oh my god. i just realized – bb was the one to suggest the cel wagon
in the first place!
Aside, I do have a question for you. What do you think about eliminating Celever today? He's a good player but difficult to read, so we either get a confo-town who can still post because eliminated people just become tree stumps; or we get a scum who is lurking and basically impossible to read.
we went from this, to this:
@Everyone on the Celever wagon. Do you all seriously believe that scum!Celever, one of the most experienced and self-aware people playing this game, would act so obviously scummy and intentionally base his vote on inaccurate interpretations of the game state, and pretend to have "thoughts to share" when he actually does not?
I don't see the scum tactic here and don't understand all those votes piling on what is essentially a lynch-a-lurker wagon.
@Jadethepokemontrainer there's less then 24 hours left in the day, so now is not the time to be just poking.
@Amici don't know why you're expecting a new player (Fiery / Lily) to be making posts of actual game substance. But anyway, what's your reasons for Mega in the town core? His posts seem remarkably unsubstantial for his level experience (I assume you've picked up on who hasn't / has played this game before)
Are you voting Celever because you think he's scum, or because you think he's being anti-town?
This progression on Cel is horrible. First bb suggests the wagon, it gains momentum for people's various reasons (if you want mine i've already placed them), and then changes his tune completely, discrediting
everyone voting Celever.
This just doesn't make sense from a town perspective – you do not set up a wagon only to discredit the ones who go on that wagon. Absolutely not.
After I realized this, I went through bb's progression on cel.
Aside, I do have a question for you. What do you think about eliminating Celever today? He's a good player but difficult to read, so we either get a confo-town who can still post because eliminated people just become tree stumps; or we get a scum who is lurking and basically impossible to read.
the first mention of suggesting the cel wagon. at this point Cel still hadn't replied to most people's questions on him, so this suggestion was literally the "lynch-a-lurker" strategy that bb criticizes in his later post. We'll get to that later though.
Cel rightly calls this out as strange (which is not indicative of anything, this is something to call out regardless of alignment) here:
So I did a multi-quote but it was long and scared me so I deleted it to have another short post :U
Sorry for not being here was out all of yesterday and then slept all of today because #winning
Ephe is definitely the scummiest. OMGUS is uncharacteristic of them and they've done it like, all game, to the point of being paranoid in RVS and targeting people who RVS voted them. They haven't had the same solving as they usually do and things seem less town-minded. I haven't seen them play scum before but maybe this is it.
bb is currently the likeliest partner with Ephe imo. The "let's vote out people who'll still be useful after death as town" is a bad idea in this setup given the numbers and I think bb would've figured that out, being the numbers man he is.
So ##VOTE: Ephemera spiritually because my RVS vote on them's still there :U
pre-emptive note: my vote was indeed on cel at this point. I've stated my reasons for sussing and voting cel before and after his re-entry, and they were more than "lynch-a-lurker." Good on you for reading this note and further accusations of voting cel just for lynching a lurker will not be appreciated, thank you very much.
Okay, so we have bb's setup of a cel wagon, which, regardless of his intentions with the suggestion, catches traction.
Next major mention of cel, after Cel reenters the thread and posts (in my opinion, as well as bb's) an unsatisfactory answer.
If your long multi-quote consisted of those 2 posts from Ephe and the 1 post from me, then you lack of understanding of what's actually happened this day makes sense. It's just shown that you haven't actually read the thread. So many gross inaccuracies and over-exaggerations coming from your right now.
There has been plenty of things to talk about regarding the people who have actually been posting, and now
people are turning their attention to those who have not been posting (and rightfully so).
@Celever Can you go back and read the thread and provide your thoughts on these things:
- Ephemera and their "coincidental" voting patterns
- Whether or not Amici has been scumhunting or otherwise helpful
- Whether or not Vom has been playing with the town or against the town
- Whether or not Fiery is being coached by scum
- A metaread on Jade, scattered, Mega and myself
If you don't understand what I mean by these, then you definitely need to go back and read the thread.
@Fiery_Lugia I would like you to vote in the next 12 hours
@scattered mind you two need to vote one of the main wagons in your next post, or reaffirm or start a new wagon if you're unhappy with the main two
This post continues to pressure Cel and place suspicion on him. The bolded even continues to state the lurker aspect of the pressure/suspicion.
Then we proceed to the next Cel mention, barely an afterthought.
Oh right! I thought Eph and Fiery could be scumbuddies if Eph is scum. Fiery seems to mainly respond to Eph and their read list is extremely similar to Eph's, but on the reread I don't think this is indicative.
However it's much weaker than I thought. Notice how Fiery finds Amici scummy, which deviates from Eph's readlist. This actually doesn't surprise me on town!Fiery. New town tend to find mysterious and aggressive people scummy, and helpful and polite and nice people townie. Amici acts a bit mysterious/secluded, so Fiery's read makes sense. By the same token, I'm fairly aggressive, while Eph, scattered and Jade all fit that "nice guy" bill. It makes sense that Fiery's list is similar to Eph's, because Eph is in Fiery's town reads and so Fiery is probably using Eph's posts as a starting point.
tl;dr All of Fiery_Lugia's reads matches what you would expect from a new town player; I think Fiery is towniest out of everyone here.
The chance of scum being in any random group of 3 people is 59.5%, so I mean you're not wrong...
Why is your vote on Celever btw? I think I missed it
There are a few things wrong here. A) the suspicion and pressure have vanished, and bb states that he doesn't remember or understand the reasons for amici voting Cel.
Here, bb starts to distance from the wagon that he sparked, setting up for the kicker:
@Everyone on the Celever wagon. Do you all seriously believe that scum!Celever, one of the most experienced and self-aware people playing this game, would act so obviously scummy and intentionally base his vote on inaccurate interpretations of the game state, and pretend to have "thoughts to share" when he actually does not?
I don't see the scum tactic here and don't understand all those votes piling on what is essentially a lynch-a-lurker wagon.
@Jadethepokemontrainer there's less then 24 hours left in the day, so now is not the time to be just poking.
@Amici don't know why you're expecting a new player (Fiery / Lily) to be making posts of actual game substance. But anyway, what's your reasons for Mega in the town core? His posts seem remarkably unsubstantial for his level experience (I assume you've picked up on who hasn't / has played this game before)
Are you voting Celever because you think he's scum, or because you think he's being anti-town?
Conveniently removing himself from the Cel pressure + discrediting everyone on said wagon. A far cry from his initial interactions with Cel, and with little progression between.
Cel is still independently scummy, and I still want more answers and thoughts out of him, but bb's progression on cel is so much worse.
##UNCOMEBACK: Celever (but still come back lol we're not done with you)
Hope this case is to your liking