Max Payne

RE: X-men Origins: Wolverine

The movie was alright, but I think there was a little too much happening in it. Deadpool was kind of boring at the end, I was waiting for comic relief at the end but it never happened.
RE: X-men Origins: Wolverine

Just came back from seeing it. It was actually really good. But like someone said, some of the effects looks choppy. And yeah, now that you mention it, there was a lot crammed into it.

Did anyone stay after the credits? If not, you missed a little scene that spells "Prequel". If you didn't see it, and want to know what happens, I'll tell you. If not, SPOILER ALLERT!

Deadpool's sword thing goes back into his hand, and his arm reaches out. His fingers touch his head, and the head's eyes open. You see Deadpool's face "the stitches/skin that went over his mouth is torn off) and he laughs/ makes some weird noise.


Overall, it wasn't as bad as reviewers said. I recommend this movie.

RE: Would you want the pokemon films to be back on the big screen?

Definately! I Remember seeing Pokemon 2000 in the Cinema! and it was Awesome! I think Pokemon 2000 Was probably the Most hyped Film of them all. Correct me if im wrong. I remember all the Adds and toys etc they were releasing for it. ahhh the good ol days. lol:D
RE: Would you want the pokemon films to be back on the big screen?

I personally would prefer it if they didn't release them in theatres. As several people have said, they'd be packed with 4-10 year old nooblets who would constantly be talking throughout the whole movie, and I don't know about you guys, but I don't enjoy watching movies with a background commentary of "My Dialga is teh bestest I'm teh greatest trainer ever!" Besides, can you imagine how awkward it would be if you ran into someone you knew (who wasn't a fan and was stuck in the mindset of "Pokémon = kiddy") at the theatre and they saw you heading into the Pokémon movie?
RE: Would you want the pokemon films to be back on the big screen?

Mr. Meep said:
I personally would prefer it if they didn't release them in theatres. As several people have said, they'd be packed with 4-10 year old nooblets who would constantly be talking throughout the whole movie, and I don't know about you guys, but I don't enjoy watching movies with a background commentary of "My Dialga is the bestest I'm the greatest trainer ever!" Besides, can you imagine how awkward it would be if you ran into someone you knew (who wasn't a fan and was stuck in the mindset of "Pokémon = kiddy") at the theatre and they saw you heading into the Pokémon movie?

I did not think about that, but you are right. I remember how some parents looked me, when I went to the last movie for the cards.
RE: X-men Origins: Wolverine

It grossed $87 million dollars. That is just slightly better than DBZ did.
RE: Would you want the pokemon films to be back on the big screen?

Man, I didn't think people here cared so much about what others thought of them. ;/

Honestly, if you like Pokémon, and you'd like to see the films in theatres, why on Earth would you let "oh, I'm older than ten and people will look at me funny" stop you? Are they going to start a mass-riot and hunt you down with everyone else? No. (Well, that may depend on what city you live in. xD) Are they going to say something about you behind your back? Maybe. But what does that mean to you, the person who's simply doing something you love, and enjoying something you find wonderful? It means you're doing something completely okay, and they're just being stupid.

Anyways, I know that the 12th Film won't be showing up in theatres in the U.S. (though maybe they'll surprise us all), but does anyone else think maybe they could pull off like... 2-day only showings for the films? (They've done this for films in the past, too, like the Death Note Live Action films.) Well, maybe it wouldn't work with fanbases that are mostly young children.
RE: Would you want the pokemon films to be back on the big screen?

They might do a 2 day showing. You're right, they did that for Bleach and stuff, too. Although, Bleach and Death Note have a HUGE fan base. I'm not sure if Pokemon would be that big of a hit. Besides, and I think someone said this earlier, what parent wants to sit through Pokemon?

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian & I forgot the other name.

Hey, this is a thread where we discuss the Night at the Museum 2 movie and the newest George Lopez movie. I want to see both of them.
RE: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian & I forgot the other name.

I don't like that they made a sequel. Does everything have to have a sequel?

Haven't heard of the George Lopez movie, but I don't really find him funny, to be honest. Could you post a link to a YouTube video trailer of the Lopez movie?
RE: X-men Origins: Wolverine

Awesome movie, my dad liked it, so it should win an Oscar, my dad is awesome, he is but JK
It is very good, the action is great, but DeadPool=Weirdo...
RE: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian & I forgot the other name.

I would like these movies since I liked the first NATM and the statue, I hear, is hilarious.

The Lopez movie I couldn't find a trailer of, but I am still looking for it.
RE: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian & I forgot the other name.

NATM's trailer looks horrible. Just like most movies who get kind of popular and HAVE to make a sequel to ruin the name.
RE: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian & I forgot the other name.

No it doesn't. Well, IMO. What about the Lopez movie? Has anyone even heard of it?
RE: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian & I forgot the other name.

The NATM sequel trailer looks fine to me, I actually want to see it. As for the George Lopez thing, I can't say I've heard of it.
RE: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian & I forgot the other name.

Night at the museum 1 was awful, so I doubt 2 will be much better :s
RE: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian & I forgot the other name.

NATM 1, was good, something that I noticed was that he was a n00b on the subject.
NATM 2, if I see it, I might be having problems. The guy is now an expert. How do I notice this, in one of the parts in the trailer he touched something in the museum, then the guard attacks him, and he makes him the mega-Kung-Fu panda move, he gots him by his back and says him:" I 've seen things you can't imagine" something like that. And this happens in almost all sequels...