Finished MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (A raging windstorm)

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RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: Sorry, I share this computer, so I had to wait. So I'm still working out what Windstorm will say. For now, keep talking to each other.

Windstorm watched the Pegasus carefully as she lowered hereself. He called a guard and whispered something to him. The guard nodded, and took off with two others, all sweeping across the sky slowly, making sure no pony would interrupt the EAF supply sky carriages.

"I'm sorry for the temporary no fly zone on Ponyville. Once again, we need completly clear skies for the Equestrian Armed Forces. A moment please." Windstorm walked off stage, talking with more EAF members. All around the square, ponies begin to a whisper.

"What do you suppose happened? Why did he call us out here again?"

"I don't know."

"Do you think it has something to do with...them?"

"He did avoid mentioning anything about them..."
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"I take what I said earlier back. I'm starting to think he's a bit suspicious.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"An announcement? Wow, I got out of the house just in time," said Smartie Pie.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Stormy come here!" called Love.
"Yeah we have to tell you something." said Cool Dash.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"You have a good reason to be suspicious, havnt you noticed that he has avoided all mention of the 6 and the princess...hes up to something" The pony said to Love and Stormy. "I'm Sky Crash by the way, you can just call me Crash for short." Crash said sticking her hoof out as to shake there hoof.

OOC: not good with all

edit :O WE ARE OFFICIALLY A HOT TOPIC....only 3 days and we are a hot topic...*puts on shades* we are officially cool :p
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Awesome! Hi crash!" said Love shaking her hove.
"Hi! My name is Cool Dash. I am Love's boyfriend." said Cool Dash.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: Oh wow I didn't realize this started yet...I have a few unopened PMs :p

"Hey guys, what's going on?"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC:....with all the time you spend at the game corner slick -_- :p
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Another speech!" said Cool Dash
"Another boring speech" said Love.
"Another stupid,boring speech" said Cool Dash
"I think they got it dear!" said Love
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Crystal Flash had just woken up when she heard a small commotion in the square. She quickly brushed her mane and ran outside to see what was going on. There was a large crowd gathered around a small stage.

Oh. It's probably Windstorm. She sighed. She didn't understand the EAF's staunch opposition to the Elements of Harmony, but they did have Equestria's best interests at heart...right? She sat down towards the back of the crowd and waited.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Oh great can't wait for a speech!"
"Well they better hurry up or we're leaving Love!"
"Yeah! We want a romantic dinner ya know!"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Smartie Pie, impatient, picked up her book again and started to read about bunnies.

OOC: I'm gonna take a little break. Be back in an hour or so.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: zenith...thank you lol

IC: Crash could see that many of the ponies were getting restless. "Calm down everypony. Even though i hate these EAF members and I'm sure they are up to no good, give them a chance to speak" Crash said as she hovered above the crowd.

"HEY we told you to stay out of the air" One of the EAF members said from the side of the crowd.

"WHY YOU!!!" Crash yelled at the EAF member that remarked. "I try to give you guys a chance and you just keep to your stupid rules and regulations. I for one am out of here, you EAF are up to no good and ill find out what it is." Crash said as she left the area by foot as not to lead to another chase.

She headed toward a house of a pony she knew so well, before she was taken away.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"They're getting a bit annoying aren't they." Stormy remarked to Love.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Yeah they are.Com'on Cool Dash and Stormy we are leaving!" as Love said hovering then flying
"Yeah lets go! for a walk!" said Cool Dash doing the same thing.
"Hey you two get out of the sky!" said an EAF pony.
"No way! Besides we're not in the sky! So ha!"
Then all of a sudden that same EAF pony started chasing the two!
"Fly faster Cool Dash!"
"I am I am!"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

I am sad to announce that i am dropping from this rpg. I cant handle it and have been stocked up on end of year projects and personal issues. Thanks to the bronies out there! Bye guys!
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: :( im sorry chellochello....if you ever want back in just let us know and you willb e put back in right away. i hope everything is alright with you :(
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Yeah, im just having a hard time. Plus, this is the 2nd rpg i was a part of, so im a little stocked up. Thanks catutie, see ya on the MLPFIM 20% thread, brohoof
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Windstorm returned to the stage, followed by two Pegasus patrols.

"Greetings once again Ponyville, I'm sorry to be taking more of your time. The Equestrian Armed Forces also thank you for putting up with us as we continue to move out towards the forest. The outpost is nearly finished, again, I ask for no pony not with the EAF to be in the sky. Anypony caught in the sky will be asked to return to the ground. Repeat offenders," Windstorm's face turned much more serious, "Will be dealt with harshly."

The Pegasus ponies behind Windstorm all stood at attention at this, puffing out their chest, wings spread.

"Now, onto other business. I was interrupted last time by something that came up at the outpost. Now, I made two vows for Equestria. My first vow was to make Equestria strong once more. Order has been restored all across the land. My second vow is to conquer this threat. Well, I'm here today to announce, that we shall begin a full scale operation."

Everyone in the town square fell silent.

"It has been decided that a full invasion by all branches of the new EAF will take place. We will not be simply keeping this thing at bay, we will strike with all we have before it gets us. Do not worry, we will be out of Ponyville and moving out to the area outside the forest. The outpost will help serve as a forward base for our forces. I myself will be back in Canterlot, preparing all former Royal Guards and new recruits. Which, leads me to my next point. The EAF, although much more numerous now, is not ready for the invasion. I am here to say, that any available help and sources, without cutting of all of Equestria of course, will be diverted to the EAF."

There was murmuring in the crowd, someponies growing more and more worried.

"Believe me, I know the risks this presents, and many are worried. But,we must face this threat head on! I ask any and all fit ponies join the EAF. As you know, gone are the old traditions of the Royal Guard, meaning as long as you can fight, you're in."
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Crash made it to the house and then heard Windstorm giving his speech in the square. "NO this has gone to far" Crash said as she made her way back to the podium and group of now worried ponies.
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