Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo Wins!

RE: Bippa's, now Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 4 is Up!

Dunsparce Lv.26 70HP {C}
Picture: Dunsparce is half way out of a hole he dug, hes grinning and its mouth is slightly open. In the packround, you can see the playground they reside in, and another whole with the back half of a dunsparce hanging out.

(Poke-Power) The Drilling Process
As long as Dunsparce has more then half of its HP left (rounded down to the nearest 10), each one of your active pokemon's retreat cose is reduced by **. The Drilling Process can not be used if Dunsparce is affected by a special condition.

{C} Treasure Hunting
Take the bottom 4 cards from the bottom of your deck, select 2 and put the other 2 on the top of your deck in anyway you like. You may shufle your deck afterwards.

{C} Fludder 10
Switch the defending pokemon with one of your oppents benched pokemon (you opponent picks the new switched in pokemon).

Weakness: {F} +20
Resistence: {P} -20
Retreat Cost: *

Flavor Text: A very self-consious Pokemon, once encountered, its only intention is to flee. In some cities, it is praised for being able to dig and fly, at least a little.
RE: Bippa's, now Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 4 is Up!

No, it doesn't. It is just like the next tech. Drawing engine was an example.
Round is over on Thurs.
I'll start with scores on Wednesday.
RE: Bippa's, now Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 4 is Up!

Right now. Winner will have immunity in the next round. You will still have to submit a card however. One more day, and if you didn't submit, I'll just kick you out.
I am going to think up a new rubric soon.
10 Points - Concept of the card 10/10 Useful with Flygon for major deck disruption.
10 Points - Picture 10/10 It is strange, but cool.
5 Points - Attack 4/5 High energy cost on the attack.
5 Points - Top Stats 5/5
5 Points - Bottom Stats 3/5 Higher retreat and less weakness. Should be one or 2 for retreat and +20 for weakness.
5 Points - Flavor Text 5/5 Great relation to the movie.
Total Points: 37/40

10 Points - Concept of the card 10/10
10 Points - Picture 9/10 Hard to picture.
5 Points - Attacks 2/5 Power and second attack way over powered in the searching.
5 Points - Top Stats 5/5
5 Points - Bottom Stats 5/5
5 Points - Flavor Text 5/5
Total Points: 36/40

10 Points - Concept of the card 10/10
10 Points - Picture 10/10
5 Points - 4/5 Higher Energy cost on the attack.
5 Points - Top Stats 4/5 HP and Lv need to be in caps.
5 Points - Bottom Stats 5/5
5 Points - Flavor Text 5/5
Total Points: 38/40

Kingdra King
10 Points - Concept of the card 10/10
10 Points - Picture 10/10
5 Points - Attacks 5/5 Bye bye Energy Gain.
5 Points - Top Stats 5/5
5 Points - Bottom Stats 5/5
5 Points - Flavor Text 2/5 No creativity. Just the DP standard.
Total Points: 37/40

10 Points - Concept of the card 10/10
10 Points - Picture 10/10 Cute!
5 Points - Attacks 5/5
5 Points - Top Stats 4/5 I think that I'd go with a number perfectly divisible by 2 so there is no rounding.
5 Points - Bottom Stats 5/5
5 Points - 5/5
So, Vencargo, you have immunity.
MS Eeveelution, you'll have to be able to get to a computer.
RE: Bippa's, now Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 4 is Up!

Bibarel is not a lazy Pokemon. It is avery hardworker. Its a beaver, it chops wood and builds dams, its not lazy.
RE: Bippa's, now Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 4 is Up!

Ok Daren, because you corrected me, then I'll change that.
Everyone that didn't submit is out.
Vencargo, you have immunity, but you may still post a card because you could win another prize.
Round 5:
Give a major metagame card a LvX form that complements is quite well.
Your choices are:
Any Eeveelution
I wish you the best of luck.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Unless you could give me a better example of a great card in the metagame without a LvX.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Here is my card for round 5:

Rampardos Lv. X 150HP
Level Up (Put onto Rampardos)

Picture: Rampardos is in the middle of the picture. He is in the middle of charging and that top half of his head is coming out of the picture. The background is a whirlwind of dust, sand, and rocks. His tail is also coming out of the picture.

Poke-Body: Skull Break
If Rampardos Lv. X's HP is less then the defending Pokemon's HP, ignore all damage from attacks done to Ramppardos Lv. X.

{F}{F}{C} Boulder Twirl 40x
Flip a coin for each damage counter on Rampardos Lv. X. This attack does 40 damage times the amount of heads.

Put this card onto your active Rampardos. Rampardos Lv. X can use any attack, Poke-Power, or Poke-Body from it's previous level.

Flavor Text: Rampardos's skull is one of the hardest things on earth, even harder then diamonds. This gives him a major advantage in battle.

Weakness: {G}
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Don't you mean Vaporeon MD?
If it is RR, I really don't see the combo.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Well actually it could go with either one.

Vaporeon MD: Heal yourself and damge your opponent's bench with the Lv. X

Vaporeon RR: Heal yourself and damae your opponent's bench with the Lv. X and regular Vaporeon's attacks.

Same thing for both. It's mostly spread.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Ahhh, I really don't see it on the RR one. I see spread, but no healing.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Gengar Lv. X 130 HP {P}
Level Up Card

Poké-Body : Reverse Manipulation
Apply all effect of attack done to Gengar by the Defending Pokémon to the Defending Pokémon instead.

{P} Shadow Haunt
Put 3 damage counters on any of your opponent's Pokémon in any way you like. If your opponent's have any Level X Pokémon on his or her Benched, put 5 damage counters instead.

{P}{C}{C} Bounty Trial 60
Your opponent's discard the top 2 from his or her hand. You opponent's may put 3 damage counters on the Defending Pokémon instead of discarding any cards.

W - {D} x2
R - {C} -20
RC - {C}

Pic : Gengar's hand come out of the frame reaching it's Body. The background is pitch black... Gengars eyes are glowing red while only half of it's body is seen.

Flavour text : It is said that if Gengar is hiding in the shadow, the area cools down to nearly 10 degrees F.

- Edited to add the Flavour Text and Pic
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Great job. The new age of spread is here.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Why would you need to?
Flavor Text isn't needed in this round.
Change whatever you like.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

I changed it completely. Here it is:

Rampardos Lv. X 150HP {F}
Level Up (Put onto Rampardos)

Picture: Rampardos is in the middle of the picture. He is in the middle of charging and that top half of his head is coming out of the picture. The background is a whirlwind of dust, sand, and rocks. His tail is also coming out of the picture.

Poke-Body: Skull Break
If Rampardos Lv. X's HP is less then the defending Pokemon's HP, ignore all damage from attacks done to Ramppardos Lv. X.

{F}{F}{C}Boulder Twirl 40x
Flip a coin for each damage counter on Rampardos Lv. X. This attack does 40 damage times the amount of heads.

Put this card onto your active Rampardos. Rampardos Lv. X can use any attack, Poke-Power, or Poke-Body from it's previous level.

Flavor Text: Rampardos's skull is one of the hardest things on earth, even harder then diamonds. This gives him a major advantage in battle.

Weakness: {G}
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Let me just tell you, I liked the Vaporeon better, but that is just me. Do what you like.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 is Up! Due Monday!

Kingdra – Lv.X – HP140 – {W}
Level Up – Put Onto Kingdra

Picture: A stream of bubbles is blasting from Kingdra’s snout which is sticking out of the picture. It’s back fin is shining in the bright glint of the sun that is shining through the water. It is glaring and in a mid-swimming motion.

{Poke-Power} Dragon Beat
Once during your opponent’s turn, if your opponent goes to evolve one of his or her benched Pokemon, you may discard two cards from your hand. If you do, your opponent returns that evolution card to his or her hand. This counts as evolving that Pokemon. You can’t use more than 1 Dragon Beat Poke-Power each turn. This power can’t be used if Kingdra is affected by a special condition.

{W} Aquatic Rule - - -
Place 5 damage counters on your opponent’ Pokemon in any way you like. Discard an energy card attached to Kingdra for each of your opponent’s Pokemon that is knocked out by damage from this attack. If Kingdra no longer has any energy cards attached to it, you cannot place damage counters on your opponent’s Pokemon in a way that would reduce the remaining HP of any of your opponent’s Pokemon to 0. Kingdra cannot use Aquatic Rule during your next turn.

Weakness: {L} x2 - - - Resistance: - - - Retreat Cost: