RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)
OoC: If you guys are going to dedicate yourselves to this, like I have (lol), please try to improve on spelling/grammar. I love what's going on so far, but it would be much easier to swallow if grammar was improved. Other than that, keep it up!
Near the back of the square, a hooded figure sulked along the walls; a long brown hood covering it's features and a robe just as mysterious. It's as if it didn't want to be in the public; out in the open for everyone to see.
After Windstorm had tread off the stage, Rorque removed his hood. He stroked his beard with his hoof, signaling that he was lost in thought.
A full scale invasion? All sources diverted to the EAF? This Windstorm knows more than he's letting on...
Rorque studied the deprived faces of the square.
This is going too far. Looks like I'll be joining Windstorm's forces on their next little visit to the forest.
Rorque noticed Amp browsing the local market off in the distance, oblivious to his presence.
Amp thinks I've given up. But I haven't. I haven't give up on Equestria, I haven't given up on my fellows, and...
He quickly glanced up at the gloomy Sun, only barely shining light through the gray and dull clouds.
I haven't given up on you, Solaa.
He cloaked himself in his hood once again, and proceeded further into the square.