Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo Wins!

RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

Kricketune – Lv.X – HP110 – {G}
Level Up – Put onto Kricketune

{Poke-Body} Melody Stage
You can have 6 Pokemon on your bench at any time. When you play a basic Pokemon onto your bench, remove 2 damage counters from Kricketune.

{G}{G} Magnificent Symphony - - - 20+
You may remove the highest stage evolution cards from any of your Pokemon in play (Excluding Kricketune). If you do, play those cards onto your bench as basic Pokemon. If there is no longer any room on your bench, put the evolution cards into your hand instead. This attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each card you put in your hand in this way.

Weakness: {R} x2 - - - Resistance: - - - Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo, please return Immunity is gone!

Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 5/5
Grammar 5 points A little in the picture text and Pokebody 4/5
Attacks 10 points 10/10 The new trainer lock!
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 5/5
Overpowered or Underpowered 10 points 8/10 The attack is a little overpowered.

MS Eeveelution
Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 5/5
Grammar 5 points 4/5 Hand Collect doesn't need the (). It could just say or.
Attacks 10 points 10/10 Great! You've just come up with a way to use this card!
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 5/5
Overpowered or Underpowered 10 points 10/10 Just right for the format.

Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 4/5 A little hard to picture.
Grammar 5 points 5/5
Attacks 10 points 10/10 Great Job!
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 4/5 One more {C} in the Retreat Cost.
Overpowered or Underpowered 10 points Poke-Power should say that you can only use one of it per turn, so no 2 Kricketune LvX. 8/10

Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 0/5 No picture.
Grammar 5 points 5/5
Attacks 10 points 8/10 The attack is hard to read.
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 5/5
Overpowered or Underpowered 10 points 7/10 Overpowered.
30/40 Daren has used his immune juice from Bippa.

Daren, I am sorry, but you are out.
MS Eeveetution, for winning this round, you will be able to pick the next round.
Trophies will begin to be handed out for the top three.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 Scores Are Up

damn i could have tied for first if i didnt rush D:

ha eeveelutions hurry, i be bored dude
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 Scores Are Up

Darnit, forgot the picture, I guess its fair to say that you guys beat me at my own game considering I made the round, its been fun!
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 Scores Are Up

Just a simple round but I have no idea at the moment.. so this round is ....

Make a bad legendary like Articuno MD, Zapdos MD, Celebi MT, Lati@s GE a good lvl x to go with
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 5 Scores Are Up

Ok, so now that there are only 3 left, the final three will receive trophies no matter what.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Wait, the cards or the trophies?
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

haha whats up with all the repeated LV.X rounds

Zapdos Lv.X {L} 120 HP

Picture: Zapdos's wings are spread, his beak is somewhat open, Lightning bolt's are seen striking downward in the backround. Its very Cloudy, and purpleish (like the MD card but with some blue too).

(Poke-Body) Energy Drain
All attacks energy cost are reduced by one {C} energy. Energy Drain stops working if Zapdos Lv.X is affected by a special condition.

{L}{L}{C} Static Wave
This attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon.

{L}{C}{C} Wing Beat 60
During your next turn, Zapdos Lv.X's Retreat Cost is reduced to 0.

Weakness: {L} x2
Resistance: {F} -20
Retreat Cost: **

Flavor Text: Many beleive this creature to be purely myth, others beleive its at the heart of every thunder storm. Many sightings of very large Zapdos feather's have been found by broken electricity generators.

I guess this card would work well with Cresselia X
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Articuno Lv. X 120 HP {W}
Level Up Card

Pic: Articuno is flying out of the frame.. It's tail reach it type symbol.. it's wing stay inside the frame.. The background is hail storm

Poké-Body : Cooling Storm
Remove 1 damage counters from each of your {W} Pokémon between turns. You can't use more than 1 Cooling Storm Poké-Body each turns..

*Add later
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Do I have to choose from those choices or any other legendaries ?
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Articuno Lv. X 120 HP {W}
Level Up Card

Pic : Articuno is in a mid using a gust attack motion (flapping wings to produce a gust (wind) ). Instead of just wind/gust, Its a blizzard, wind with ice shards. Tips of both of Articuno's wings are out of the frame. You can also see some ice shards from the blizzard out of the frame.

Poke-Power : Frosty Overcoat
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this Power. Until the end of your next turn, all {W} Energy attached to all of your {W} Pokemon cannot be discard by any means (exept Retreating). If you do, your turn ends. This Power can't be used if Articuno Lv.X is affected by any Special Condition.

Poké-Body : Below Freezing
Whenever a Pokemon with {W} Energy attached to it attacks and damages any of your {W} Pokemon. Count the number of {W} Energy attached to that Pokemon . That attack is reduced by 10 damage for each {W} Energy attached to that Pokemon. After doing damage, Remove 1 Damage Counter on the attacked Pokemon for each {W} Energy attached to that Pokemon.

{W}{C} Sheer Cold 40+
This attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each {W} Energy attached to Articuno Lv.X . If this attack does 100 damage or more. Discard all {W} Energy attached to Articuno Lv.X.

Weakness : {M} x2
Resistance : {F} -20
Retreat Cost : {C}{C}

As you can see, The body combos with the Previous form attack and the Power combos with its attack.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Articuno Lv. X 120 HP {W}
Level Up Card

Pic: Articuno is flying out of the frame.. It's tail reach it type symbol.. it's wing stay inside the frame.. The background is hail storm

Poké-Body : Cooling Storm
Remove 1 damage counters from each of your {W} Pokémon between turns. You can't use more than 1 Cooling Storm Poké-Body each turns..

{W}{C}{C} Icicle Shard
Does 50 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for this attack).

W - {M} x2
R - {F} -20
RC - {C}{C}
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Rubric for the round:
Concept 5 points
Picture 5 points
Grammar 5 points
Attacks 10 points
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points
Overpowered or Underpowered 10 points

Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 4/5 No out of frame?!
Grammar 5 points 5/5
Attacks 10 points 8/10 Really don't see how this helps Zapdos MD.
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 5/5
Overpowered or Underpowered 10 points 9/10 Pokebody a little overpowered.
Total: 36/40

Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 5/5
Grammar 5 points 2/5 Hard to read
Attacks 10 points 9/10 Just hard to read
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 5/5
Overpowered or Underpowered 10 points 9/10 Frosty coat a lieelte overpowered.
Total: 35/40

MS Eeveelution
Concept 5 points 5/5
Picture 5 points 5/5
Grammar 5 points 4/5 Few minor mistakes.
Attacks 10 points 8/10 Sooooo simple!
Top and Bottom Stats 5 points 5/5
Overpowered or Underpowered 10 points 10/10 Good, but work on creativity.
Total: 37/40

Trophy avatars will be posted at the end of the contest.
Congrats MS Eeveelution, you win.
XKurama93X, you are out. Remember to pick up your trophy.
I'll announce the final round tomorrow.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

..Woho......I though I was going to lose like when daren chooses his round
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Oh Wow... i actually thought i did better than the rest... And well, i lost because of grammar.. thats the first . Its simple to make uncreative cards with right grammar... but its not simple to make creative cards with right grammar because you dont really know how its actually worded in a real card. In this case... simpleness beats creativity
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Ah god close call
the card helps the other zapdos by spead, it does damage to the bench, then when a benched guys has like 10 HP left, u use an attack on the X card to spread :p
how the ef did i forget out of frame :/