many lv.X's [W] A lot of things

That would be great.
Also, I think my offer is toooo generous. xD
I would give you 4 Lv. X's for 2 of yours (Dusknoir and Machamp), but most probably not 3 for 1.
Anyway, I could add some rotated EX's if we would do 4 - 2.
And yes, I would like you to get the Machamp if you can. I would like you to get the Raichu Lv. X instead, but I don't think you can... or can you? LMK about it.
Also, what strategy are you playing with your Machamp Lv. X?
If it's not a problem LMK trough a PM with your decklist and strategy. Thanks!
RE: [H]Many lv.X's [W] A lot of things

I can get anything, whats wrong with you:p Except a Giratina lv.x >.<
I have a better chance at getting you machamp or Raichu so I will let you know if I can get them ok.:)
RE: [H]Many lv.X's [W] A lot of things

Alright, nice. :)
I will then make an irresistable offer. :p
Also, about the deck... when you have some time PM me the deck list and the strategy or just post it on the Beach. ^^
P.S. Do you know where could I find a good AMU deck list? LMK. :)
RE: [H]Many lv.X's [W] A lot of things

Lets not spam so we don't get in trouble.;)
Yata:If I get all 3 and you can find a Giratina lv.X, can we work out a deal or something.

Raiguy: I am getting another so Glaceons are easy to get from me at the moment I was interested in:
x2 Espeon* POP5
x1 Umbreon* POP5
x1 Metagross* DS
x1 Palkia lv.X
x1 Porygon-Z lv.X
And most of your EXs
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