Wi-Fi Trades Lovebunny's IV Breeding Service *I'm back!*

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RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

What moves does your adamant totodile have?
Also, would you be willing to trade your 3rd larvitar with the ivs and dragon dance?

Im at class now so i dont know what i have off hand. Ill edit when i get home
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

I'll trade my Dialga lvl 1 from SS for your mew?
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

etidiot said:
What moves does your adamant totodile have?
Also, would you be willing to trade your 3rd larvitar with the ivs and dragon dance?

Im at class now so i don't know what i have off hand. Ill edit when i get home

I don't really have any adamant totodile with me right now but I could breed some, the father's moves are rage, crunch, ice beam, and iron tail.
and I am willing to trade my larvitar :)

ChampionOfJohto said:
I'll trade my Dialga lvl 1 from SS for your mew?

sure thing :)
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

lovebunny713 said:
I don't really have any adamant totodile with me right now but I could breed some, the father's moves are rage, crunch, ice beam, and iron tail.
and I am willing to trade my larvitar :)

ChampionOfJohto said:
I'll trade my Dialga lvl 1 from SS for your mew?

sure thing :)

Nice, just msg me whenever you're available to trade :)
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

Alright man heres what i can offer

All pokemon are lvl 1 and UT

I just bred some Elekids:
-quick attack

I have three of them
-female, timid

-ice beam

I have 6

Im also working on breeding a chimchar and riolu (blaze kick, sky uppercut, and drain punch)
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

etidiot said:
Alright man heres what i can offer

All pokemon are lvl 1 and UT

I just bred some Elekids:
-quick attack

I have three of them
-female, timid

-ice beam

I have 6

Im also working on breeding a chimchar and riolu (blaze kick, sky uppercut, and drain punch)
I'm interested in a riolu with those moves :)
so you wanted a DD larvitar or a totodile for it?
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

my moltres with soul dew

your lv. 10 mew?
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

I'm sorry, someone else has already claimed that :/
sure ^.^
they're kind of taking up space. so you could just trade me starly or something :)
oh, and I can't trade at the moment, but probably in the next few days :)
lovebunny713 said:
sure ^.^
they're kind of taking up space. so you could just trade me starly or something :)
oh, and I can't trade at the moment, but probably in the next few days :)

Oh, alrighty then! Looking forward to it!

Friend Code, (for later use): 1634 8969 7447
Game Name: Nanatsu (it means "seven" in japenese, what the hey.)
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