BW/BW2 Munna = Drowzee pre-evo

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Am really having a hard time to see how Munna is going to evolve into Drowzee :S ... Plus it is a wild pokemon, I don't think they would present a preevo of a pokemon. Either way, Hypno needs an evo to make better of its stats
Munna does have many similarities to drowzee ability wise, and the nose thing too. But possbly munna is related to drowzee but not an evolution. Maybe they will make a different pre-evo for drowzee and give munna 3 evos? That would balnace out good and evil "munna eats nightmares" "drowzee creates nightmares", Black n White, ying yang (if someone alreadysaid something like this, sorry) maybe they will make good pokemon that interact with the bad and vise versa? Idk its just a slight speculation, i doubt it though.
I think it's just a coincidence. Some Pokémon do share the same species name. Such as Butterfree and Beautifly. I think this is the same thing. I also don't like that they can have different abilities. Look at it this way:

If Munna has Forewarn, it will evolve into Drowzee with Forewarn.
If Munna has Synchronize, it will evolve into a Drowzee with Insomnia??? Doesn't make sense to me.
benny said:
I mean it really does make sense...everything but the colors.
If it were yellow, then yea I'd agree in a heartbeat, especially considering that they both look like tapirs.

If Remoraid can evolve into Octillery why can't Munna evolve into Drowzee?

I shall forever quote the Remoraid/Octillery line.
and I agree 100%, the info is all there.
Look at Graveler and Golem.
Where in the heck did Golem come from? Anything's possible at this point.
First off, Munna is the DREAM Eater Pokemon, not the NIGHTMARE Eater Pokemon. Dream =/= Nightmare. Second, how is it hard to envision Munna evolving into Drowzee? It makes Infinity times more sense then say, Clamperl into Huntail or Gorebyss, or Larvitar to Pupitar (disregarding the names), or even Pineco to Forretress. IF THE SHOE FITS YOU MUST ACQUIT! Lol :D
I can see where people would get the idea, but I just don't see it happening. They have completely different designs. However, I may be wrong.
TheAmazingGrass/SteelUser said:
so i guess your saying muuna loses its ability to levitate, it jewel, and its floral pattern upon its evolution to drowzee?
So Remoraid loses its blue color, its fins, and gets tentacles from evolution? It's possible. We're not saying it's guaranteed, it's just possible.
HyroSandMaster said:
I see where youre going with this but in munna's description it says it eats nightmares, drowzee does the opposite, maybe this game is making opposites of each, like i said, i doubt im right but i still don't beleive munna will evolve into drowzee, atleast not yet. We wontknow till the game comes out so lets just leave it at that...

that was me imagining the pokedex entry
not a real description
TheAmazingGrass/SteelUser said:
that was me imagining the pokedex entry
not a real description

Darn, my fault >_< but either way im not buying munna as drowzee's Pre-evolution (the nightmare eating thing sounded beleiveable)
im really hoping muuna is a stand alone pokemon with no other evolutionary stages. that would make it even creepier than it allready is.
manpanda said:
im really hoping muuna is a stand alone pokemon with no other evolutionary stages. that would make it even creepier than it allready is.

With base stats of 130 across the board. Making it an uber in the process, darn.
Pokequaza said:
Lol. I was the one who posted that pic.
Actually I think it's a different pic, but i was basing it off the first pic you posted.

I don't think Munna evolves into Drowzee, but it is definitely possible if GF was that crazy. . . which THEY ARE!

the Remoraid example is perfect
I am gonna disagree with this idea. Munna looks way too different. Sure you could bring up the remoraid family as an exception, but that was based mainly on a gun pokemon and cannon pokemon.

the floral pattern and the shape of the body lead me to believe that the pokemon will stay on all fours, and have a more tropical evolution, if any.

I also could have sworn that it was stated that it was not related to Munna somewhere.
Pokefan4000 said:
So Remoraid loses its blue color, its fins, and gets tentacles from evolution? It's possible. We're not saying it's guaranteed, it's just possible.
Actually, Remoraid isn't only based of a fish. It's based of a gun (this explains its attacks) Octillery is based of a tank. Aquatic features were given them for an unknown reason. But in a certain way there is logic in Remoraid's line and yes it does make sense.
Pokequaza said:
Actually, Remoraid isn't only based of a fish. It's based of a gun (this explains its attacks) Octillery is based of a tank. Aquatic features were given them for an unknown reason. But in a certain way there is logic in Remoraid's line and yes it does make sense.

Remoraid's fame for shooting attacks is like an archerfish, however in all other regards it seems to be based on a remora, and has some elements that make it look like a revolver. It doesn't look like its evolved form, Octillery, much like several other fish-like Pokémon do not resemble their evolutions, but Octillery has some wheeled cannon elements, making somewhat of a parallel.
Octillery's name is a combination of octopus and artillery, referring to its many attacks with the "Beam" or similar suffixes.
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