Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

Since Mega Charizard X and I assume Y are confirmed to return, then Venusaur and Blastoise should also get them. Mega Charizard Y is going to be the only good one out of the bunch since it can potentially use Ethan's Ho-Oh and Armarouge to accelerate if necessary or it can tag alongside TeraZard to get +120 damage out of the 3 prize hit with defiance band.

Mega Venusaur needs to be absurdly tanky with good damage to justify it having a 4 or 5 retreat cost it will inevitably have, and even then the 151 Venusaur ex might be better because of its support and attack effects.

Mega Blastoise has a solid chance to be better than 151 since its damage is very limited and solid shell does no favors for it with Miraidon still being good into this year. It needs two reliable attacks and it should be fantastic, but I'm not holding my breath.

Other Mega ex's that could be extremely good;
Mega Aggron could piggyback off of both Steven's Metagross ex and Archaludon ex for easy acceleration, no doubt it will be incredibly strong.
Mega Gallade could potentially be disgusting, depending on if it's Fighting to use the new item or Psychic for easy Gardy techs.
Mega Tyranitar has every capability to be better than its unfortunately stunted Tera ex. (No shame in it, just a good card that's underpowered.)
Mega Garchomp would be really funny since it would be tied with Charizard for the most ex options in standard, but it would still be good.
Lots of folks complaining saying these are Vmaxes again, but what made the Vmax in-game dynamic bad was the fact that whoever was going first, would evolve on the second turn and kill their opponent's basic V, often meaning they lost the game on that tempo swing alone. This is not that, like, at all. The fact that they have corresponding stages of evolution to their regular counterparts is also huge. So you really have to weigh wheter having a bit more HP than their regular counterparts is worth the extra prize they'll give. Plus, we'll have a much more varied distribution of 2 prizers and 3 prizers than we had back then, with all the regular exes around. Lots of bad knee jerk reactions floating around...
For the longest time I wondered why I dislike the regular ex's much more than the gen 5/6 versions, and the silver borders (plus the ugly star holo) makes the cards look so much uglier. Really wish they allowed the borders to have color again
Why did they print steroids for Fighting type right after Hisuian Arcanine V rotated it's literally my favorite rogue deck
Lots of folks complaining saying these are Vmaxes again, but what made the Vmax in-game dynamic bad was the fact that whoever was going first, would evolve on the second turn and kill their opponent's basic V, often meaning they lost the game on that tempo swing alone. This is not that, like, at all. The fact that they have corresponding stages of evolution to their regular counterparts is also huge. So you really have to weigh wheter having a bit more HP than their regular counterparts is worth the extra prize they'll give. Plus, we'll have a much more varied distribution of 2 prizers and 3 prizers than we had back then, with all the regular exes around. Lots of bad knee jerk reactions floating around...
yeah, i agree with you buuut lets wait to see what they will do about Mega Mewtwo Y ex, Mega Mewtwo X ex, Mega Diancie, Mega Latios, Mega Latias, Mega Mawile...lots of chances to destroy the metagame with broken basic 3 prizers.
So the format is just going to turn into who can set up their big hitters the fastest and OHKO 2 other 3 prizers? Lucario might actually be good with the trainer, and the Gardevoir will surely see some play, but against stronger 3 prizers, will Dragapult even still be good in their time of overlap?
Gold text with black and gold ex symbol for the Pokemon name is very interesting, not something I would have ever expected from an official product unless that’s a placeholder.
Everyone: Gardevoir ex is gonna be useless after rotation because Kirlia goes away :(

Mega Gardevoir ex:
One of the best comments on this site ever lol.
So the format is just going to turn into who can set up their big hitters the fastest and OHKO 2 other 3 prizers? Lucario might actually be good with the trainer, and the Gardevoir will surely see some play, but against stronger 3 prizers, will Dragapult even still be good in their time of overlap?
Probably matchup dependent and how pushed they want to make the megas. Dragapult is still a 320HP Tera beast that 2HKO things and is still able to take multiple KOs with Phantom Dive and Dusknoir.
After all I think one of the most underwhelming things is that Mega Pokémon don’t have anything truly interesting—they’re just ordinary ex cards that give up 3 prizes. There’s no unique Mega Evolution rule, no special Mega attacks like VSTAR or GX. It’s strange as I expected Megas to take their place after VSTAR rotated out, but instead, we just got plain power-crept ex evolutions with "Mega" slapped on them.
So the format is just going to turn into who can set up their big hitters the fastest and OHKO 2 other 3 prizers? Lucario might actually be good with the trainer, and the Gardevoir will surely see some play, but against stronger 3 prizers, will Dragapult even still be good in their time of overlap?
Yes as they still evolve from the basics which Dragapult can still eat
After all I think one of the most underwhelming things is that Mega Pokémon don’t have anything truly interesting—they’re just ordinary ex cards that give up 3 prizes. There’s no unique Mega Evolution rule, no special Mega attacks like VSTAR or GX. It’s strange as I expected Megas to take their place after VSTAR rotated out, but instead, we just got plain power-crept ex evolutions with "Mega" slapped on them.
Megas in the videogames don’t have unique moves. Part of the reason why the letters on the art didn’t make that much sense in the first place (it actually would’ve made more sense with GX moves (Z moves). Also they had a negative rule before, this is till better imo. Ig the part that does “suck” is you’re not evolving the Pokémon that does the mega evolution but as some have mentioned before it does make them more playable