Dr4g0n said:May I make a response to what PokeChamp said? If not, I'll merely say: "Thanks!"
Dr4g0n said:Well, what you rated about the Body. I don't know if I worded it right or not, but it's meant to be 60 or under damage. If 70 or more is hit on it in one turn, it does nothing. Still, I thank you for judging my card. I was actually expecting 3/5's for my card!
Infmach: Do I have to make a second card? Or can I make a second card just for fun?
Dr4g0n said:Ok, will do. I was just figuring seeing as so many decks also do 70+ damage (MightyTank, Dialga G, Rampardos, Torterrible...) it would be great. Thanks anyways!
I think I'll do my second card once infmach says I have to. I have the plan for it and everything, just I want to make sure an idea isn't stolen.
Dr4g0n said:True. But Lumineon also takes the damage, it doesn't only get reflected. Can't wait 'till Infmach gives me approval! (NOTE: I don't need more examples, thanks.)