Finished Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Joeypals!! Wins

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RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Ah but not only that Kingdra, I am pretty sure you know hidden power aswell.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

my decision is final. I am gonna go over and lay in a corner untill the others can figure out what to do next. Wake me up when somthing important comes up.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Kyogre looked at the rest of them, squabbling and arguing who the murderer was...
Kyogre saw empoleon going to sleep.
"well, it looks like somebody is mature.... But what if the urderer tries to kill him?"
Kyogre watched empoleon to make sure no one was going to hurt him, when he felt a sudden fiery pain then fainted (but didn't die).
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Kyogre awoke, in blackness...
In: Empoleon continued snoring.
One of the pokemon woke him up.
"Wh-wha?" Said empoleon
"wake up, Kyogre has vanished!" Replied that pokemon
"When?" He asked
"just now"
'Where am I?' were kyogre's thoughts.
He could feel water around him, so he must not be far from the sea.
He noticed that he was running out of breath.
Then he noticed that he was trapped.... He needed to get out of...wherever he was...
"... He just disapeared"
Sudenly there was a loud crash.
The two pokemon jerked their heads up
One of the boulders on mount waterfall burst to peices, and a jet of thick water poured out. Then they saw kyogre flying out yelling:
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

I told you to wake me up when somthing important happened.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

OoC: I woke you (sorta), empoleon.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Ooc: It is somewhat suspicious that Forte is stammering for us to not kill him. Seems like he is grasping at straws, even though his fate is not sealed.

Also, 42, could you let me write this night's death-post? You could tell me who died. I pride myself in being a good writer. You could tell me all the clues you want me to post, too.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Kyogre was floating in the corner of the cavern, half asleep.

"I'm bored" he said, adding a yawn. "What do we do now? Wait for our doom?"
He also added: "I want to battle someone with my latest invention: Waterproof pokemon trading cards!"
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Shoyru1444 said:
Ooc: It is somewhat suspicious that Forte is stammering for us to not kill him. Seems like he is grasping at straws, even though his fate is not sealed.

Also, 42, could you let me write this night's death-post? You could tell me who died. I pride myself in being a good writer. You could tell me all the clues you want me to post, too.

Sorry Shoyru, but I think that we would like to keep it within the people who (kinda) run it. The less evidence that contestants get, the fairer it will be.

Also, 42c, aren't I a bit like Staff :p?
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Kyogre put away his cards and took out a book titled: "how to defeat groudon/kyogre/rayquazza"
He soon tired of it, and switched to: "How to spot a murderer"
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Ice Espeon said:
C'mon guys. You NEED to vote for who you want to get a hint from from the council of ghosts otherwise you will not aquire as many hints.

Council of ghost members:

Me (Leader) - Suicune
Snorchu - Mudkip

Really? isn't COG all dead pokemon?

RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

It is a mechanic I came up with to make sure dead players are not excluded and still have a role to play in the game. Like how it would be unfair for me to have to wait a month for the next game when killed on night 0. Yes, they are dead Pokémon, but the only influence they can have are giving extremely vague hints. Surely, that can't hurt.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

If you are, then

Ice Espeon said:
We may not under any circumstances speak during the day or we will be killed permanently (aka, instant perma-modkill).

However, since I'm stupid and I didn't notice, consider this as a warning. I'm PMing you the name of the murderer now.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Shoyru1444 said:
Ooc: It is somewhat suspicious that Forte is stammering for us to not kill him. Seems like he is grasping at straws, even though his fate is not sealed.

exactly my point.
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