BW/BW2 Munna = Drowzee pre-evo

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tyking16 said:
Plus Munna floats, Drowzee doesn't. Every evo/prevo have characteristics that they share but everyone is only basing their opinion based on appearance. Until Drowzee can float, I'm going to continue to say that Munna is not a Drowzee prevo.

1. Haunter floats but Gengar doesn't.
2. Scyther can fly but Scizor can't. (proven in anime)
3. Duskull floats but Dusclops doesn't

Sigh...I'm sure there are more...
4. Charmeleon doesn't have wings but Charizard does. (and Charizard can fly)
5. Metang floats but Metagross doesn't.
6. Shelgon can't fly but Salamence can.
7. ...
8. ...
9. It goes on and on...

If there is still not enough evidence for you, tyking16, I will PM you a full list upon request.

I definitely support the fact that Munna is a pre-evo of Drowzee, there is too much evidence for it to be a coincidence.
munna is not drowzees prevo
it just wouldnt be right
it doesnt even look like drowzee at all
every other baby pokemon at least have the same colour scheme as the pokemon they evolve in to

i dont understand why you would think it is because its clearly not
Not all Pokemon need an evolution, Drowzee doesn't need a pre-evolution. There might be some similarities, but it just doesn't seem to match up with Drowzee.
runeon12 said:
tyking16 said:
Plus Munna floats, Drowzee doesn't. Every evo/prevo have characteristics that they share but everyone is only basing their opinion based on appearance. Until Drowzee can float, I'm going to continue to say that Munna is not a Drowzee prevo.

1. Haunter floats but Gengar doesn't.
2. Scyther can fly but Scizor can't. (proven in anime)
3. Duskull floats but Dusclops doesn't

Sigh...I'm sure there are more...

Uhhh Gengar can float (Proven in anime).

While the examples that have been given to me hurt my argument (Which I really should have thought out more), I'm still not completely sold on Munna being Drowzee's prevo.
I'll agree there are quite a few similarities but I just don't think Munna is a Drowzee pre-evo.
Honestly, it makes no sense to have Munna be pink with a flowery design then have it evolve into a Pokemon that is yellow and brown.
Sorry, they look similar, but I'm not quite sure I can judge. Will have to wait for more info to surface.
i first tought about a pre-evo of darkrai of creselia becaus it's also a dream eater and munna/lunna
- Darkrai - said:
Unown Master said:
Smoochum does not equal jynx IMO
Mime Jr doesn't hint anything towards what Mr.Mime looks like too, same with bonsly, I couldn't see a bonsly turning into a sudowoodo

Then you are either blind or have never seen either Bonsly or Sudowoodo before.

And yes Smoochum shares alot with Jynx; both a little bit chubby, the big lips and the yellow hair. Maybe not alot in common but they sure look like eachother and their similarities cannot be found in any other Pokemon. Same goes for Mimy and Mime.

Decmaster said:
5. Metang floats but Metagross doesn't.

Not even to mention that it is able to learn Magnet Rise.

kill--jill-- said:
i first thought about a pre-evo of darkrai of creselia becaus it's also a dream eater and munna/lunna
Whut? Nevermind.
Pseudo-legendaries and obvious evolutionary relatives aside, Munna looks nothing like Drowzee, Munna is pink and has a floral pattern, "stands on all four legs", it can float, it's eyes are red, the list goes on.
A lot of unrelated pokemon have the same abilities and same types.
Also, Munna sounds nothing like Sleep or Sleeper, which are the Japanese names of Drowzee and Hypno respectively.
@Decmaster, all of those pokemon are apparent relatives (not so much with Shelgon and Salamance, but it's easy to see similarities by looking at them), but you forget to realize that those are fly-less pokemon (except for Metagross, it can still float) evolving into pokemon that can fly. Munna into Drowzee is backwards.
It's kind of funny when Munna, a pink pokemon with floral patterns, evolve into a yellow-dirty-looking with mud on it's bottom half.

That's just ironic.
I don't think that Munna is Drowzee's pre-evo. Well, they look a bit like each other, but the colors and bodies are so different from each other, so i don't think it's a pre-evo. I would be sorry, if it is a pre-evo.
I don't think Munna will evolve into Drowzee. It's quite possible, but they have distinct differences, such as eyes and the floral pattern. I really doubt, but still. If Munna doesn't evolve into Drowzee, than will it evolve at all?
runeon12 said:
3. Duskull floats but Dusclops doesn't

Dusclops has been shown to float at one point in the anime. Not to mention Dusknoir floats as well.

I can't imagine Munna being an pre-evo of Drowzee. I can see some similarities, but it's like saying Poochyena is a pre-evo of Growlithe. There can be more than one tapir's you know.
I'd say if Munna really is a baby Drowzee then GF not only pulled another Mantyke but made it way too different from the existing evolution. Spore + Dream Eater sounds very plausible. *shudders*
This is against the rule of no more evo threads. Might reopen later if Zy clarifies what he meant in the sticky.


dmaster out.
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