Finished Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Joeypals!! Wins

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RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Vote Kingdra I need to read more now I Sleep in Mah kewl nest no one come in

RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3


Important paragraph is bolded.
Ice Espeon said:
That night the Pokémon were restless. Two innocent Pokémon had been killed, and one of their friends was a murderer. Everyone seemed so innocent, yet anyone could be so guilty. They were suspicious of everyone and anyone. They were beginning to turn on each other like vicious, snarling, Houndooms.

Unbeknown to the other Pokémon, Suicune's body rose from the depths of the river that ran throughout the cave, encased in a bright, white light. The body then disappeared, leaving the Suicune’s soul in mid-air. He purified the water of all the blood, and cleansed all the Pokémon.

It leaped up to a secluded part of the cavern and Opened up an invisible doorway spewing out pure, white light. “Mudkip!” he called. At that point the spirit of Mudkip melted out of the water and bounded up next to Suicune.

“Yes?” he asked.

“You were very foolish today and now you end up dead because of the rumours that you have spread”, remarked the Suicune. The Mudkip looked concerned and embarrassed. The Suicune felt ashamed of acting like this and said, “However, master Darkrai did warn you that if anyone were to spread rumours with unfound claims there would be consequences, and I think you have learnt your lesson.”

“But, Suicune, how do you know about the events of the day? You were killed yesterday, and...”

“How, you ask?”

Mudkip felt a presence behind him, creeping ever closer. Suicune was smiling. Why? What was going to happen to him? Mudkip was feeling scared and confused when...


”BOO!” shouted Darkrai.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” screamed Mudkip, while Suicune and Darkrai were laughing so hard that they thought that their lungs were going to burst.


“At least they can’t hear us”, Darkrai commented, glancing at the sleeping Pokémon.

“Calm down Mudkip,” said Suicune, still roaring from laughter. “Darkrai just said ‘boo’. And I think you’re the ghost.”

“I…hate…Dar…krai…” panted the exhausted Mudkip, now becoming extremely embarrassed.

Darkrai chuckled. “The reason why Suicune knows this is through me.”


“Yes”, Suicune replied. “We are ghosts now. We were resurrected by Darkrai for the purposes of the game.”

“Suicune communicated with me through the power that all legendaries are born with: telepathy”, explained Darkrai. “Even though he was dead, his spirit was still active and reached out with an idea for this ‘game’”, (through the medium of the PM :O).

“We are now ghosts, and through the doorway of light behind me sits the Chamber of Light, the meeting place of The Council of Ghosts, with me as your Leader”, continued Suicune.

“But, why?” butted in the Mudkip.

“Listen to Suicune and he might be able to explain”, snapped Darkrai, now becoming increasingly irritated at Mudkip’s behavior.

“Thank you Darkrai. Now, during the day, the players will pick someone they might want to gain a hint from, someone on the council of ghosts. The players will vote for that person, and at the end of the day, that ghost will give the vaguest hint possible. That ghost MUST pass it through Darkrai so that it isn’t too easy. If it isn’t vague enough, we will not be able to give out a hint. Darkrai lets them see us, but only for the duration of our hint. We may not under any circumstances speak during the day or we will be killed permanently (aka, instant perma-modkill). Questions?”

“Lets go!”
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

ooc: Oh. I see now. Theres only 2 choices so far.

VOTE: Suicune.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Finnaly someone has understood.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Ice said:
We may not under any circumstances speak during the day or we will be killed permanently (aka, instant perma-modkill).


if you somehow dont get modkilled

VOTE: Suicune
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Don't forget to vote for who you think is the murderer as well.

Murderer in bold

COG clue in italics

EDIT TO SY: I'm the leader of it so therefore I run the whole COG branch. (I'm the COG CEO :p)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

ooc: I've known this the whole time, I have actually been reading Ice's posts
Vote: Mudkip
Im still waiting for the murderer to receile himself, I have my suspicions, but I will not reveal them yet, for the sake of it.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Thank you Guy.

SY: I dunnae car (I don't care)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Vote: Kingdra
Mudkip (just 'cause I really don't care either way)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

vote: suicune

Wait, if the note says 'I prefer fire better, and Kingdra is part Dragon type...
vote: Kingdra
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 2 Ends 5/3

Alrighty, I chose:

VOTE: Lapras (Ice+water, no? then again, it could be kingdra(fire)...It could even be me....(sheer cold ice))
VOTE: Suicune
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