Max Payne

RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

I have a feeling Hannah Montana would be miles better than DragonBall.
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

Who would even see that movie, I am proposed not to.
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

Hannah Montana is a robot. An evil robot bent on tainting our female youth with good feelings and confidence.
Disney needs to be destroyed. The only way to do that is to find Walt Disney's tomb (most likely it's in Disney World, under the castle) and pierce his heart with a carrot.
Little Miss Sunshine.

I'm watching it on TV right now, and I took a shower, what happened to the Grandfather?
I know he died, but how?
RE: Little Miss Sunshine.

I do not think I can say it on the forums.
He died of overdose of Heroin.
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

I'm just saying the odds of Hannah Montana being better that DBZ is very high from what I hear from you guys.
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

Oh, come on. Hannah Montana gets naked all the time. Google her, I saw this at TMZ, I am not a pervert.
Dragonball is way better.
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

I will!
*whispers to crying children*
BWAHAHAHA, I am evil! I am going to see Dragonball today, I will say you by my point of view, if it is good.
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

^ so have you seen it yet? Is it any good?
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

Hannah montanna sucks, her movie will melt millions of eyes and ruin many dreams. I would rather watch kingkong vs godzilla, yes that is the one where a man is dressed in a monkey suit :S
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

Riskbreakers said:
I have a feeling Hannah Montana would be miles better than DragonBall.

It made more money than Fast and the Furious, I heard. Once that happens, you know there's no hope for Dragonball. x_x

dmaster out.
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

Dragonball opened in 8th place with sales of 4.7 million. It didn't do very well.
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

Hannah Montana > Fast & Furious?
No way, you're lying.
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

That is sad that the world has been corrupted by hannah montanna :(

Come on whats better:

Fast cars, adventure, girls

or a girl who cant sing and has a hissy fit every 2 seconds
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

I have seen it, it is good. But still lets a lot to desire.
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

kashmaster said:
That is sad that the world has been corrupted by hannah montanna :(

Come on whats better:

Fast cars, adventure, girls

or a girl who cant sing and has a hissy fit every 2 seconds

Don't forget the shoe fight!
(Saw it on the previews)
RE: I just watched Dragonball Evolution...

I watched it a while back, a week ago maybe, and yes it was the worst movie ever, sucked more then Britney Spears. (Sorry, but not a fan of her)
