Lv.X's contest.Congrats Dr4gon!

RE: Lv.X's contest.


First Card 4/5
Poke-Body is way over powered. The Other Poke-Power and HP is fine. The thing that you should always remember is the question: Would Nintendo make it? and Is it too powerful?
RE: Lv.X's contest.

PokeChamp: I guess, thanks for pointing it out.

Muddy: I never thought of the first question. I like making cards that have near no chance of becoming Lv. X's, like many Stage 1's. I now know that the Body is over-powered, I'll try to make not as powerful ones later. Maybe it'll involve a coin flip some other time.

Now I have 2 questions for Infmach:
1) Are you going to judge my card as well?
2) Do I have to make a another card? (I hope so!!!:D)

Thanks everyone!
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Here is my card!

Snorlax lvl X {C} 130HP

Poke Body - Deep Sleep
While Snorlax is asleep remove two damage counters from it in between turns.

Poke Power - Sleep Talk
Once during your turn (Before you attack) while Snorlax lvl X is asleep, you may use this power. If you wish to use one of Snorlax's attacks you flip a coin, if tails the attack does nothing. If Snorlax is not asleep, you may inflicte Snorlax with a sleep condition.

Standard lvl X text
Weakness - {F} 2x
Resistence -
Retreat Cost - {C}{C}{C}{C}

I'll post my other card whenever everyone else has submitted their first.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Can I enter, if so here is mine.

(Psychic) Celebi Lv. X 90 Hp


Natural Cure-
Once during your turn when you play Celebi Lv. X from your hand onto your active celebi remove all damage counters from all of your non SP pokemon.


Time Venture-
Once during your turn before you attack you may flip a coin and if heads search your discard pile for a card and put it into your hand. This power can not be used if Celebi Lv. X is affected with a special condition.

Weakness: 40 to fire
Resistance: none
Retreat: Free
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Here's my second card: (I'm impatient, alright?)

Swalot Lv. X 120 HP {P}
Level Up

Poke Power: Swallow
Whenever your opponent's Active Pokemon attacks and Swalot is active, you may use this Power. Flip 2 coins: if both are heads, the attack does no damage. If one is heads, the attack's base damage becomes 60. This Power cannot be used if Swalot is affected by a Special Condition.

Poke Body: Thick Goop
All damage done to Swalot is reduced by 10.

Standard Lv. X Text
Weakness: x2 {P}
Resistance: {.}
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}

How is it?
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Great card,Bob Franklin.5/5
The pokebody is awesome, the balance is great.The poke power is also balanced.No more comments.
Chloe, yours is allright,3/5
Dr4gon, yours is pretty great,4/5.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Infmach, is Chloe allowed in? She didn't fill out the form, the Lv. X has no (W), (R) or (RC), it seems here Pokemon has 2 Poke Powers and she isn't entered on the front page (I checked just in case). Just checking since it seems kinda off to me that she posted it. (This isn't meant as an attack on you, Chloe. I'm just kinda confused.)
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Oh, didn't know. I'll remember it in the future. Mind you, I never referred to him as a girl. I only said the beginning of his username.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

@ Bob Franklin:

Would have been perfect if you had made the Poke-Power require no coin flips. Snorlax's max damage potential (DP Snorlax) is 70, and that's for FOUR Energy. I don't think that requires a coin flip. Also, I will not use this against you today, but in the future, please check your spelling and grammar before you post your card.

@ ChloeLuver3:

Your format is off a bit. Your grammar isn't that great. The Poke-Body is too much like a Poke-Power, and the Poke-Power and Body are totally broken! Not to mention the card has absolutely no synergy with the current Celebi.

@ Dr4g0n:

The Poke-Body is terrible. You are looking at a stage one LV.X card here, don't be afraid to make it good. Should be 20 damage, not 10. The Poke-Power is just a little bit broken. The ability to manipulate damage like that is a bit too good, even with coin flips.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

What did I mess up on with the Spelling and Grammar?

I guess I'll post my other card now.

Probopass lvl X {F} 120HP

Poke Power - Wall of Steel
Once during your turn (before you attack) you may use this power. Flip a coin if heads, all damage done to all of your pokemon is reduced by 20, if tails this power does nothing.

Poke Body - Stealth Rock
Whenever your opponent plays a basic Pokemon from his/her hand onto the bench, put 2 damage counters on it.

Standard lvl X Text
Weakness - {G} x2
Resistence - {L} -20
Retreat Cost - {C}{C}{C}
RE: Lv.X's contest.

@ Bob Franklin:

You need to place a few more commas in your cards, that's all. That, and you spelled, "inflict", "inflicte". I didn't deduct from your score, I was just warning you.

I'll rate your card:

You give no limit to when the 20 damage reduction expires. When someone reads this, they might think that every turn the damage would stack. For example, after two turns of heads, 40 damage would be reduced. It's not that great of a Poke-Power, would do better as a Poke-Body (something like Dr4g0n's entry). Also, the term is not, "lay down", it would be, "when your opponent plays a basic Pokemon from his/her hand onto the bench".
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Bob Franklin:Yours is good, but I don't really like the part of flipping, so only that.
and Chloeluvr3 is in.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Bob Franklin
Card 1:

Excellent card. Everything that I'd look for. Sleep Talk is a little confusing.

Card 2:
Bad Grammar and not very clear. The term lay down doesn't exist, by the way.

The only problem that I have with it is what if the attack only does 10 damage. Does it then do 60 damage!? See what I mean.

Not correct grammar and it is way over powered.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Here's my first one.

Blissey Lv. X 140HP {C}

Poke-Power Nurse's Aide
Once During your turn, before you attack, you may use this power. Flip a coin for each of your pokemon in play, if heads, remove 3 damage counters from that pokemon. You can't use more than one Nurse's Aide Poke-power per turn. This power can't be used if Blissey is affected by a special condition.

Poke-Body Aromatherapy
Your Pokemon can't be affected by any special conditions. Remove all special conditions from your pokemon in play.

Weakness: {F} x2
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Is it alright with you, infmach, if I change lay down to when your opponent plays a basic pokemon his/her hand onto his/her bench? If not I completely understand.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

yes, still it does the same effect.

Lyte said:
Here's my first one.

Blissey Lv. X 140HP {C}

Poke-Power Nurse's Aide
Once During your turn, before you attack, you may use this power. Flip a coin for each of your pokemon in play, if heads, remove 3 damage counters from that pokemon. You can't use more than one Nurse's Aide Poke-power per turn. This power can't be used if Blissey is affected by a special condition.

Poke-Body Aromatherapy
Your Pokemon can't be affected by any special conditions. Remove all special conditions from your pokemon in play.

Weakness: {F} x2
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
not a very good spelling/grammar, I could not understand the poke power so much.