Lv.X's contest.Congrats Dr4gon!

RE: Lv.X's contest.

Oops. That was a typo. I meant to take that little bit out but forgot to.

Is it al right with you guys if I change it?
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Bob Franklin: I think it will be too cold not letting you, do it...if you correct it I will give you 4/5, it is pretty good...
PokeChamp:eek:h sorry, now I have updated the results, Dr4gon did a great work.
Muddy, rate the card so that we get to the finals...
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Umm. The scores on the first page are a little off. If you add them up from the first post I should have 36.5 and Dr4gon should have 35. Just a little math mixup most likely.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

sorry, I am making math homework at the same time I am!
RE: Lv.X's contest.

I'll go with 4/5 as well because it makes much more sense and the error is gone.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Yeah, I approve your edits, so...

It is going to be the final, I can just say that Dr4gon and Lyte are finalists, sorry Bob Franklin.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

The final round is going to be a card, I will give Dr4gon and Lyte a card, and they have to make a Lv.X for that card. They have to play both perfectly, no matter with attacks, poke powers or poke bodies. The card will also need to have a perfect balance, according to HP, Weaknes, Resistance and Retreat cost.
RE: Lv.X's contest.

So, when will we be informed of the card we have to make a Lvl X for?
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Lyte's card:

Mamoswine 130 hp {F}

Poke-power: Charge
Once during your turn, do 10 damage to one of your pokemon (Excluding weakness and resistance). During this turn, all damage done by Mamoswine is increased by 20. (You can't use more than 1 Charge Poke-power each turn).

{F}{W}{C} Muddy Sport 70
Switch your opponent's defending pokemon with the benched pokemon.

W:{G} +30
R:{L} -20

Dr4gon's card:

Alakazam 110 hp {P}

Poke-body: Psychic power
When this pokemon is active, your opponent's pokemon can't retreat.

{P}{C} Psychic energy 50
Attach an energy from your hand to one of your pokemon.

W:{P} +30
RE: Lv.X's contest.

Original Card
Mamoswine 130 hp {F}

Poke-power: Charge
Once during your turn (before you attack) you may do 10 damage to one of your pokemon (don't apply weakness or resistance for this damage). If you do, during your turn each of Mamoswine's attacks do an extra 20 damage to the defending pokemon (before applying weakness and resistance). This power can't be used if Mamoswine is affected by a special condition.

{F}{W}{C} Muddy Sport 70
Switch the defending pokemon with one of your opponent's benched pokemon.

W: {G} +30
R: {L} -20

Mamoswine Lvl X 150 HP {F}

Poke-BODY Territorial Tusks
Whenever your opponent changes his or her active pokemon, place 2 damage counters on the new active pokemon. You may not use more than 1 Territorial Tusks Poke-Body each turn.

{F}{W}{C} Protective Rage 30+
Choose one of your benched pokemon (excluding any Mamoswine) and flip a coin for each damage counter on that pokemon. This attack does 30 damage plus 20 times the number of heads. Remove two damage counters from that pokemon.

W: {G} x2
R: {L} -20