Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

Three-prizers are back? Lol, perhaps even lmao.
The TCG division really have became the same as the bootleg designers that print "5000 HP" on their fake cards. More numbers, more excitement, more scalpers, less gameplay.
Am I the only one bothered by the ugly yellow title and the mega evolution text awkwardly floating there on the side? Fake leaked cards would look better than these.
I have so many questions.

How in the hell will basic Mega ex Pokemon like Mewtwo and Mawile, god forbid Rayquaza, be sized for their HP? Because I'm not sure if I'm mentally prepared for 280 HP Mega Mewtwo X and 260 HP Mega Mewtwo Y.

Also why not just place the evolutions on top of prior ex's? It'd be weird but it would be a healthy buff to previous cards when new ones arrive.
It's interesting that these are the headliners for the dual set reintroducing Mega Evolution. I guess it's because they have to wait for Z-A to release to use new Mega Evos. And I suppose that special Unova set will be the end of the Scarlet & Violet block and the "Mega" block will extend into 2026?

And PLEASE give us Mega Pinsir ex...
I have so many questions.

How in the hell will basic Mega ex Pokemon like Mewtwo and Mawile, god forbid Rayquaza, be sized for their HP? Because I'm not sure if I'm mentally prepared for 280 HP Mega Mewtwo X and 260 HP Mega Mewtwo Y.

Also why not just place the evolutions on top of prior ex's? It'd be weird but it would be a healthy buff to previous cards when new ones arrive.
Whatever Rayquazas HP is, it probably deserves it.
Strangely, the Japanese cards are not SV11, instead they are M1. So it seems like we're entering a different "era".
Looks like this will be an HGSS/Platinum/Call of Legends situation where the sets fit more in with SV, but are considered their own era
No doubt we'll get Mega Charizard X ex that's Dragon-type and has an attack that does 400 damage, is competitively viable, and the SIR will cost $1500 and cause a frenzy that'll cause all other past chase cards to balloon in price yet again
This reminded that since we are obviously going to get a Mega Charizard ex, and its probably going to be playable, that Charizard ex OBF will be there at same time and probably be an absurd deck
So much for this generation limiting the power creep. Can't wait for Mega Rayquaza with 400 HP with an attack that does 500 damage and takes three prizes
that'll be Charizard

But whatever the case, the SIR will be over $1000
Is it just me or is the top right box that says "The Mega-evolved form of Lucario" genuinely the least aesthetic thing they ever printed on a Pokémon card? Hope they still revise the design, this looks like a bad fake and I wouldn't believe for a second they're real if they hadn't been shown on Presents.
I am, like most of you, horrified by the return of triple-prizers, due to pure PTSD from ADP and Mew VMax. Especially afraid of what could be a Mega Rayquaza ex or a Mega Mewtwo ex (AKA the return of Tag Team). But... I'm a little hopeful because I feel, looking at the diversity of the current meta, that TPCi has learned a little how to balance the game and avoid monotonous and overwhelming strategies. I have a hunch, especially seeing that the two Megas there have attacks to build the bench that they will try to take the game to an 8-prize match (3-1-1-3), with singleprizers that can do high damage and ways to make gust difficult in mega-evolutions.
No, just the Kirlias. In the trailer image, they’re confirmed to be I-block cards, and Gardevoir ex is G-block. So there’s at least a few months of overlap
If they didn't reprint Rare Candy with updated Regulation Mark, I'm afraid next year, they'll be rotated since we're still in Gen 9 era next year. Gen 10 haven't announced. Meaning, Stage 2s will be completely unplayable.
The Mega exes seem pretty balanced, good but not OP. Mega Gardevoir ex only has 50 more HP than the non-Mega despite giving out an extra prize card, so I'm not bothered by the HP creep, as it's really a pretty minimal amount of HP creep considering it's a 3-prize Stage 2. Even though I dislike that they don't evolve normally, it's not a HUGE deal. The art is pretty unimpressive, one by 5ban and one by an artist with a similar style to 5ban. I'm sure the art rares will be good, but probably also eye-wateringly expensive.

3-prize Basics do make me shudder a bit, I just hope they're also well-balanced unlike the Tag Teams.

Premium Power Pro is kinda gross IMO. Nice art though, looks like a real energy drink.