Finished MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (A raging windstorm)

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RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Finally Love and Cool got caught by the EAF pony and were brought to Windstorm.
"Hi..." said Love shivering
"Hows it going..." said Cool trembling
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Stormy hovered over to where his friends were.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Umm... We were hovering thats all!" said Love.
"OK you may leave but it's your second warning. One more and bad luck happens."
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"You're lucky."
Stormy looks around.
"How much longer do you suppose we'll be here?"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: um...excuse me but um...if you would please um, stop talking for the like that is um uh ok with you eep

but ya. im sure CA has something planned so ya...i just dont want anything to be ruined by people narrating the EAF ponies...all will be revealed soon *w*
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Crystal Flash stayed around for a bit, watching some pegasus ponies act with false defiance and other ponies wander back to what they were doing before. She eventually trotted back to her apartment and thought for a bit.

This isn't good, I don't think. There is a serious problem going on, and I think that this is the wrong way to go about fixing it. She lay down on her bed, burying her face in her pillow. But what am I going to do? I don't have any real useful abilities...I'm not terribly physically fit either. I need help. She rolled over. But how do I even get help with something like this? I don't even know what I'm doing.

She looked out the window at her former home. Canterlot...

There's something important going on there. There's something they're not telling us. But is it being done with malevolence? Or for our protection?

I need to know.

(OOC: This is Crystal Flash/me guessing. I'm not trying to godmod, or anything.)
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

catutie said:
Crash made it to the house and then heard Windstorm giving his speech in the square. "NO this has gone to far" Crash said as she made her way back to the podium and group of now worried ponies.

"I suppose you have a plan on dealing with this crisis? Hm? You want to reason with an unknown threat that is responsible for all of the disappearances?" Windstorm snarled.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"YA, in fact i do." Crash said as she made her way up to the podium moving Windstorm out of the way.

"Everyone listen, there is something going on. These guys are not telling you the truth, they aren't building outposts, they are just trying to keep us from leaving and are trying to close us in. Don't you see it? Windstorm is behind all of this, he got rid of Princess Celestia in the forest so that he could take over. The elements of harmony? He knew they were the only ones that had any sense so he got rid of them, locked up some place. They were the only hope we had and he made sure to get rid of it."

The EAF members began to get ready to remove the threat before them.

"No sirs, let this stupid one finish." Windstorm remarked

Crash ignored the remark and continued her speech. "Deep down Windstorm is a fearful colt. He knows that if he tried to take over if Celestia was still around that he would have failed. He knew that the elements of harmony didn't like Windstorms way of ruling and would rebel against him, thus he snuffed out the threat. Think my fellow ponies, it all adds up. HE is behind what ever is in the forest. HE got rid of our beloved princess and HE is trying to make us forget about the power of the elements as it seems that he has succeeded." She said now with more passion and anger against Windstorm.

"YOU" She said as she pointed at a pony she over heard earlier. "You didn't even know whos house you were buying when you offered 100 gold coin for it. It was Fluttershy's house, a dear friend of mine, that you tried to buy. Did you notice how the EAF refused to give out a name, they don't want you to remember the elements and the power they posses. My fellow ponies, listen this man, no, coward before you is a liar and is deceiving you into thinking that he is providing protection. Please just listen, please."

Crash flew off into the sky before the guards could catch her but they already gave chase.

OOC: :p i told CA i was gonna give a rebellion you wernt expecting that CA :p

also...winter wrap up...looped that whole in love :p
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Love look! Those guys are flying away. They're also gathering attention. Now's our chance to leave."
Stormy along with Love and her B-Friend left the crowd to avoid drama.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OoC: Say colt instead of man, works better. :p Also, you didn't tell me you'd use Windstorm, but I'll allow this for now.

Windstorm laughed. The remaining EAF turned to the group attempting to leave, blocking their path.

"The generation today...quite exciting." Windstorm turned back to the crowd. "Coward? Ha! Attempting to over throw the Princess? Never. Do not forget my past as a Royal Guard, and my position as Commander of the Equestrian Armed Forces. Do not forget, none of the remaining royals wanted to be put put in charge of Equestria when it was in chaos. I was given this position. And I worked to make it more strong then ever."

Windstorm paused, thinking.

"As for the...'Elements of Harmony'...they presented a great threat to the EAF. They refused to cooperate with us, and were punished. They spread lies and rumors, saying they could do what the Princesses couldn't. We are not fighting something that can be reasoned with, and something that requires our unity and power! And of course we have been building the outpost. Visit us to see, maybe join us, if you're up to it."
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

With the news of punishing the six elements of harmony, several murmers crept through the crowd. Eventually, an orange colt with blue hair stood up and questioned, "What do you mean by, 'punished', Mr. Windstorm?"
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Don't worry. They are in good health, they are not harmed. Now, if you excuse me." Windstorm flew off, but the remaining EAF members stayed back, making sure the crowd would stay peaceful.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"I still don't true you."
Stormy said to himself.
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Shade didn't know what to do. ~ Am I Supposed to join the EAF, Or stay with the rest of the group?!~ "Maby time will tell..."
With that, he flew gracefully off the ground and followed the one they call Crash. ~ This will be interesting!~ Thought Shade Excitedly.

OOC: Vacation time away from the computer is terrible for my health... sorry if i'm not on all the time. I'll be at least in the background though...
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC: dang...did i say man? i tried to replace all the uses of man with colt must have missed one. stupid human tendancies to say man...ITS COLT lol :p

IC: Crash continued to fly at an incredible rate till she lost the EAF members. then a blue colt with a red mane flew up from below Crash. "WHAAAAA?!?! How did he catch up? He must be a great flyer to catch up to me." she muttered to herself as she tried to lose him.

She wasn't able to shake him no matter what she tried. "HEY leave me alone, I don't have time to play around with you." She yelled at the persistent colt. Then she was it, a purple dragon running toward the former Twilight Sparkle's house.

"What is he up to?" She muttered to herself. "I need to get some support before I do anything, only 3 of us is not going to take down Windstorms empire." She muttered to herself

"Maybe this colt that is following me will help." She continued to herself. "HEY if your gonna follow me follow me to the ground. At least they wont yell at us there, also try to keep a low profile, I'm sure after my little speech i will be on some kind of wanted list. You got that?" She said as she got closer to the colt that was following her.

She got close to the colt flying below her and then another pony, that had a dark coat and blue mane flew up beside her also. "YOU TOO, *sigh* you guys are quite the rebels to the EAF's rules arn't you? Well listen, i need some support for what i want to do next. Will you join me in the rebellion against our evil ruler Windstorm? I just know he is up to no good, i plan to find out what is really going on around here and restore order. I have 2 more ponies I want you guys to meet that will help us along the way. How about it? I have a couple other ponies in mind that can help us with our mission. Just follow me" She said as she explained her plan to them. shade is following me to? lol ill add you into my post too also. and just a note to you players...dont try to out run the EAF in the only able to cause im important to the plot :p....for now
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

OOC:UH... If you were posting to me... MY Pony(Shade) Has a Blue mane and dark coat,catutie.

As Crash got away from the EAF ponys, and finally landed, Shade placed himself a little aways from Crash.
~Better take it nice and easy...~ He thought to himself.
"Hey. He exclamed as he got closer to Crash. Name's Shade.What's yours?" ~Just to be on the safe side...~
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

"Oh how rude, I'm Sky Crash. Crash for short." Crash said as she stuck out her hoof for a hoofshake. "Sorry if I was a little rude up in the sky's, I was just a little busy."

OOC: also...woops fixed i think lol
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

Smartie Pie was getting worried. She was helpless, not knowing what was even going on. "Folks in Canterlot said I was a lot like one of the Elements of Harmony...Maybe I could look into that a little bit more..." She posted a sign on her door: 'Help wanted--Rewards avalible'
RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)

^OOC: lol...that is amazing.

IC: Crash continued around the town trying to stay out of the air as not to attract attention and keeping her newly found friends close by her side as to hid her some. "Ok I have some ponies in mind that i want joining me for this and I'm sure they will join me."

She then saw a door with a sign saying 'Help Wanted'. "What could this be?" She said to no one in particular. "Lets go look." She said to her friends.

They knocked on the door...
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