Movie Pet Peeves


ok hope this threat goes here
So, i always try to relax at the movie theaters (i love movies!)
but there are some things that get me ticked like people using there phones while the movies on or parents bringing there kids in movies they shouldnt be in. it gets me mad{R}
So, what is your biggest movie pet peeve?
hope this doesnt get locked:D
I think the worst thing is when people laugh at a part that isn't really funny and REALLY loudly. It bugs me so much!
^That and when people talk about there real life during the movie. I mean, how hard is it to watch a movie for two hours? I just don't get some people.
I hate when people cover someone's eyes in the middle of the movie (like during a kissing scene or something).
I hate when a movie is based on a book, and then doesn't even follow the storyline!!! That reeaallly curdles my cheese.
Ugh don't even get me started! I hate that. And ya when people are sitting there and talking about how they "got in a fight with their boyfriend" or something... so annoying.
When people talk. That's the big one...especially at home and your family's watching and they just think it's OK to talk loudly without the consideration of others. But it's OK at home, 'cuz they're family, but at the theater, AGH!
When people sit one seat away from someone they don't know. I can never sit with my family/friends because of that -.-. I also hate the front row. Hurts my neck all the time.
when some little brat keeps kicking the back of my chair and wont STFU! and then after the two minute long clip about turning off your phone, some dumbass below me whips out their freaking phone and starts texting. every time that happens i throw popcorn at the idiot with their phone
When During an Advert a Little Child goes... "WOW Whats that!?" or when they state the obvious.
Also when you always get the seat where someone sits in front of you and you cant see, and they gave to sit in your way even though there are other free seats where it isnt blocking anyone. Funny story actually, I went to the movies last week with my firends and the Cinema was free, but then a person with the biggest possible hair had to sit right in fron of me even though there were better seats elswhere
I can't stand when people think they're elite because they laugh at the gory parts of horror movies. That, and when tall people sit directly in front of you so half of the screen is blocked out X_X
I mean, that's understandable when the theater's crowded, but when it's near empty, I mean of ALL PLACES. WHY in front of me.

When people make out during the movie. Honestly, why pay the 7 bucks just to make out in the dark? You can't do that at home?

Or if I happen to be sitting next to someone who's chewing really loudly. People have no manners.
Two things for me.
1. Loudness
2. Random Laughing

I was watching Avatar, and during the climax battle scene, the girl next to thought she was watching a football game...
No idea.
But my favorite random outburst from her was, "Ooo! Next time throw a rock at him!"
And then, she started to make out with her boyfriend, soon after, she was escorted out by security. LOL
What about when you are just enjoying your movie and suddenly the power goes out! That happened when I saw Spider Man 3 lol. And things that bother me about the movies themselves is when the bad guys shoot 1,000,000,000 bullets at the main guy and they NEVER hit! Ever! Lmao.
I was at Pirates of the Carribean, and one guy behind me had already seen the movie, and kept telling his friend exactly what would happen when. it was like STFU! other people are here too! -_-