TCG Fakes More Pimpin' Fakes (Alola batch 2 added November 14)

RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Regigigas added February 20)

Okay, so I tried something a little different with this one. I just piled four blanks on top of each other and erased a few parts here and there to make them blend together. It's kinda wonky since Metal and Colorless don't mix very well. Water stands out the most, but I promise you the M/C part is still there, lol.

For DNA, who has recently been the victim of a horrible injustice.

If you'd like to see your favorite art or spoiler in card form, don't hesitate to drop me a line.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Regigigas added February 20)

I can't see the Colorless bit on there, but I love you no homo all the same.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Regigigas added February 20)

I love what you've done with the blank :D Great Regigigas, "Awesome Fist" is Awesome.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Regigigas added February 20)

Wow! love the work your doing PMJ! :)

SUPER off topic: I'm so sorry that i'v locked your own thread.:(:( So, do you forgive me?
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Gothitelle added February 24)

So this is my first entry using HGSS Pokemon cards. I say it turned out pretty nicely.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Gothitelle added February 24)

I'd reword the Tool bit to say "...if a Pokémon Tool is attached to Gothitelle or the Defending Pokémon, that Pokémon Tool does nothing."

I think there's one card that does something like that. However if it exists, it's from a set way back when, so I can't remember.

Still looks great for a HGSS blank.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Gothitelle added February 24)

Yeah I thought about that. If you can find me precedence I'll happily change it.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Victini added February 28)

Today's update is Victini, on my first test run using Basic HGSS blanks. I didn't get precise with the positioning of the word "basic" but I think I did okay. Anything really crazy wrong here?

Also, fifty points if you get the reference. I always found that scene amusing...
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Victini added February 28)

^i know the reference...but i cant remember what its from dang....i wanted the 50 points :p love the card
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Victini added February 28)

I certainly hope that's a joke card. As to whether or not I get the reference?
No. Never heard it before in my life.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Victini added February 28)

hahahahahaha, "the thing".

If nothing else works, KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Victini added February 28)

The reference is in the power, not the attack, so if there's one in the attack I apologize but that's not what I was referring to.

DNA: It's half serious. I realize taking a prize on a coin flip is some crazy shiz, but it's supposed to emphasize Victini's dex entry that states that Victini = win (which is why his only attack is free and does 30 damage and he has a crazy insane power). The card is based mostly on the power, which comes from a scene in a game.

I just wanted to emphasize the whole 'victory' thing that Victini himself does not stop talking about (HEY GUYS I HAVE A V ON MY HEAD IT'S FOR VICTORY SEE ME DO THE V SIGN YEAHHHHHHHHHH ACCURACY++ FOR GREAT JUSTICE), and I think I done did it. :>
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Victini added February 28)

PMJ said:
I just wanted to emphasize the whole 'victory' thing that Victini himself does not stop talking about (HEY GUYS I HAVE A V ON MY HEAD IT'S FOR VICTORY SEE ME DO THE V SIGN YEAHHHHHHHHHH ACCURACY++ FOR GREAT JUSTICE), and I think I done did it. :>
You did, and you captured it quite well I've seen. It's just...yeah, the card is practically over the top.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Xaxasxa added March 24)

Today's update is Xaxasxa (pronounced "zack's asha").

The name comes from "xaxasxa", which is what bacon put in response to... something. Like either not being picked for Smogon's CAP (which is what the design was for), or the fact that Reuniclus is A TOTAL RIPOFF of this thing!!1 Either way, I said it looked like the name of this Pokemon and the name stuck.

Why am I naming all of bacon's fakemon? I don't know but awesome.

Anyway, there you go.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Xaxasxa added March 24)

I always liked how Xaxasxa looks impossible to pronounce and everybody gets it wrong, I'm not sure there should be an official pronounciation (I've always said it like "Zaa-Zaas-Zaa")

Cool card, I think he just needs to be heavier. Water is surprisingly weighty, he'd actually clock in near 1,000 lbs (real Pokemon weights are always waaaay off)
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Xaxasxa added March 24)

what up with the hate for electivire an pikachu A?
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Xaxasxa added March 24)

At the end of the Battle Frontier saga, Ash fought Gary's Electivire using Pikachu. He tried using Volt Tackle on it, and Electivire used Protect, causing Pikachu to get KOed by its own attack.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Xaxasxa added March 24)

Still... Then you should hate gary's electivire... not electivire.'
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Xaxasxa added March 24)

It's not hate on Electivire. It's more hate on Pikachu than anything else, and it's not hate so much as it is a nod towards the anime, and Ash's foolishness.
RE: More Pimpin' Fakes. (Keldeo, Mantine, Sawsbuck added December 6)

All right, so I know it's been ages since I updated this thread. I've been actively faking, just not Pokemon. (ponies)

Keldeo and Mantine were submissions for Pokebeach's create-a-competition hosted by CMP. Sawsbuck is my image submission for the second one.

Yeah. Forgot to update this thread when I made K/M. oops.