Finished MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (A raging windstorm)

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RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Smartie Pie opened the door. "Gee, that was qui--I mean, hi! I suppose you came because of this sign," she pointed to the sign.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Ya I was just wondering what you needed help with?" Crash said as she peered inside the house.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Do you happen to know anything about the Element's of Harmony?" asked Smartie Pie. "I may be able to figure out something."
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Well I was friends with some of them. Rainbow Dash was sort of a rival on mine. We always had speed contests and i usually...lost. Fluttershy, I went to Flight School with her and I helped her with some bullies but Rainbow did that mostly. Thus bringing our rivalry to life. I met Twilight Sparkle when she came to town, we became friends and she began to tell me about her adventures with here friends and about the Elements of Harmony. She started to tell me about what she knew about the problem in the forest and that it was something she had never seen before and none of her books told much about it. I know that she may have found something out, we need to find her and rescue her. BUT we need to find out some clues as to where they are and what is going on in the forest. I guess what I'm saying is...will you help me do that?" Crash explained to the pony at the door.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: If you guys are going to dedicate yourselves to this, like I have (lol), please try to improve on spelling/grammar. I love what's going on so far, but it would be much easier to swallow if grammar was improved. Other than that, keep it up!

Near the back of the square, a hooded figure sulked along the walls; a long brown hood covering it's features and a robe just as mysterious. It's as if it didn't want to be in the public; out in the open for everyone to see.
After Windstorm had tread off the stage, Rorque removed his hood. He stroked his beard with his hoof, signaling that he was lost in thought.
A full scale invasion? All sources diverted to the EAF? This Windstorm knows more than he's letting on...
Rorque studied the deprived faces of the square.
This is going too far. Looks like I'll be joining Windstorm's forces on their next little visit to the forest.
Rorque noticed Amp browsing the local market off in the distance, oblivious to his presence.
Amp thinks I've given up. But I haven't. I haven't give up on Equestria, I haven't given up on my fellows, and...
He quickly glanced up at the gloomy Sun, only barely shining light through the gray and dull clouds.
I haven't given up on you, Solaa.
He cloaked himself in his hood once again, and proceeded further into the square.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: my grammer? sorry ive been trying real hard...the only thing that saves it is firefox's spell check feature :p
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Thank you," Smartie Pie said, "But I guess I'm kind of dissapointed that Twilight Sparkle didn't have any books about the problem. That's what I was betting on, so I could go from what she left off. But if I need to go to the direct source, I will," said Smartie Pie determiningly. "Just knock when you need my help!"

"Oh yes, I almost forgot--since you gave me the exact information I wanted, here's your reward," Smartie Pie got out a pen and her checkbook. "And what is the name of the Pony I will adress this to?"

OOC: I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow night.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"OH, no no no. I don't need payment. I'm just informing the people. I really wish that you would come with me but, I guess ill knock on your door when I need ya." Crash said to the pony still with the door half open.

"I'll be seeing ya then" Crash said as he walked away from the door.

The three ponies walked through the plaza to find Love and Stormy who had been on his side earlier. Crash was making small talk with the other ponies with him and was distracted and ran into a hooded figure. "OH I'm sorry" Crash said as she turned around to see who she ran into.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH ITS THE PONY REAPER" Crash screamed at the sight of the hooded figure. "Please don't take me Mr. Reaper..." Crash said as she cowered in fear.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: Yeah, as the host I've let a lot slide by, and have had a few mistakes in my posts...really sad...

"Captain." A grey Unicorn approached the Pegasus, and saluted him. "We will take of of the crowd, all Pegasus were asked to resume normal duties."

"Very well,we'll-" The captain watched a hooded figure moved though the square. "Odd choice of clothing...Don't suppose he may be hiding something."


"A hooded, mysterious figure moving into a crowded town square. Not exactly a normal thing." Suddenly, a Pegasus shouted. She cowered in front of the hooded figure, pleading. The Pegasus captain spread his wings, and hovered over. "Hold it! What is-" The captain realized it was the same Pegasus who had taken over the stage just moments before. "Well...this is a nice turn of events."
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: GM RP time :p

IC: Crash looked over and locked eyes with Onyx. "Uh oh...Mr. Reaper...I've got to go. Can we postpone this appointment?" Crash said as she started to run off to avoid the EAF and Windstorms wrath. "RUN GUYS, I DON'T WANT YOU GUYS TO GET LOCKED UP WITH ME" Crash yelled as she tried to push the two ponies away from her. "I'll meet up with you at "The Hove" if I can get away this time. If not i told some of my colleagues to meet me there later, they will brief you on what to do. NOW GO!" She said as she ran as fast as her legs would carry her.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: It's Onyx, not Windstorm!

The Pegasus shot off after her, his flight ability putting him far ahead of the culprit. The grounded EAF ponies chased from behind, leading her to him. Above, an air patrol circled them.

"We just want to talk..." The captain smiled, spreading his wings menacingly.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: sorry...fixed it lol

"AH, about what? How your going to execute me? You wont take me with you." Crash said to the scary looking Onyx. Then she realized that she was surrounded. "*gulp* What did you want to talk about?" Crash said nervously. She glanced behind her and saw that the other ponies that were with her had vanished. "At least they got away" She mumbled to herself
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Not a bad idea..." The Captain chuckled. "But no, we really just want to talk. Now, why do you insist on causing us so much trouble?"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Um" Her usual courage was gone in this moment. "Uh...I don't with everything you guys are....doing..." She said in a quiet and nervous voice.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Is that so..." The captain stepped closer to his captive. "So, did that give you the right to just, shove aside our Commander, and take away time from air patrols for a chase? To disrupt the EAF from providing protection and preparations for the invasion." The captain was now in her face.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Invasion? SO I WAS RIGHT." She said with sudden excitement. Then she remembered the seriousness of the moment. "Um...yaaaa about that, if I was about to be captured the natural thing to do is run...sooooo ya...and sorry about that taking the spot light...from your um...wonderful commander...i was just...caught up...ya caught up in the moment" She said even more afraid than any time in her life

OOC: ill be gone tomorrow CA and hatman...well not all day but for some time...tata for now...dont do anything rash CA but i can already kind of see the fate of my character right now -_-
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Were you even awake? the Commander himself announced it. Now, then, you didn't break any laws, but considering you have caused us much annoyance, a small punishment is needed...I suppose apologizing to the commander and spending a night in a cell is suffice. Take her to the outpost."

OoC: Nah, just that. I'm gone most of the morning, I have an appointment, but go ahead and keep playing guys.
Edit: K, I'm back! :D
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

~Lots of events happend today.~ Wonderd Shade. ~Somehow I got pulled into this...this gang of rebelions aganst WindStorm!~ Shade thought angerly for a moment but paused. ~Mabe this is want I wanted all along... Yes. Yes,that is it!~ "Maby now I'll get the chance to avenge the death of my family and friend..." At the thought of Flash just made him fell sick to the bone. *Sniff*
~NO! I'm sure this is what Flash wanted. ~ This made Shade happy. Happy at the thought on revenge on that one Somepony.
~Now to head off to the Hoove. I hope Sky Crash didn't get caught...~

OOC: Or is it called the Hove? Wonderd shinyumbreon aloud. "Man I got to stop doing that!" :p
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: AHHH I MISSED SO MUCH!!!!!!! It's gonna take me awhile to read all these pages....
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: That's exactly why my character hasn't interacted with anyone else yet (which is entirely in character, too). I'm busy a lot, so I'm not able to keep up with all the bizarre (or stupid in the case of catutie's character) things the other characters are doing. If I don't interact with them, though, I don't have to know what they're doing, because my character doesn't know anyway.
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