BW/BW2 Munna = Drowzee pre-evo

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omg guys this is NOT Drowzees pre evo. Drowzee and Hypno are the Hypnosis pokemon not the dream eater pokemon .-.
So they are. Well don't I feel silly.

Even still, just because the classification is not the same, the fact that this new thing _is_ the Dream Eater Pokemon and Drowzee is the Pokemon famous for eating dreams...
PeteDHeat said:
I get the process of thought but , raining on your parade, they're not related.

And how are they not? Sure, the pattern is very different than Drowzee's, but it has more similarities with Drowzee than Feebass does with Milotic or Snorunt with Glalie. I would just wait and see if they confirm it is or not.
vaporchu8 said:
And how are they not? Sure, the pattern is very different than Drowzee's, but it has more similarities with Drowzee than Feebass does with Milotic or Snorunt with Glalie. I would just wait and see if they confirm it is or not.
Actually, Feebas and Milotic were based off of the tale of the Ugly Duckling, if I recall. You know, the one with the ugly duck who grows up to be a beautiful swan? Baby ducks and swans don't exactly look alike...
And I'm pretty sure that Snorunt was based off of a Japanese snow spirit or something like that...Glalie looks like some sort of possessed snow spirit or something like that.
Pokémon don't NEED to be similar at all to be related in the evolutionary tree. It helps to identify them, but it's not necessary. If you're looking at them for the first time, how would you know that Trapinch eventually evolved into Flygon, or that Oddish could eventually evolve into Bellossom?
I highly doubt Munna has anything to do with Drowzee. You can say 'maybe' because of the baby tapir fact, but until we get more information, all we can do is speculate.
It's the old saying 'Something/someone weak can turn into something/someone strong.'

Feebas is the same way, except it's old saying is 'Something/someone ugly can turn into something/someone beautiful'.
Metalizard said:
If Munna was Drowzee's pre-evo, I think they would tell it...

I agree with this. There's no reason to withhold important information like that.

dmaster out.
They would actually tell us, unless they want us to wait until the game releases or they want us to wait until the pokedex comes out for that gen. But I doubt it, they would've told us by now if it were the pre-evo of Drowzee.
PMJ said:
Zapdos and Electabuzz are both classified as "Electric Pokemon," and Forretress and Wormadam are both "Bagworm Pokemon," and those Pokemon are not related by evolution.

I didn't know any pokemon shared titles. Now I think it isn't a drowzee baby.
PeteDHeat said:
omg guys this is NOT Drowzees pre evo. Drowzee and Hypno are the Hypnosis pokemon not the dream eater pokemon .-.

THANK YOU! And I hope Mun'na is more than a pre evo, because I have such high hopes for it! I hope it doesn't evolve, but still has high enough stats (like Lapras/Rotom) because it's so quirky, I'd love it to feature on my team. Considering it's design could be 15 years old maybe Nintendo wanted it to have unexpectedly high stats? Or maybe it'll be what everyone expects and ends up wasting away in my PC like Luvdisc...
Tangrowth said:
Maybe it'll be what everyone expects and ends up wasting away in my PC like Luvdisc...

I don't think Mun'na will be worthless (sorry Luvdisc) because it's powers seem so interesting! It floats in the air!!!
JAD210 said:
I didn't know any pokemon shared titles. Now I think it isn't a drowzee baby.

Right. Other pokemon with shared "titles" (i.e. species) are like Typhlosion and Entei - they are under the classification of Volcano (Quilava might be here, too...I forgot already.)
If Munna had different patterns/colours, I would agree with you in a heartbeat. But honestly, the patterns/colours give me a lot of doubt. But I really wouldn't mind if it was, honestly.
I think it's a very likely thing, but its kinda random? Don't you think? I don't mean that Drowsee gets a baby evolution... but that its just a wierd difference to it.

Anyway, I totally think GameFreak has had this one away for years.... seeming the girl in the first game describes one of these but it never turned up. I totally think its more of a Pokedex filler pokemon.
benny said:
I mean it really does make sense...everything but the colors.
If it were yellow, then yea I'd agree in a heartbeat, especially considering that they both look like tapirs.

If Remoraid can evolve into Octillery why can't Munna evolve into Drowzee?

well if you look at phanpy and donphan, the color are crazy different. so i believe it could happen.
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