Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Scores Are Up! Vencargo Wins!

RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Testing I don't think it need a flavour text as other pOkemon SP don't have them.

Celebi R Lv.50 70 HP {P}
Basic Pokémon SP

Pic : *This Celebi is pale*
Celebi is floating above water, the forest behind it looks corrupted, the water is dirty except a a spot far from Celebi where Suicune is standing. Many Pokémon can be seen fainted by the lake.

Poké-Power : Time Jump
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may look at your opponent's hand. If you do, discard a Supporter Card from his or her hand. Then use the effect of the Supporter Card. You can't use more than 1 Time Jump Poké-Power each turn. You can't use this power if Celebi R is effected by a Special Condition.

{P}{C} Sudden Accelerate
Discard all energy card attached to Celebi R. Then, search your discard pile for as many energy card (excluding the one you just discard and attach them to any of your Pokémon.

{P}{P} Power Force 10x
Does 10 damage times the number of energy card attached to Celebi R.

W - {R} x2
R - [-]
RC - {C}

Being call the the forest guardian, Celebi was suppose to protect the forest with its power.

Celebi R Lv. X 90 HP {P}
Level Up Card

Pic : * A pale Celebi*
Celebi's hand reaches toward the the word Looping and one of it's antenna come out of the frame after the X in it's Lv. The backfground is green with purple waves.

Poké-Body : Looping
Whenever your opponent attaches an energy card from his or her hand to 1 of his or her Pokémon (excluding by using Supporter Card, Stadium Card, Trainer Card, Poké-Power or Poké-Body), he or she returns an energy card attach to his or her other Pokémon to his or her hand. You can't use more than Looping Poké-Body each turn.

{G}{P}{C} Corrupted Heal 80-
You may remove up to 8 damage counters from 1 of your Pokémon. This attack does 80 damage minus 10 more damage for each damage counters remove in this way.

W - {R} x2
R - [-]
RC - [-]


Jirachi G Lv. 51 70 HP {P}
Basic Pokémon SP

Pic : Jirachi floats toward Cyrus which is in the left of the pic. The background is in the mountain site. Absol is standing beside Cyrus but Absol's face can't be seen due to the darkness. The Crescent Moon is shining brightly.

Poké-Body : Wishing Veil
Both player's can't search his or her deck far any card by using Trainer cards.

{C} Opening Star
Search your deck for a Pokémon card and put it in your hand. If you searched a Basic Pokémon you may put that Pokémon in your Bench (you can't do this if your Benched is full). then search your deck for a Basic Energy card and attaches it to 1 of your Benched Pokémon. Shuffle your deck afterward.

{P}{C} Glimmering Shine 50
Discard an energy attached to Jirachi G.

Jirachi only wake for 7 days in once in a thousand year to grant wishes that is said to came true.

W - {R} x2
R - {P} -20
RC - {C}

Jirachi G Lv.X
90 HP {P}
Level Up Card

Pic : Jirachi's head reaches toward the HP.. It's eye on the head are closed while it's third eye is open wide. It's hand spreads so as it's feet. The background is gray with purple wave.

Poké-Power : Breaking Code
Once during a game on your turn (before your attack), each player chooses one of his or her opponent's Pokémon. Shuffle the other Pokémon and all card attached to it into the respective player's deck. You can't use more than 1 Breaking Code Poké-Power each game.

{P}{M} Midnight Star 60
Both players shuffle his or her hand into his or her deck.

W - {R} x2
R - {P} -20
RC - [-]
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Ok, to the final two, you challenge is:
Make 2 new SP Pokemon with LvX that could really bring something new to the metagame. They need to be the time of card that could be part of the metagame. So that is your challenge.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 7 Is Up!

Do we make 4 cards? like 2 Sp's then 2 Lv.X's of those or just 1 SP and a Lv.X of it?
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 7 Is Up!


part of the metagame?

do they need to help each others?
beat each others?
nothing to do with one or the other?

...Going to do Celebi and Jirachi...which may have lots of grammar mistake
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 7 Is Up!

Yeah does it have to effect the metagame, like destroy the top competitors?
cause i took a break of playin cards since rising rivasls, and all i can think of in the metagame is Champ and Gengar?
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 7 Is Up!

... There more card that you think that is the in the metagame....Just wait for Genagr X to come out and I think Genagr will rule next year world

Cards in post #81
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 7 Is Up!

Ok, fine.
Then just make the cards have synergy with one another or a card in the metagame.
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 7 Is Up!

You guys are driving me insane and when I am not in a good mood.
Look here is the round:
Make 2 SP Pokemon with LvX that are a combo and could be part of the metagame.
Any more info needed?
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 6 Is Up!

Celebi R Lv.50 70 HP {P}
Basic Pokémon SP

Pic : *This Celebi is pale*
Celebi is floating above water, the forest behind it looks corrupted, the water is dirty except a a spot far from Celebi where Suicune is standing. Many Pokémon can be seen fainted by the lake.

Poké-Power : Time Jump
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may look at your opponent's hand. If you do, discard a Supporter Card from his or her hand. Then use the effect of the Supporter Card. You can't use more than 1 Time Jump Poké-Power each turn. You can't use this power if Celebi R is effected by a Special Condition.

{P}{C} Sudden Accelerate
Discard all energy card attached to Celebi R. Then, search your discard pile for as many energy card (excluding the one you just discard and attach them to any of your Pokémon.

{P}{P} Power Force 10x
Does 10 damage times the number of energy card attached to Celebi R.

W - {R} x2
R - [-]
RC - {C}

Being call the the forest guardian, Celebi was suppose to protect the forest with its power.

Celebi R Lv. X 90 HP {P}
Level Up Card

Pic : * A pale Celebi*
Celebi's hand reaches toward the the word Looping and one of it's antenna come out of the frame after the X in it's Lv. The backfground is green with purple waves.

Poké-Body : Looping
Whenever your opponent attaches an energy card from his or her hand to 1 of his or her Pokémon (excluding by using Supporter Card, Stadium Card, Trainer Card, Poké-Power or Poké-Body), he or she returns an energy card attach to his or her other Pokémon to his or her hand. You can't use more than Looping Poké-Body each turn.

{G}{P}{C} Corrupted Heal 80-
You may remove up to 8 damage counters from 1 of your Pokémon. This attack does 80 damage minus 10 more damage for each damage counters remove in this way.

W - {R} x2
R - [-]
RC - [-]


Jirachi G Lv. 51 70 HP {P}
Basic Pokémon SP

Pic : Jirachi floats toward Cyrus which is in the left of the pic. The background is in the mountain site. Absol is standing beside Cyrus but Absol's face can't be seen due to the darkness. The Crescent Moon is shining brightly.

Poké-Body : Supreme Power
Any Supporter Card, Stadium Card or Trainer Card that is discarded is sent to the Lost Zone instead of the discard pile.

{C} Opening Star
Search your deck for a Pokémon card and put it in your hand. If you searched a Basic Pokémon you may put that Pokémon in your Bench (you can't do this if your Benched is full). then search your deck for a Basic Energy card and attaches it to 1 of your Benched Pokémon. Shuffle your deck afterward.

{P}{C} Glimmering Shine 50
Discard an energy attached to Jirachi G.

Jirachi only wake for 7 days in once in a thousand year to grant wishes that is said to came true.

W - {R} x2
R - {P} -20
RC - {C}

Jirachi G Lv.X
90 HP {P}
Level Up Card

Pic : Jirachi's head reaches toward the HP.. It's eye on the head are closed while it's third eye is open wide. It's hand spreads so as it's feet. The background is gray with purple wave.

Poké-Power : Final Wish
Once during a game on your turn (before your attack), you may choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon and send it to the Lost Zone. If you do, move all energy attached to Jirachi G to your Active Pokémon and shuffle Jirachi G Lv.X into your deck. You can't use more than 1 Final Wish Poké-Power each game.

{P}{M} Midnight Star 60
Both players shuffle his or her hand into his or her deck.

W - {R} x2
R - {P} -20
RC - [-]
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 7 Is Up!

Primape G Lv.44 80 HP {F}
Basic Pokemon SP

Pic:primape's sitting in the middle of a grass patch with his feet flopped out (Criss-Cross apple sauce undone)
The picture is soft like Astuto's work, and Primape has no anger point on his head, he has a red blush, as if it were shy.

Poke-Power: Under Pressure
If Primape G's HP is half or below, each of Primape G's attacks do 30 more damage. If Primape G is affected by a special condition, each of his attacks do an additional 10 more damage (after applying weakness and resistance).

{F} Knuckle Beatdown 10+
This attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each pokemon you have in play (not including Primape G). You can't add more than 30 damage in this way

{F}{F}{C} Stumbled Rampage 60
Discard all Trainer cards attached to Primape G. If there are any Stadium cards or Supporter cards in play, discard them.

Weakness: {P} x2
Retreat Cost: *

Primape G Lv.X 100HP{F}
Level Up Card

Pic: The previous picture..... Until Primape Snaps, His fists are raised in a tantrum, and only the beginning of his legs can be seen(the rest are cut of due to the small box) his right arm is arched (bent) and the fist is right under the {F} type. His other hand is punching, but faded away rapid jabs can be seen.

Poke-Body: Keen Eye
If the defending Pokemon has a resistance to {F}, each of Primape G Lv.X's attacks do 30 more damage. Keen Eye stops working if Primape G Lv.X is affected by a special condition.

{F}{F}{C}{C} Avenge 20x
This attack does 20 times the amount of Poke-tools, Supporters, and Stadium cards in your Discard pile.

Weakness: {P} x2
Retreat Cost: *


Froslass GL (Pryce) 70HP {W}
Basic Pokemon SP

Pic: Froslass is hiding behind a snow covered house, half way seen, she's clutching the house with her frail hands looking down, there is a spooky purple aura glowing around her.

{C} Gentle Breeze
Remove 1 damage counter from each of your active Pokemon.

{W} Scavenger
Discard a supporter card from your hand. If you do, you may search your deck for two basic energy cards, attach them to Froslass GL. Shuffle your deck afterward.

{W}{W}{W} Soothing Chill
Choose one of your benched Pokemon, remove 6 or less damage counters from that Pokemon as you like. You cannot use this attack if you used it your last turn.

Weakness: {M} x2
Resistance: {F} -20
Retreat Cost: *


Froslass GL LV.X 90HP {W}
Level Up Card

Pic: Again, chaos broke loose, Froslass's lil hands are cuped (just like when Lucario shoots a Aura Sphere) and a shadow ball is charging. All of this is taking place more on the right side. But it is at an angle so that its read bow thing is seen on the left side. There are icicles forming around her.

Poke-Power: Sudden Blizzard
Discard any stadium cards in play, all active Pokemon in play (both yours and your opponents) now have a resistence of {R} -20. Each active Pokemon takes 10 damage during each players turn. Sudden Blizzard can't be used if Froslass GL Lv.X is affected by a special Condition.

Poke-Body: Fade To Shade
If at any time an opponent's attack deals damage to your active Pokemon, you can choose to act as if Froslass GL LV.x was your active Pokemon, and take the damage dealt by the opponent's attack. If Froslass GL Lv.X is knocked out while using Fade To Shade, all the left over damage goes onto your active Pokemon. (Grammar might be bad in hear seeing as ive never seen something like it)

Weakness: {M} x2
Resistance: {F} -20
Retreat Cost: *

The reason Sudden Blizzard resists Fire is because there moves die out in blizzards (even though fire melts ice)
RE: Muddy's, Spoiler Contest Round 7 Is Up!

And sorry, I cannot get the trophies made. I am going to see if I can get someone to make them.
Concept 20 points
Picture 20 points
Grammar 20 points
Attacks 40 points
Top and Bottom Stats 20 points
Overpowered or Underpowered 40 points

MS Eeveelution
Concept 20 points 20/20
Picture 20 points 18/20
The wave seemed to be a major thing in all of your LvX.
Grammar 20 points 17/20
A few minor errors over the cards.
Attacks 40 points 37/40
I found Jirachi LvX's attack to be a little overpowered for 2 Energy. Also, better creativity, but you just still need to work on attack names in the future.
Top and Bottom Stats 20 points 18/20
I really didn't like how when the Pokemon leveled up, they lost their retreat cost. Usually, that follows.
Overpowered or Underpowered 40 points 38/40
Just a few minor places like Celebi's supporter discarder and Jirachi LvX.
Total: 147/160

Concept 20 points 20/20
Picture 20 points 19/20
Obsessed with good to bad.
Grammar 20 points 19/20
Just a something was a little hard to understand.
Attacks 40 points 39/40
They complement each other perfectly. Just confused with the fire resistance part of Sudden Blizzard.
Top and Bottom Stats 20 points 18/20
No -20 resistance on Froslass.
Overpowered or Underpowered 40 points 37/40
Soothing Chill really underpowered. Sudden Blizzard overpowered.
Total: 152/160

Vencargo, you win!
Check back final three for there should be trophies for you!
:DDDD Sweet
This is the first spoiler contest i entered, and the first one i won:]
MS Eeveelution said:
Just to know what you think about Jirachi's X Power

Dont know if u care about my opinion but...
I liked it, i totally forgot about the Lost Zone existing.

When will the trophys be done :D