Minecraft (1.6 Discussion)

RE: Minecraft

Awesome! You should share it when it is done.


My server is up again tonight.
RE: Minecraft

Since my server I normally play on is down for a few weeks, I think ill play on yours safari. Its a pretty nice and homely server. Me gusta :D
RE: Minecraft

Me and safariblade (and Hatman a bit) built an awesome PvP arena tonight. You guys should all check it out! =)
RE: Minecraft

But tomorrow. It's laaaate!

But yeah it's awesome and I destroyed Kyle... haha ;]
RE: Minecraft

Nevermind guys, my old server is back up now. I'll still pop in from time to time.
RE: Minecraft

May I ask what your server is, ESP so that I can stalk you everywhere you go and ruin your builds
RE: Minecraft

Not mine, a friend of mine's haha. I don't think he wants me giving out the address.
RE: Minecraft

I need to get my brother to clean his desktop, because I think my laptop will explode if I play MC on it.

I find making skins a great time passer. You can create marvelous things in minutes.
I'll be happy do some for you guys, just need to finish the CAP thing first.

I just bought like 12 stacks of bedrock and 38 stacks of diamond block!
I found shops selling for really cheap