BW/BW2 Munna = Drowzee pre-evo

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If anything Hypno needs an Evolution instead of a useless Pre-Evolution. I do hope Game Freak learned their lesson with Cleffa/Igglybuff.

Drowsee and Hypno are also the Hypnosis Pokemon, in case people forgot.

I'm going to say new pokemon all together. Maybe another Grass/Psychic like Exeggutor despite all it's horrible weaknesses. One with Trick Room and Spore/Dream Eater access. Yikes!
IMO, I think it is. It has a long nose and seems to be egg-shaped. I feel an 80% chance that it could be a pre-evo.
EspeonROX said:
Eh...I think the floral pattern hurt its chances, as well as its red eye. I'm not completely convinced yet.

But if you think about it, that doesn't neccessarily mean that Munna can't evolve into Drowzee. Just look at some other evos. Rattata hardly looks like Raticate; it's just too cute. And Dratini and Dragonite look nothing alike.
EspeonROX said:
Eh...I think the floral pattern hurt its chances, as well as its red eye. I'm not completely convinced yet.

ah.. but in the first generation games there was a cave crawling with drowzee. Outside of the cave there was a young girl and when you spoke to her she would say "i don't like the pokemon here i want a pink pokemon with a floral pattern"
I don't know about this.Munna and Drowzee have alot of differences.Drowzee and Hypno are yellow with brown marks.But the possibility is rather.....high.It seemed as if it was introduced in 1st Generation.

"The POKEMON here are so chunky! There should be a pink one with a floral pattern!""

Lol didn't even see your post.



It just doesn't look logical... at all.
benny said:
I mean it really does make sense...everything but the colors.
If it were yellow, then yea I'd agree in a heartbeat, especially considering that they both look like tapirs.

If Remoraid can evolve into Octillery why can't Munna evolve into Drowzee?

Actually, now that's true. However, Why a floral pattern? Or, maybe since it was designed during the first Pokemon generation, the were going to make it Drowzee's pre evo but decided to skip it?
What if it were a female evolution of Drowzee? In example, if you caught a female drowzee, it would evolve into Munna rather than Hypno (whereas a male drowzee would turn into a hypno). Just a thought.
Despite the similarities, I'm not particularly convinced.
If it's not related to drowzee, I hope they have evolutions for it. By itself it's sort of.. eh.
Wolf616 said:



It just doesn't look logical... at all.

Lol, Munna barely even looks like a tapir. It's nose and feet are too rounded, and it looks more like a piggy bank. I would laugh if Munna was actually a piggy bank based Pokemon. :p
Wolf616 said:



It just doesn't look logical... at all.

Why does Pokemon HAVE to be logical?

You guys are thinking WAY too hard about this. Sorry, but it seems to me like you are. I think it looks like a pre-evo, but I am not overlyhyped about it saying it is a definite. It seems true, but let's for now think it's a different Pokemon, instead of trying to get upset over "logic" and stuff in Pokemon. Just enjoy the game.
when i first saw munna and its type, abilities, and classification i automatically thought it was a pre-evo of drowzee. everything seems to point at it, well in my opinion anyways, but it could be like when people thought seviper was an arbok evo but it turned out to be a totally different pokemon.
Wolf616 said:



It just doesn't look logical... at all.

Aesthetically, no, Munna has very little in common with Drowzee / Hypno.
Logically? Yes. *Points to first post*

Anyway, when was Pokemon logical at all? -
Wailord learning Explosion; messy to say the least...
think about all that wail blubber all over...YUCK

and also, SkittyonWailord while were on the topic of wailord and not making sense (anyone who knows why this is funny and makes no sense gets a cookie :))
Fire Pokémon Master said:
Aesthetically, no, Munna has very little in common with Drowzee / Hypno.
Logically? Yes. *Points to first post*

Anyway, when was Pokemon logical at all? -
Wailord learning Explosion; messy to say the least...

Topic --> Yes, I think Munna is not a pre evo, but a split evo that drowzee evolves into.
Wailord thing --> Do pokemon really explode everything (insides and everything) when they use explosion? I don't believe they have ever shown in it the anime besides for an electrode.. it sounds very disgusting if that actully happens what you are saying FPM lol
Kevinpires18 said:
it makes sense, but the body forms are very different, except for the "nose" . Munna has flower's. And most important: All baby pokemon are extremelly similiar to their evolutions. Munna doesn't look anything like drowzee, in my opinion!

Smoochum does not equal jynx IMO
Unown Master said:
Smoochum does not equal jynx IMO

Mime Jr doesn't hint anything towards what Mr.Mime looks like too, same with bonsly, I couldn't see a bonsly turning into a sudowoodo
But they do have the same colour scheme AND they have characteristics that match their adult form. (the hat and clown theme for Mr. mime. The round "leaves" and eyes for Sudowoodo)

With Munna, the colours, pattern, hands, legs, general form and eyes are completely different...
If Munna is Drowzee's prevo, then wouldn't it know a move that could help Drowzee? All baby pokemon/prevo can learn a move that benefits the pokemon they evolve into and I just have to ask how does Munna's Telekinisis move help Drowzee?

Plus Munna floats, Drowzee doesn't. Every evo/prevo have characteristics that they share but everyone is only basing their opinion based on appearance. Until Drowzee can float, I'm going to continue to say that Munna is not a Drowzee prevo.
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