BW/BW2 Munna = Drowzee pre-evo

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I think there's a possibility that it could be the prevo. If it was the prevo though, wouldn't they have said that in Coro Coro? They wouldn't keep important info like that from the readers.

Credit to: SPPF & GPX+ for the sprites.
I don't see if can be a pre-evo.
This is what I think: It's a brand new one that'll have an evo.
Why would a feminine, pink floral Pokemon evolve into bipedal, yellow Pokemon like Drowzee and Hypno?
Just because they're both tapirs, doesn't mean they're related. Hmm... so since Rattata and Pikachu are both mice, shouldn't Rattata be able to evolve into Pikachu? :B
Oh, and Drowzee is the Hypnosis Pokemon, NOT a Dream Eater Pokemon. ;3
I was suspicious too, but the two don't look very alike at all. Munna could evolve into Drowzee, but I dislike Munna so much I don't care. The last thing we need is more pre-evolutions and the last thing we need is more things that look like that. So I kinda hope it doesn't happen.
Yeah I hope that Munna doesn't evolve into Drowzee that'll just be weird. I hate it when you have a Pokemon that doesn't show its pre-evolution until the next series that to me is weird. I just don't think Munna can evolve into Drowzee, they both might look the same, but I highly doubt that Munna will evolve into Drowzee, it just doesn't match up.
To be fair though, even if the classifications are different, there is still a very strong relationship between Munna and Drowzee. They are both psychic tapirs, both are based around the concept of dreams, and Munna is small and basic enough to pass as a baby Pokemon.

However, I'm not convinced it's a Drowzee baby. Nintendo usually reveals Pokemon similar to existing ones in order to cause a stir in the fan base. Remember when we all saw Burmy for the first time and everyone thought it was a Pineco prevo? How about Kricketot, who looks strikingly similar to Volbeat and Illumise? I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo purposefully tries to provoke fans into debates such as this to build up excitement for new games.
bacon said:
To be fair though, even if the classifications are different, there is still a very strong relationship between Munna and Drowzee. They are both psychic tapirs, both are based around the concept of dreams, and Munna is small and basic enough to pass as a baby Pokemon.

However, I'm not convinced it's a Drowzee baby. Nintendo usually reveals Pokemon similar to existing ones in order to cause a stir in the fan base. Remember when we all saw Burmy for the first time and everyone thought it was a Pineco prevo? How about Kricketot, who looks strikingly similar to Volbeat and Illumise? I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo purposefully tries to provoke fans into debates such as this to build up excitement for new games.
Well, the fact that they don't share any physical similarity is almost enough to conclude that they aren't related. Give me any Baby-stage Pokemon which was later added and doesn't share any physical similarities at all. Just give me one.
Both being tapirs is a physical similarity. Munna is as close to Drowzee as Budew is to Roselia, Tyrogue to Hitmonlee, or Chingling to Chimecho-- They don't necessarily look alike, but the connection is made through the concepts of the Pokemon being similar (Budew is a rose bud, Chingling is a bell, etc). As Munna and Drowzee are both hypnosis inducing psychic tapirs, this comparison through concepts is logical (although as I said before, it's likely not related to Drowzee for other reasons).
I don't really care tbh. I think it could be, but I can see both sides of the opnion. To me Munna looks like a pokedex filler pokemon. Even if its not, It will be as annoying as a Drowzee!
Maybe it is this generation's Drowzee. A lot of the games have near-to-exact copies of other Pokemon. Examples being Rattata, the first generation Normal-type and then the similar Sentret, who is also a rodent and is a normal type and, like Rattata, has only a single evolution. We had Pidgey in the first generation and Tailow (still a bird despite connection not being as deep) in the third, Starly's eerily similar evolution line in generation four, and, apparently, Mamepato in the fourth generation. First gen was Magikarp, and then Feebas in the third, and you'd have to be as blind as a Zubat not to see the similarity between those two evolution lines.

Perhaps Munna is the Drowzee of this generation. Drowzee can learn Dream Eater after all, so if they're not related then perhaps it's just unimaginative spam, so to speak.

The only support I can find for this theory is that Munna does slightly resemble a "baby" Pokemon, due its height and obviously feminine features. Aside from that, the colors don't even vaguely match, so that's, in my opinion, the closest thing to evidence for the case.
bacon said:
Both being tapirs is a physical similarity. Munna is as close to Drowzee as Budew is to Roselia, Tyrogue to Hitmonlee, or Chingling to Chimecho-- They don't necessarily look alike, but the connection is made through the concepts of the Pokemon being similar (Budew is a rose bud, Chingling is a bell, etc). As Munna and Drowzee are both hypnosis inducing psychic tapirs, this comparison through concepts is logical (although as I said before, it's likely not related to Drowzee for other reasons).
No, we assume it's a tapir.

Anyway, I'm able to see that Budew is related to Roselia, they've alot in common in their design, so does Chingling. Tyrogue is a bit difficult since it had to look like all three its evolutions, but I can still see they are related to eachother.

But I'm not able to relate Munna to Drowzee. The only thing they share common in design (and I'm not talking about what they resemble) are two eyes and a trunk-like apendage (although the trunks have no common on their own). Further they're completely 2 different Pokemon in design.
Personally I don't think Chingling has much similarity at all to Chimecho, so I think it's a definite MAYBE that Mun'na evolves into Drowzee. Haven't you seen the picture of the baby tapir with it's mother? The baby has a completely deifferent pattern. It makes sense that a Drowzee prevo would look much different.

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
I LOVE tapirs, my zoo used to have one, they kept it in the ducks pond -_-

Why? I still don't know!

That is GREAT, but not what we're talking about either.

I guess they COULD still be related if you look at it that way, but... Why pink and flowery?
Majora_787 said:
That is GREAT, but not what we're talking about either.

I guess they COULD still be related if you look at it that way, but... Why pink and flowery?

Good to have someone else but please read the previous posts so we dont have to restate what weve already discussed!
The Flaming Ho-oh said:
Good to have someone else but please read the previous posts so we don't have to restate what weve already discussed!

I did.

Chimecho/Roselia/Hitmon does/doesn't look like Chingling/budew/Tyrogue.

They're both tapirs. One is pink, one is yellow. We have established that tapirs change patterns as they grow.

WHAT does this have to do with your zoo and duck pond?

Moving on. It's possible, considering what Drowzee evolves into, but I doubt it, considering that thing is at least the same color...
The Flaming Ho-oh said:
Yeah, if it was like Brown with yellow flowers then maybe but i just don't know about this.

That's more or less why I asked why pink and flowery.

I mean, that's just a RIDICULOUS change. If it were totally brown, then I'd say, "as it becomes hypno it goes from brown to yellow!"

But there's NO explanation for this. At all.
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