Wi-Fi Trades Lovebunny's IV Breeding Service *I'm back!*

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RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

*havn't bumped in a long time*
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

looking for a few dittos. i should have most of the berries on my HGSS that you want.
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

Looking for Mew and Feebas. CML thx.
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

richkid50000- sorry, I just edited my wanted berries list by mtaking off what I have. do you have any of the berries on there now?

Smacktack92- I don't really see anything that I need on your thread, sorry :/
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

i dont have any of those. could you CML for maybe for 1-2 of the ditto?
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

a wishvee and a pickup tediursa would be great :3
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

No problems, maybe another time =/
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

CML for Larvatar Adamant, with Dragon dance, please.
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

I'm interested in your shiny beldum, what level is it?
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

Lv 1. I can trade it if you want.


Lv 1 Shiny Beldum
Larvatar adamant, with the move dragon dance

Is this ok?
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

sure :3
I'll PM you with trade times.
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

I can get these:
- Starf Berry
- Enigma Berry
- Lansat Berry
- Apicot Berry
- Petaya Berry
- Salac Berry
- Durin Berry
- Soul Dew!

I like that Dragon Dance Larvitar of yours. I'm not interested in Dragon Dance though, I'm more interested in the good IVs. If you still have a good IV Larvitar I can trade for that.
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

I didn't really breed any larvitar without dragon dance :/
you could get rid of the move though, or I could.
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

It's okay if it has DD, but what I meant was if you're trading that one with the good IVs to someone else I wouldn't want just a DD Larvitar, rather a Larvitar with good IVs.
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

no I have about three of them they're cloned :)
would you still like one?
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

I would love one, so how about Soul Dew + a berry for one?
RE: Lovebunny's Breeding Service *UPDATE: Adamant DRAGON DANCE Larvitar, pretty good IVs*

sounds good to me X3
I'll PM you with trade times later today, pretty sure I can't trade today though XP
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