So, we've got an EX with good HP and a nice attack. That means that surely Kyurem will do something balanced if it's in an alternate set, so maybe 200HP and a bad attack, or a great attack and bad HP. Only time will tell, but there has to be something that can equal this in its own unique way.

Anyway, for the skeleton, I advise Refliptini. At least two. It'll aid Jirachi and Dual Ball, and is easily searchable.
Anyway, for the skeleton, I advise Refliptini. At least two. It'll aid Jirachi and Dual Ball, and is easily searchable.

You do know that Victini only allows reflips for attacks, right?
Oh, lol, I seem to have missed a trick there. I thought it was whenever you flip a coin in your turn. :p
wait wait slow down I'm a little slow to getting the news so.... either your talking Unlimited format, they're reprinting mewtwo ex, or they took the mewtwo ex idea and made it broken? either way this card IS broken, however mewtwo is my favorite pokemon so I'll be using it (probably with jirachi and maybe mew).....I wouldn't want to face such a card though :/..... if mewtwo comes out the format as we know it will be destroyed.....

mewtwo is soooooo broken....... ok now I'm just at lost of words at how broken this card is....
So broken Mew Prime can easily OHKO it, and Zoroark can 2HKO it, and you give up two prizes. it's nice, it'll be hyped a bunch, but it won't win Nationals or any other big tournament.
^ yes actually come to think of it I'm just getting hyped up again :p

Vileplume locks it's it's trainers, mew can KO it with jumpluff, gengar might be able to lost zone it to if you can force a seeker on it.... or you can play a catcher disruption to kill it before it's ready.... and scolipede can OHKO it with a plus power >.<
Let's not forget that the Golurk recently revealed alongside Refliptini (for a proper use this time) can also stand a chance of an OHKO, I believe.
The new EXs are like the old ones, but now they're in all caps. Same idea, though, but different cards.
[8/9/2011 3:51:08 PM] hipoke: mewtwo @ eviolite
[8/9/2011 3:51:10 PM] Gliscor: poor recovery
[8/9/2011 3:51:12 PM] hipoke: with jirachi
[8/9/2011 3:51:13 PM] hipoke: and shaymin
[8/9/2011 3:51:18 PM] Gliscor: oh jirachi
[8/9/2011 3:51:21 PM] Gliscor: second thought
[8/9/2011 3:51:24 PM] hipoke: i just built you a new deck

This idea isn't "your and your cousin" jussayin. Mewtwo + Jirachi + Shaymin could've been thought up by anyone. Unless you make a true rouge that no one knows about and actually does well like HoPe, it isn't your deck. Unless you built something like hope which was never even thought of it's not your deck. And Jirachi is flippy so it is not "more consistant" then ZPS. Gliscor says so too. The way I look at it, is that it can tank so much with eviolite and has a great matchup against anything that's not named ZPS. The reason being is that ZPS is generally faster and can 2hko for two prizes, no matter what. Mewtwo can't even ko zekrom with an eviolite except after a Bolt Strike and Pluspower. And I'd definitely play Engineer's.
Let's not forget that the Golurk recently revealed alongside Refliptini (for a proper use this time) can also stand a chance of an OHKO, I believe.
The new EXs are like the old ones, but now they're in all caps. Same idea, though, but different cards.

ah ha thanks for the info
No problem. They've also confirmed Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem in EX.
And yes, Team Rogue and half the Pokémon world have been discussing this strategy. Unless there's proof that you are the creator of a completely unique and rogue deck, it's not your idea. But I can understand your satisfaction in realising the combo.
Yeah but Golurk is a stage 1 that requires 3-4 energy for an extremely small chance at OHKOIng Mewtwo EX, even with refliptini. I don't think Golurk will see much play and it on't be considered a Mewtwo EX counter.
Still, it can be prepared and get lucky in not too many turns. Although it's still flippy, the chances are upped, and if probability lives up to its expectations, it'll take 3 turns to get up a Golurk, attach energy and do enough damage to KO. Add in Pluspowers to counter Eviolites, plus Black Belt for the lategame, and you've got yourself a formidable counter.
;_; more of them..... ugh if the format becomes 170hp for an average BASIC then that's the last we'll see of out little friends the primes.... :/
Using a jirachi engine with catcher in format would mean free prize cards for the likes of donphan and yanmega. and plus power and ruins of alph knock out shaymin. With additional hand disruption and mewtwo's constant need for energy, I will not be afraid of this card till I see it winning.
Tuxpenguin00 said:
Could use zoroark's foul play to copy its attack
Mewtwo is weak to {P} though so Zoroark will only do 120 and will have to discard an energy since the effect of the attack does not specify which type. Right now the only real immediate counter to this think that I can think of is mewpluff
LegosLock said:
Mods, if this is in the wrong spot, i'm sorry. Please move if needed.

Seriously. You heard it here first.

This card is.. broken.

We don't have the complete set, but this.. isn't fair at all.


Mewtwo EX - Psychic - HP170
Basic Pokemon

[C][C] X-Ball: 20x damage. Does 20 damage for each Energy attached to both Active Pokemon.
[P][P][C] Psycho Drive: 120 damage. Discard an Energy attached to this Pokemon.

Pokemon EX Rule: When Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

First of all, HP.

170 for a basic is.. more then Tyranitar. Almost the highest in the format. (Excluding the rest of that set, we don't know yet.)

You won't be getting donked, unless it's by another Mewtwo, pretty much.
170 HP is great, and can make sure you live a long time. (Unless, this deck is like LuxChomp, and it doesn't live long at all..)

Weakness to Psychic is probably going to suck. Especially in the Mirror match. Pretty much just OHKO, OHKO, OHKO, OHKO, OHKO game.

If this card was released in the US right now, what would i use it with?
Jirachi, Shaymin, and possibly Mismagius.

Turn 1, if you can get enough Psychic Energy in your discard, then flip 2 heads then your off to a great start. Then, with Shaymin UL, you can move the Energy to Mewtwo EX. That's possibly a completely set-up Mewtwo. (If you flip three heads/get three in the discard pile)
Later Game, you can swarm Mewtwos. Hitting 120 is huge in this format, and it's first attack isn't bad. Especially when you can abuse Jirachi + Mismagius. With that combo, you can move energy off of Jirachi to Mewtwo easily. Basically ensuring 120 damage a turn.
(Note: Mismagius is just a tech, not a big deal, but in my opinion seems like it can be useful)

Of course, you don't have to have Mismagius. Energy Retrieval will work fine as well.

So.. would is the goal?

Turn 1:
Get out Mewtwo EX, attach to him. Use Professor Juniper, Sage's Training, and Junk Arm to get Psychic Energy in the discard pile. Play multiple or just 1 Jirachi and use Stardust Song to flip a coin for each energy, and attach it if they are heads. Then, use Shaymin's Celebration Wind to move the Psychic Energy to Mewtwo EX.

Hmm.. Sounds like ZPS, but it's probably more consistent.

With Psycho Drive, you do 120 for PPC, and only have to discard an energy. So, just attach normally every turn and you have a 170 HP basic (190 with Eviolite, more with defenders) tanking, while doing a constant 120 damage.

The retreat isn't terrible, but you shouldn't need to retreat unless your going to use Seeker to heal it or something.

X-Ball, Mewtwo second attack is pretty broken too. You're going to at least be doing 40 damage with it, and a lot of Pokemon require a lot of energy now. (Maybe not a lot, but you know.. Zekrom requires 3 to be successful, which means it has bolt striked, leaving it at an OHKO with X-Ball.)

A Skeleton List?

Pokemon: 10
4 Mewtwo EX
3 Jirachi UL
3 Shaymin UL

Items: 28
4 Proffesor Juniper
4 Sage's Training
4 Junk Arm
4 Dual Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Eviolite
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Switch

Energy: 12-15
12-15 Psychic Energy

That leaves you with plenty of room.

Of course, all of this is just speculation, since we only know two cards from that set at the moment, but hopefully you understand where i'm going.

What was dominant last format? Big HP basics that did big damage, and got set-up quickly.

Right now, in my opinion big basics are pretty dominant as well.
Zekrom has 2 National Championship titles at the moment, which is better then any other deck in this format.
TyRam also did pretty good at Nats, making Top 8, and going 9-0 in swiss.

So, why can't Mewtwo be just as good, if not better?

I honestly see this is as a huge part of the metagame in the near future.

I know i'll be trying my hardest to get a playset when they come out, and i wouldn't expect these to be cheap.

This idea was made by me, and my cousin. Any credit goes to us.
Jus' Sayin'.

How is this deck going to be more consistent than Zekrom, or consistent at all? If we go off of what your engine is, then we need to get at least 2 energy into the discard with Jirachi. THEN, we need to FLIP 2 HEADS WITH THE POKEPOWER to guarantee the energy onto Jirachi. Then, we have to drop Shaymin.

Also, you need to get all of the energy into the discard pile as well as getting all of the Pokemon set up. So...good luck flipping Dual Ball. This idea of yours isn't that consistent. It's just you getting overly hyped.

For EXs to be successful, there needs to be something incredibly alluring about it, because all of the EXs have Expert Belts attached to them. That's not something to take into account lightly, that can decide entire games. Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem are different, because while they have the same energy cost(respective to their type), they each have a form of energy acceleration(not necessarily good, but it is definitely there). Mewtwo does not have a solid form of energy acceleration. Many people try to think of Jirachi/Shaymin as energy acceleration, but it isn't. It is to unreliable to base an entire deck off of nailing some solid flips with a Pokepower. Unless you're Justin Williams, it's not gonna work in your favor to consistently flip all day long.

Mewtwo EX is a good card. But it doesn't stand out as anything super special. You don't OHKO Donphan, Magnezone, Zekrom, or Reshiram without pluspowers(to name a few Pokemon), which is a big problem, because at least some of these will stay meta. Yes, it has a whopping 170 HP, which is a lot. Agreed. But still. It's a prize trade off. I 2KO you, and take 2 prizes when I do that. Without good energy acceleration, it doesn't work as well as you'd hope. That's just what it is.

When some solid energy acceleration for Psychic gets released, then by all means, make this a deck. But until then, I honestly cant see this working effectively. This is just my opinion. I could, and have been, wrong before.
mewtwo is pretty much a better reshiram when it comes to it's 120 attack that being said there's no effective partner for it right now (unlike reshiram who gets Emboar) besides jirachi but even jirachi needs to get them from the discard pile how is he going to do that T1 or T2? Therefore unless some other cards shows up mewtwo will be a T3 pokemon for it's main attack..... that being said if mewtwo is going to work with the cards we currently have he will need a baby to protect him until he sets up then Seeker/SSU to pick up the babies and jirachi but even then catcher will ruin this and vileplume doesn't work out as mewtwo is gonna want energy retrieval and super Rod (and plus power)..... so as of now mewtwo isn't too big of a threat.... however I do expect some card to come out with him to help so the threat isn't void yet......
but that would reverse if mewtwo put a plus power on (plus zoroark can only 2HKO mewtwo at best >.< not worth the setup compared to ZPS or something)