Minor Notices & Staff Changes Thread

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ComfortEagle said:
I say just remove everything except Male, Female, and Undisclosed. >_>
I agree.

The rest are silly and unnecessary, in the extreme in some cases.
I kept Pokemon as selectable, but otherwise I eliminated all the unnecessary ones.
Pokemon can also be male or female; it should be removed.
6-Dimension said:
What if we're transsexual and deeply offended by the lack of such an option?
Then QQ moar.
Seriously, just put 'undisclosed' if you don't want to deal with it. Saying 'he-she' is probably even more offensive.
6-Dimension said:
What if we're transsexual and deeply offended by the lack of such an option?

Another forum I was on sometime ago had that as an option, and someone asked to have it removed because they found it too offensive. The staff did so, I think.
if you're transsexual/transgendered you don't consider yourself both male and female. you consider yourself whatever you transitioned to.
Zenith said:
if you're transsexual/transgendered you don't consider yourself both male and female. you consider yourself whatever you transitioned to.


excuse my ignorance what if i'm a hermaphrodite

(why do people take anything i say seriously)
As if anyone takes the gender option seriously anyway...

I mean if boys wanna be girls and girls wanna be boys then that's cool, I'm just surprised that this is kicking up such a fuss
Just put undisclosed and move on if you don't like the options provided or don't want to reveal if you are a guy or girl.
I have removed "Pokemon" since it is not a gender. We have male, female, and undisclosed for gender selections. As is my understanding, most transgendered individuals identify with either the male or female gender depending on which one they feel most inclined toward. Otherwise you have the option not to disclose your gender. If anyone is offended or concerned by this decision and wants to change something, please submit a formal complaint in writing to my PM box. Otherwise I think this settles it.
[admin]Shining Raikou[/admin] is now the MAIN forum admin. Go to him for forum stuff instead of WPM for now on.

[mod]Shivershaft[/mod] is now a mod.

[mod]Ice Arceus[/mod] is now a mod.

[member]Dark-Giratina[/member] and [member]The Fire Wyrm[/member] are now Contributors.

Wish them all congratulations.
I will be posting in the forum portal shortly for the "major" notice.
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