Minecraft (1.6 Discussion)

RE: Minecraft

Puff said:
I struck another island with caves in it, if anyone wants to come mine it next time the server is up.

Anything to get diamonds.
I think I have to rethink my door, because it almost killed me.
RE: Minecraft

Haha that's pretty basic stuff.

I made a 4x4 piston door. No sand.
It was pretty tough.
RE: Minecraft

Yeah I agree, that's not all that impressive. But I gotta say I haven't made anything that anyone would call 'impressive' though, ether. I made a huge Tick Tac Toe machine that is cheat proof but very basic (I did start a more refined version down the road that is REALLY compact), and was working on a word processor. The word processor was coming along great, but I stopped progress for other things. I worked out all the BUS lines with binary conversion, and the massive 14 segmented display. I'm not sure where along in the progress I was, but I think I was working on the shift register. I could probably finish it, but I really don't want to put that much time into it... If I do pick it back up, I'd change the display to a dot matrix. (the 14 segment is massive for only one character. lol)

@Safari, That is awesome. What are the dimensions?
RE: Minecraft

I'm not too pro for fitting it in small places yet, so it was probably like 20x20x10 or something hahahaa.
RE: Minecraft

safariblade said:
Haha that's pretty basic stuff.

I made a 4x4 piston door. No sand.
It was pretty tough.

That is one BLOCK wide.
Plus, piston doors are easy, Its how you hide the wiring that is difficult.
I know how to make doors open by inventory.

We need real names for the islands
I came up with:

New Ghast City
New Creeperville
Zhanlantis (main isle)

I also need some nether brick to rebuild my house, please get some.
RE: Minecraft

Porygon-X said:
By inventory if you have a stair block. ;)

You are a good redstoner, I approve of you.

That creeper killed my valubles and my redstone so I have to rebuild my door, so someone needs to protect me.
RE: Minecraft

I tried to get into redstone, but I gave up when I saw red allow wiring from Redpower. Takes the arcane rules from 10 to 1. Adds in contained logic gates. I've never been able to really grasp general redstone afterwards.
RE: Minecraft

Hey, Guys. I've got minecraft but when I log in I get a Account Not Premium Message. Help?
RE: Minecraft

Hmm... that's odd.
So it let's you log in, or does it say that before you log in?

Try deleting minecraft and re-downloading it.
RE: Minecraft

It says it before I log in...
K, I'll redownload.
Actually, It says it after I press Log In.
RE: Minecraft

Should I make a general more-damage sword with Sharpness, or make it specific to the enemies I use it on most, using Bane of Arthropods?
RE: Minecraft

I'd say Sharpness is more useful if you're on a PvP server, but even so, for general use, I think Sharpness is more versatile.
RE: Minecraft

Puff said:
Should I make a general more-damage sword with Sharpness, or make it specific to the enemies I use it on most, using Bane of Arthropods?
Neither, try to get fire aspect. That DoT can really help you.
When will the server be up today?
RE: Minecraft

Reshiwott said:
It says it before I log in...
K, I'll redownload.
Actually, It says it after I press Log In.


Go here. If you can't see the Change Skin section, you're not marked as premium, so some reason. Does this help?
RE: Minecraft

Reshiwott said:
It says it before I log in...
K, I'll redownload.
Actually, It says it after I press Log In.

Have you actually BOUGHT the game on that certain account?

Also, Safari, are you sure you can't turn the server to offline mode? What harm would it do?
RE: Minecraft

I prefer knockback. Just because creepers are the biggest problem.


Nengeni said:
Also, Safari, are you sure you can't turn the server to offline mode? What harm would it do?

I CAN change it to offline. But I'm not going to.
Because doing so is like openly saying "Hey, we allow hacked and pirated versions of the game."
It also would not allow us to update the server. It also would mess with skins. And overall it is much safer for my server to be online, because of the above reasons and more.

If you want to play, you're going to have to buy the game. Trust me, it is really worth it.