BW/BW2 Munna = Drowzee pre-evo

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Fire Pokémon Master

Pokemon Trainer
It is the Dream Eater Pokémon and is Psychic-type. It is 0.6m tall and 23.3kg. It has the abilities Forewarn & Synchronise.

It is the Dream Eater Pokémon and is Psychic-type. It is 1.0m tall and 32.4kg. It has the abilities Forewarn & Insomnia.

Picture of Munna:

This is where you are probably thinking: "wtf dey r difrent colorz!11".
Well, look at this picture of a shiny drowzee:

In conclsuion, I say Munna is Drozee's Pre Evolution.
I mean it really does make sense...everything but the colors.
If it were yellow, then yea I'd agree in a heartbeat, especially considering that they both look like tapirs.

If Remoraid can evolve into Octillery why can't Munna evolve into Drowzee?
Genius! I do believe so!
benny said:
I mean it really does make sense...everything but the colors.
If it were yellow, then yea I'd agree in a heartbeat, especially considering that they both look like tapirs.

If Remoraid can evolve into Octillery why can't Munna evolve into Drowzee?

Munna has the color scheme that cuts off about its midriff, like Drowzee (and other tapirs). I was wondering if this might be a female evo of Drowzee, though (you know, with the floral pattern and all...) Any seconds to that thought? And no, it's not a crease in the magazine that makes the color change visible. The shades of pink are too distinct to be an illusion! See for yourself. ;D
RisuRoars said:
Munna has the color scheme that cuts off about its midriff, like Drowzee (and other tapirs). I was wondering if this might be a female evo of Drowzee, though (you know, with the floral pattern and all...) Any seconds to that thought? And no, it's not a crease in the magazine that makes the color change visible. The shades of pink are too distinct to be an illusion! See for yourself. ;D

I don't think it's a evo, but a baby. Munna is way too small to be an evo, and it's cute, girlyness just screams baby. I totally see Munna being a Drowzee baby.
I'd say that there is a pretty good chance of it being a pre-evo to Drowzee. If Magikarp becomes a Gyarados, why not the same with Munna+Drowzee?
Eh...I think the floral pattern hurt its chances, as well as its red eye. I'm not completely convinced yet.
RisuRoars said:
Munna has the color scheme that cuts off about its midriff, like Drowzee (and other tapirs). I was wondering if this might be a female evo of Drowzee, though (you know, with the floral pattern and all...) Any seconds to that thought? And no, it's not a crease in the magazine that makes the color change visible. The shades of pink are too distinct to be an illusion! See for yourself. ;D
Actually, the color on it is only different because of that crease.
You can clearly see that all down the page the crease creates a noticeable difference in all colors.
benny said:
Actually, the color on it is only different because of that crease.
You can clearly see that all down the page the crease creates a noticeable difference in all colors.

*Sigh* Ok, yeah, I see what you mean. Sorry about that! It would be great if they had a better quality scan. *waits impatiently for more CoroCoro*
it makes sense, but the body forms are very different, except for the "nose" . Munna has flower's. And most important: All baby pokemon are extremelly similiar to their evolutions. Munna doesn't look anything like drowzee, in my opinion!
EspeonROX said:
Eh...I think the floral pattern hurt its chances, as well as its red eye. I'm not completely convinced yet.
I agree with you.

Munna looks like a tapir, is psychic and has the same ability (second being different though and apart from that there are not much similarities). The floral pattern looks a bit odd in this evolution line.

Although I have to say, young tapirs have a spotted pattern for camouflage and look different than their parents (picture below). But still, I'm not 100% convinced, time will tell.

I was actually thinking this. (But I give you credit for posting it lol) It would be kinda cool, although if anything, Hypno could use an Evo, rather than Drowzee a Pre-Evo.
I never thought of it! Wow! I'm not 100% on it, but if I had to guess, I'd say your right.
Wouldn't be surprised if it is a baby Drowzee and if it learns any special moves while being a baby.
That's exactly what I thought when I first saw it. The nose looks so similar to Drowzee's and the whole "The Dream Eater Pokemon" only makes it even more likely!
I can see how, but...I just don't see it. I mean, Drowzee's such a...well, random Pokémon. I kinda doubt they'll make a pre-evo to it.
Then again, they made the pre-evo for Marill, Chimecho, and Wobbuffet...I guess it sort of makes sense.
I'm convinced, the fact that it shares the title "Dream Eater Pokemon" is enough for me.
Pokequaza said:
young tapirs have a spotted pattern for camouflage and look different than their parents

WOW! You convinced me that this is a prevo for Drowzee

Changed my mind Drowzee is the Hypnosis pokemon :( Now I'm disappointed
Not to rain on y'all's parade, but Zapdos and Electabuzz are both classified as "Electric Pokemon," and Forretress and Wormadam are both "Bagworm Pokemon," and those Pokemon are not related by evolution.

Granted, there are similarities to Drowzee, and being a Pokemon that eats dreams is a lot less generic than "Electric" or "Bagworm," but I'm just saying don't go assuming they are related based on the classification alone.
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