Finished MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (A raging windstorm)

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RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: No clue on what it's called, someone made up the location. And yeah, it's getting out of hand, I tried to make it so everyone would be on the same page by doing the speech. Might need to just skip ahead to what everyone needs to do though, and get on with the main plot, everyone started making a side story or going off on their own...
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Well that was odd... But we better get a move on to. Before Onyx could catch us." said Love.
"Yeah I agree!" said Cool Dash.
"Lets go flying again. Although it's off limits. Who cares!"
"Well Love you sure are brave today!"
"I am! So com'on lets go! It'll be fun!"
"Well okay. But don't ya think it's kinda weird what Windstorm said."
"Yeah I do. Why would he lock up the Elements of Harmony. Thats so stupid. In fact Windstorm is stupid!"
"Well next time he gives a speech speak up."
"OK I will!"
"Awesome! But com'on lets go to the sky!"
Then the two flew up into the sky. Then they bolted of talking about Windstorm.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

However, as the couple was flying, they didn't notice the four EAF ponies underneath them, one of which being Commander Onyx. The flying ponies were talking too loud, and Onyx was able to hear their conversation almost perfectly. He then flew up, and said, "I've had enough of you two, strolling through the skies while we're trying to keep you safe. And after what you've said about Commander Winstorm and I, I'm not sure I even care about your safety. I should arrest you with treason, but I'm not going to... this time. This is your last warning before you get into serious legal trouble." And without waiting for a response, he flew back down to his comerades and began work on the outposts again.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Oh my gosh!!!!" said Love.
"We are like so going to be on a wanted poster soon." said Cool Dash.
"Com'on lets get down. Before we get into a chase."
"Lets just keep flying okay?"
"Well I guess. But don't say a thing."
"Understood. So com'on! But really fast in case we get into a chase."
So they bolted off.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"All right, time to get ready to join the filly who wanted me to help him. Where would he be?" Smartie Pie went outside and looked around.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Okay lets get down and visit Smartie Pie!" said Love
"Okay!" said Cool Dash
So the two went to Smartie Pie's house to see how it was going.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

A sign hangs from Smartie Pie's house. 'Outside--Be back soon. If you have business with Smartie Pie, please wait--SP'


"...Maybe he's waiting at the door. Should I ask if anypony has seen him, or just go back home...?"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Well thats odd. Let's see if we can find Stormy." said Love.
"Well I'll call tomorrow, Love. I have to go. Bye!" said Cool Dash
Then he walked home. Love went to find Stormy.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Alright, no luck. Time to go back home," said Smartie Pie to herself.

She ran across Cool Dash as she was going back home.

"Hi! Have you seen a filly that was waiting for me?"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Hmm... Maby I was right, Crash DID get caught. He said calmly. A gust of wind whirld past his dark blue mane.
~ Maby I should wait 'till tomorow.~ *Guruuuumble* "Hehe..." ~Maby I'll eat something, then sleep the night away.~ Thought Shade,embarassed.

Occ: 'night EveryPony. Be back tomorow... maby.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: SOOOOO SORRY, I wasn't here when you guys needed me to post. I'm embarrassed.

Hmph. "Pony Reaper". Get Real.
Rorque wandered farther along the Town. The seeds of chaos were planted. Incidents with flying ponies, robbery, and general dismay in the community. Things were falling apart.
Time to pay Windstorm a visit.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: It's all right, no worries.


Captain Onyx was furious. How many times did I remind them that flying was not allowed? The EAF captain slammed a hoof down on the ground. I didn't even bother chasing them. I swear, when I see them... Captain Onyx turned to his fellow EAF members. "That's it, if we see them again, we won't just lock them up."


"Windstorm approved the disbandment of the old requirements for the Royal Guard when he formed the EAF. We're not limited to Unicorn and Pegasus ponies, not even just ponies."

"What do you mean?"

"I've had enough, they just won't listen. I've called for more improvements in security. By tomorrow morning, we won't be the only ones over Ponyville." The Captain began raising his voice. "They'll beg for forgives most likely, promise they'll listen."

"What do you mean?"

"...You ever see a griffin tear through its target with its claws?" The captain laughed. "It'll be the last thing they'll see if they continue to disobey."
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC:-_- my roll was to pretty much start the rebellion...and the plot and get everyone on the same page. now its up to CA and hatman to do that since my character has been reading the days activities...

edit:OOC: CA....the EAF are getting more and more threatening lol. hmmm, go along with plan and we should get the real thing started...ill PM ya
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: Just for the night, and I'm leading up to something, PM me. :p
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

IC: Crash was in a cell with a blond maned pony with a gray coat. "What is up with your eyes?" She asked. "Uhhhh" The pony said looking cross eyed.

Their conversation was cut short by a couple of guards coming in. "HEY, you said I would only be here a day, it seems like I've been here DAYS" Crash said as she complained to the guard passing by.

The guard ignored her and the rest of the people in the jail. The guard headed straight to another guard to chat around the corner.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: You have a few mistakes in your post.

"You okay?, you seem a bit off."

"I'm telling ya, I've never seen anything like that." One guard, a dark brown earth pony, ranted to another. "I helped out with a patrol...freaky stuff..."

"Haven't been out in the forest yet. Been hearing a lot though. Windstorm has been allowing a lot, heard he's recruiting griffins, even dragons."

"Yeah, once you see it for yourself, you'll know why. Don't get me wrong, things are tough, but they can be taken down. Windstorm wants to finish them as soon as possible though."

"Feel bad for the night patrols, gives me the chills. No wonder Ponyville freaked out. We need to mobilize soon, take it out."

"Yeah, fear is growing..."
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC:...i dont see them...*looks at derpy pics to get the color right* ya...i got it right... i couldnt think of derpy dialogue so i just said uhhh lol

IC: "HEY, are you even listening to me, I can hear you over there. Let me out of here!!!" Crash yelled at the guards still ignoring her

edit... OOC: MOAR GM RP TIME :p
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: I meant grammar and spelling wise, like using the wrong "there", the lowercase "i".

"Shut it!" The guard banged on the wall. "You want to extend your time in here? Don't forget, you still got to apologize to Windstorm himself. Up close. After he returns from a patrol."

"He isn't in the best mood after. Still in the zone after you know, gave a good smack to somepony who tapped him to get his attention."

"Yeah, remember to the recruit who gave him lip?"

"Who wouldn't, he knocked the colt out!"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"*gulp* Windstorm himself? Um...could you just like relay a message to him for me or something? Could I just write him a note?" Crash said now nervous again and her fearlessness disappeared for the second time.

The guards left the row of cells to continue there patrol. "WAIT, you. Um...what ever your name is, I'll just call you Derpy Hooves. Did you hear what they said? Windstorm is trying to figure out what is in the forest...thus he isn't the cause. Then what pony is? Who would take the Princess? Windstorm still had no reason to lock up the Elements of Harmony, hmmm what do you think?" Crash said quickly as she pieced things together.

"Uhhhh...." Derpy said not knowing what exactly to say

"NO TIME, I need to think of the right things to ask Windstorm when he comes...and think of an apology...even though i hate him still" Crash said now just talking to herself
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Hate? That's a bit harsh, wouldn't you say." A voice called out to the prisoner. "But what's this about apologizing? You actually have a sense of civility?" Windstorm hovered over to the front of the cell, wearing his old Royal Guard armor. The gold color helmet was covered in dents, and his chest plate appeared to have been pierced, bruises exposed in the holes.

"Commander!" The two guards rushed over, saluting.

"What happened to you?" One guard asked, staring at the state of his armor.

"I'll tell you latter." Windstorm replied, looking at the prisoners. He turned to the blonde Pegasus. "Is she okay?"
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