Most Overrated Card?

I don't think there are any overrated cards mind you, just decks. The cards themselves are building blocks to a finished product (a deck).

IMO the Sablelock deck itself is overrated, the disruption part of it is just way to luck based. Hands up if you got foiled by double tails on Cyrus, or your Giratina stuck in the active spot. It's certainly not a bad deck but I don't think it is as great as everyone makes it out to be.
supersonic711 said:
IMO the Sablelock deck itself is overrated, the disruption part of it is just way to luck based. Hands up if you got foiled by double tails on Cyrus, or your Giratina stuck in the active spot. It's certainly not a bad deck but I don't think it is as great as everyone makes it out to be.

Apparently it was good enough to win Nationals... l u l z
Gyaradan said:
Apparently it was good enough to win Nationals... l u l z

I don't care if it got tops somewhere, Avatar & Titanic are at the top in the box office, does that mean they are the greatest movies ever? I am speaking from my personal experience playing with it or against it.
Its good, but it certainly is annoying to play against. I think it IS overrated though, good as it is. It probably got pretty lucky or played like 2 promocroak to beat luxchomp lol
It only needs the one to one-shot Luxray, plus it is in my opinion that Luxchomp loses to Sablock unless they bring it to late-game.

supersonic711 said:
I don't care if it got tops somewhere, Avatar & Titanic are at the top in the box office, does that mean they are the greatest movies ever? I am speaking from my personal experience playing with it or against it.

The chances of starting with a lone giratina are less than 10%

the chances of flipping double tails is 12.5%

It happens once in a blue moon, but the deck is flexible enough to recover from a giratina start, or to adjust its strategy if you're unable to lock down the early game.

Dismissing the deck because of horrible luck is just plain childish.
Rubyiris said:
It only needs the one to one-shot Luxray, plus it is in my opinion that Luxchomp loses to Sablock unless they bring it to late-game.

The chances of starting with a lone giratina are less than 10%

the chances of flipping double tails is 12.5%

It happens once in a blue moon, but the deck is flexible enough to recover from a giratina start, or to adjust its strategy if you're unable to lock down the early game.

Dismissing the deck because of horrible luck is just plain childish.

Well its actually 25% chance for double tails, but yeah its very good, but is still somewhat overrated IMO
Pokefan4000 said:
Kingdra Prime.
Oooh, free 10 damage each turn. I'd like to deal 30 damage now with my Crobat Gs and Pokéturn instead of doing 10 damage for 3 turns.

yeah you do that when you realize you ran out of poketurns and l8ter scoop (a nationals experience ill never forget)
yeah the other kingdra is a much better attacker, but a continuous 10-20 snipe + dragon pump youll be setting up double knockouts like crazy
Rubyiris said:
It only needs the one to one-shot Luxray, plus it is in my opinion that Luxchomp loses to Sablock unless they bring it to late-game.

The chances of starting with a lone giratina are less than 10%

the chances of flipping double tails is 12.5%

It happens once in a blue moon, but the deck is flexible enough to recover from a giratina start, or to adjust its strategy if you're unable to lock down the early game.

Dismissing the deck because of horrible luck is just plain childish.

You see people seem to automatically associate "overrated = bad" I think that is childish.
o·ver·rate (vr-rt)
tr.v. o·ver·rat·ed, o·ver·rat·ing, o·ver·rates
To overestimate the merits of; rate too highly.

Im not dismissing the deck, it is a good deck deck, I just think it's not as great as people make it out to be. Because of some universal flaws in it (ie. the luck based disruption and having Giratina active without moonlight stadium out). Bad luck is common, ask anyone who plays the Pokemon video game and they lose a game because they got critical hit which is only a 10% chance of happening.

I've lost to the deck and I have won with the deck it is just my humble opinion. I play Jumpluff and Luxchomp go ahead and call them overrated, Different strokes for different blokes.
supersonic711 said:
Let's put it this way, change Bright Looks name to "Free Prize Card" that is why it is so good.

With what? Flash Impact? Flash Impact is a terrible move, and Bright Look can be countered. Plus, Luxray's meagre HP and awful weakness. Bright Look may equal free prize card, but so many cards work their way around that.
sturtle said:
With what? Flash Impact? Flash Impact is a terrible move, and Bright Look can be countered. Plus, Luxray's meagre HP and awful weakness. Bright Look may equal free prize card, but so many cards work their way around that.

Luxray usually picks off low HP pokemon on the bench with flash impact for easy prizes. It commonly retreats or poketurns away after using Bright Look to something that can knockout your target, or it pulls up something that is hard to retreat (ie: Claydol), that is why it fits in almost any deck that plays Crobat Gs and Poketurns just for its power alone. It's about its fantastic disruption power being able to knock out what you want, not its sheer power.
supersonic711 said:
Luxray usually picks off low HP pokemon on the bench with flash impact for easy prizes. It commonly retreats or poketurns away after using Bright Look to something that can knockout your target, or it pulls up something that is hard to retreat (Claydol), that is why it fits in almost any deck that plays Crobat Gs and Poketurns just for its power alone. It's about its fantastic disruption power being to be able to knock what you want, not its sheer power.

I understand that, but Luxray falls to Donphan, and Bright look can be power sprayed.
Okay, so....

Gardegon said:
either claydol or spiritomb AR

I don't see how anyone can say this. Claydol is the best draw in the format, and although I can see the argument being made for Spiritomb, it's allowed many otherwise bad decks to become viable.

How did it not make deck builders lazy, everyones heartbroken that he's leaving because now stage 2 decks aren't playable, even though i've managed fine without him, I've managed to keep up with most others deck and thats with-out his 'consistency'.

What does "managing fine" mean? Regularly winning World level events? Topping world level events? How about National level events? Regionals? States? Because decks that include Claydol have done all that and more, making your argument pretty invalid and quite silly.

ace310j said:
I think the most overrated card in format is cursegar. I mean magnezone does the same thing only he can use a dce and he has a better power.

Yes, except that Gengar is a better card line overall, has synergy with more, better cards, has the Lv. X for a great power, decent attack, and more HP. Oh, and it doesn't give the opponent the option to switch, and it has a power that combos with Gengar Lv. X and Gengar SF. Besides a similar attack these cards are pretty much nothing alike.

pokefan1234 said:
Uxie, It is just screaming "Spray Me!" I personally hate it!

Again, it's one of the best draw cards we have. It's apart of almost every winning deck. Decks win for a reason, a big part of that reason being the cards included.

Dragonzong said:
the most over rated card IMO was and still is Crobat Prime. even though we knew it was a fail when it came out. it became the talk of the league so to speak. i faced a bat prime deck and over smoked it because of the main foucs of poison. he was trying to poison me every time but i kept retreating or zappped with with luxray.
Typhlosionwolf said:
Agreed, although I'd add that most of the people who hyped Crobat prime were scrubs.

sturtle said:
Luxray GL lv.X. It never made sense to me. 60 damage for 2, and 30 to the bench? Bleh. Bright Look is good, but not good enough, IMO.

TBH, if you don't see why Luxray, after 2 years in the format, isn't the BCIF, I don't think you should be talking competitive strategy. This is a ridiculously ignorant post.

varit said:'s not as great as everyone say's, and besides I pwn just fine without it. cya

Again, what does pwn mean? Do you usually win at league if you don't get a bad start, or do you regularly top and win world level events? Because decks with Claydol in them have been doing that since it came out.

supersonic711 said:
I don't think there are any overrated cards mind you, just decks. The cards themselves are building blocks to a finished product (a deck).

IMO the Sablelock deck itself is overrated, the disruption part of it is just way to luck based. Hands up if you got foiled by double tails on Cyrus, or your Giratina stuck in the active spot. It's certainly not a bad deck but I don't think it is as great as everyone makes it out to be.

Again, ignorant post. Sablelock just won U.S. Nationals.

sturtle said:
With what? Flash Impact? Flash Impact is a terrible move, and Bright Look can be countered. Plus, Luxray's meagre HP and awful weakness. Bright Look may equal free prize card, but so many cards work their way around that.

Are you totally unaware of a deck called LuxChomp? Do you not know what Garchomp C Lv. X, Bright Look, Energy Gain, DCE, and Poke Turn do? I really, really don't understand these posts.

I hope no one is upset, I just thought I'd add my $0.02.
kwisdumb said:
Again, ignorant post. Sablelock just won U.S. Nationals.

Halo 3 is the best video game ever because of it's day 1 sales
Avatar is the best movie because it got the most money
George Bush won election twice so that must mean he is an awesome president

I think you are ignorant one for thinking when I say it is overrated, you think I am saying the deck sucks
I need not explain myself again about this as I did in the last post :)

All these posts are strictly opinion and personal preference.
supersonic711 said:
Halo 3 is the best video game ever because of it's day 1 sales
Avatar is the best movie because it got the most money
George Bush won election twice so that must mean he is an awesome president

I think you are ignorant one for thinking when I say it is overrated, you think I am saying the deck sucks
I need not explain myself again about this as I did in the last post :)

All these posts are strictly opinion and personal preference.

Your argument doesn't make sense. You are talking about quantitative information.

Sabeleye is one of the best decks in the format which means you would have to compare it to one of the best movies/one of the best presidents etc.
I'm just saying that it's very unlikely that, over 9 rounds and 7 best-of-3 top cut rounds, that the winner didn't miss heads on Initiative, had to set Giratina active, etc. But he still pulled it off. I'm just saying that it's ignorant to say that a deck isn't great after it just won the biggest, and arguably hardest tournament on the planet.
supersonic711 said:
Im not dismissing the deck, it is a good deck deck, I just think it's not as great as people make it out to be. Because of some universal flaws in it (ie. the luck based disruption and having Giratina active without moonlight stadium out). Bad luck is common, ask anyone who plays the Pokemon video game and they lose a game because they got critical hit which is only a 10% chance of happening.
actually the chances range from 6.25% all the way upto 55% depending on the monster and the attack
kwisdumb said:
I'm just saying that it's very unlikely that, over 9 rounds and 7 best-of-3 top cut rounds, that the winner didn't miss heads on Initiative, had to set Giratina active, etc. But he still pulled it off. I'm just saying that it's ignorant to say that a deck isn't great after it just won the biggest, and arguably hardest tournament on the planet.

I totally agree with this person. Obviously, over 9 rounds, the dude did double tails at MINIMAL once or twice throughout the tourny and he still pulled it off. Sablelock isn't overrated, it's just plain consistant.

Luxray Lv. X clearly isn't overrated, as it's versatile and can fit into basically any deck whatsoever. .__. It's got free retreat, so you can Bright Look and have Jumpluff kill something. If you're smart, you can even have jumpluff kill something with Leaf Guard. Or, you could bright look something like Claydol or Giratina, and just snipe around it while your opponent can't do anything. OR STILL you could use Flash Impact to kill your opponent's Crobat G or Kingdra that has X2 weakness. Luxray is one of the most versatile cards in the format today.

IMO, the two most overrated cards are Crobat Prime and Donphan Prime. Both cards were extremely hyped for the tournaments they were out for [states for Donphan, Nats for Crobat] and neither of them did well. At all. If they were so good, they would be winning right now, and they're not. -__-
Apparently this thread has turned some people against each other, saying Luxray is overrated, no Claydol is, no Crobat Prime is. There will never be an end to this thread because people are simply stating their opinion of cards and then someone else tells them why their opinion is totally wrong. Personally, I think this thread is one massive thread pointless arguments, but then again, that's just my opinion. Now based on what I have seen on this thread, the next person will tell me that my opinion is wrong and that I am on crack or something. Well frankly, I don't care. An opinion can't be right or wrong and none of you can say otherwise >__< Just leave each other alone and go back to your normal lives, if you live for anything more than ranting at other people and telling them why they're always wrong and you are always right. Peace.
okay most overrated...
Donphan prime...
I mean yes it beats luxray but a lot of other stuff has an autowin against it, and yes i know it good at Nats but it was paired w/ Kingdra and was just a tech, it is not a stand alone deck IMO because it needs help to cover its weakness.