Finished MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (A raging windstorm)

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RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: OK i should be on to do my job in like 2 days...but for now its nights only -_- lol. SO anyway. im going to let CA advance the plot for now, he seems to be doing well :p. once it gets going ill do that when CA is busy...and -_- miss the point alot lol. THE EAF ARE BAD PLAIN AND SIMPLE well...they are bad in a sense. BUT ya....get on with it :p i want to talk as the characters. also attention to when its you... PROBABLY should have said that in PM but im to lazy right now lol :p

IC: Crash was out of jail now, they kicked her out the front door. "IT SUCKED IN THERE ANYWAY." she yelled as she shook her hoof at the building. Then she saw Windstorm's shadow coming up to the door. "AHHHH RUN" Crash said as she took off as not to get in trouble again.

OOC: ill arrive in ponyville soon.... not yet though
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: Mmkay, but whenever I decide to post something one of either of you has already taken care of it >.<
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: Yeah, sorry. :p

Spike walked around Ponyville, after finding the captain and giving him the reports. It was getting late, but he had to just go check something out. Spike had no gone to his home in Ponyville for a long time. Time as Windstorm's assistant kept him on the constant move. He had avoided the library for a while, not wanting to be reminded that Twilight and the others were gone. Still, he needed his things, and maybe that reminder would push him to act.

Spike also liked the time he spent away from Windstorm. Although he knew nothing of Spike's past, and acted rather kind to him, Spike had seen his furious side. Spike sighed, and made his way to the library. Maybe a book could clear his mind too...
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: I'm just waiting for the real plot to arive. I'm Sooo lost!!:p

IN: Shade still was lost in thought. ~Maby I need to learn more about the Elements of Harmony. They seem to be the real heros for making Nightmare Moon dissapear.~ The only thing he knows is that his friend, Flash, had been real good friends with Twilight Sparkle in the UU. (Unicorn University:p) Shade Sighed a very sad sigh. ~If only Flash were here...~
He went back to his pach of soft grass and fell asleep.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: if CA and hatman say yes...ill get everyone on the same page and start the process....

edit OOC: WAIT both of them are not on -_- ummmm.....uhhhhh ILL DO IT ANYWAY lol. just make some posts and ill do this

OOC:...again. lol ill be back later then i will get it moving :p
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: -_- really nothing? FINE IDC IF I DOUBLE POST

IC: Crash was back and all the ponies asked where she had gone. "I'll explain in a moment." She said as everyone gathered around her.

"ATTENTION EVERYPONY" (meaning um....this is an important post...)

She yelled as she went up to the podium.

"Ok, I was wrong. I need to admit this firstly. The EAF, Windstorm, Onyx, all of them are NOT to blame for this. No they are not to blame for the things happening in the forest. In fact, no one really knows at this point. The EAF are unable to defeat this, I have seen it first hand. The ones that come back had dents in there armor, they had scars they will carry for life, they have memories of horrid, terrible things that will haunt them forever. What ever is in that forest is a powerful being. Thus the EAF are still not the answer, joining them is a losing battle. Sorry to say but they are still a weak organization. They don't possess the power to stop this. I do however know who do posses the power to stop it, something that has been covered up, forgotten, and nearly destroyed. Yes the Elements of Harmony. When Nightmare took over and almost made the sun never rise again, who saved us? The Elements of Harmony did. It's quite obvious then what till save us. While these ones use weapons and force, they come back with dents and bruises. We need the Elements to help us. Now we could just go and FIND them but we need to know what we are against, we need to know how to fight this. I suggest that we find some kind of information on what this could be. Why not do what a close friend of mine would do, read a book about it. We need to take this matter into our own hooves, because relying on this oppressive, restrictive, and destructive but weak guard to save not working. Now every pony, if you want to know what happened to your loved ones that maybe you lost in the forest, or find out what is happening in that forest, come with me...I vow to find the answer"

She then stepped off the stage and EAF members surrounded her. Then many ponies started to murmur and talk among the crowd. Then voices began to yell "LEAVER HER ALONE" "YA SHE IS RIGHT YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING" "YA LETS TAKE THIS INTO OUR OWN HOOVES" they said with passion and anger.

"I am off to Twilight's house to search her books for some kind of info on this. Now...if you don't want to start riots...I would allow this." She said as she went in the direction of Twilight's house.

OOC: aaaaaaaand it begins....sorry CA if that ruined any of your plans :p everyone was just begging for the plot to come so i started it :p

and hint hint....follow Crash you RP's.....if you didnt get anything out of that speech just follow the RP's :p
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Wow. She's just looking for trouble." said Love. 'But she is right. I want to make a good impression, so I have to do this! I don't want to be known as the 'Evil Pony!'' thought Love. But then she made a stupid mistake and flew into the sky, wanting to find Crash. She had no idea what she did.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: Yeah, it did. But it's fine, as long as we're moving along I guess.


The reaming EAF members were confused in the ensuing chaos. Most had already gone back to the outpost, to finish and clean up the outpost. Only a single air patrol, and a few ground troops were left in Ponyville.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, just try to calm them down!"

"I'll go to the outpost, tell Windstorm we may have another riot on our hands!"

The EAF ponies scrambled, the a single Pegasus flying off as the rest tried to control the crowd. None had noticed the two ponies heading to the library.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"AHHH! They are right behind me! I gotta go faster!" said Love bolting faster. I am so not going to make it, but better keep up a chase. thought Love.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: I gotta go to a camping trip in a cave. I'll be back Sunday afternoon.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"If I were you, I'd still be keeping an eye on the EAF. Not that I don't believe you, Crash, but I think we can't let our guard down that easily. Now, a book you say?" Smartie headed toward her house, looked around, then pulled out a book from her shelf and pressed some buttons beneath it. A trap door opened beneath her, where she was elevated to her basement, A HUGE LIBRARY!

"Rocky, the Elements of Harmony?"

Rocky, her pet turtle put reading glasses on, and looked around the library and pressed a button beside a shelf. He was elevated and grabbed a large book, then came back down, and handed it to Smartie. She flipped through it.

"Nothing. Got anything on Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, or Rainbow Dash?"

Rocky went to another shelf, pressed another button, elevated up, and grabbed a book titled "Twilight Sparkle."
Smartie flipped through it.

"...So THAT'S where she kept her research about the issue."

Smartie rushed outside...somewhere.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Great, their still chasing me!" said Love tired. 'At this point I better stop the chase and rest.' thought Love. So she stopped and waited for them to catch her.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC:-_- tyraniking....

IC: Crash had reached the library with a group of different ponies (all of you...were at the library). "Ok lets look for something like Everfree forest history or creatures. Maybe that is what we need?" Then they heard a rustling from upstairs. "HEY WHO IS THERE" Crash said to the noise coming from up stairs.

Smartie burst in the libraby in that moment. "LOOK WHAT I FOUND" the pony yelled in excitement. The pony put the book over its head and it fell apart from how old it was. "What the...Smartie we don't have time for that" Crash said as she made her way up the stairs
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Who are all of you?" Spike stared at the group of ponies who had rushed inside the library. "Why are you all here? This is breaking and entering you know!"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: im gonna let you guys RP this out with spike. he holds the info you need right now. ask the right questions and you will get your info. also look around and examine specific rooms of twilights house
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOc:Thanks for the update! Also,tomorow, I'll won't be here because we are going home! See ya. :p

IC: ~Whaa! I don't remember Flash ever talking about twilight's pet dragon, THAT TALKS!!~ Calmed,Shade replyed:
"Well, we're all trying to find out what the hay is going in the Everfree Forest."
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"So then why did you all bust into the library?" Spike asked, still feeling uneasy about strangers just poping up.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Hehehe." Stormy was quietly stalking everyone.
Until he fell and knocked over some books.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Spike jumped, surprised to see yet another intruder.

"What's going on, another riot? Are you guys looting? Why a library of all places? What will you do with the books, sell them? To who? Back to the library?"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

IC: "Calm down and quiet down. We need a book on what creatures or things could be causing the problems in the Everfree forest. Your Twilight's assistant, do you know where there could be a book on that?"
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