Finished Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Joeypals!! Wins

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RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

IC: "Well using the clue "the calm before the storm", I would turn to 2 different pokemon here; Psyduck and Lanturn. Why? Psyduck is lame normally, but when its headache gets strong it releases a storm of power. And for lanturn, when you hear the word storm, you think of thunder and lightning. Lightning or Electricity as Lanturn is."

Vote: Lanturn
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

Vapy: finally a valid point. While lanturn is water and electricity, I can actually imagine it defeating suicune and kyogre (without HP fire of course). Psyduck, on the other hand, fits in with the "too weak to defeat suicune" thing, so i will have to wait for the defense from both people before I cast my vote. There is one thing I find weird though; types. Lanturn is known for electric moves and psyduck usually has psychic moves, meanwhile neither of these 2 types have been mentioned at all.

OOC: gtg, bed.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

I would highly advise you not to vote me, why would I kill some of my friends like Suicune?

Vote Mudkip
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

(wall tiem! Can't use quotes as I'm on the Wii so I'll try and point out stuff best I can...)

Night fell again. In her dreams, Maelstra could make out the faint words...'the calm before the...' Sui...Suicune?! She questioned, but the image of the ghost fled quickly from her mind. She awoke with a start, floating in an odd position as she quickly noticed it was daytime in the cavern. An uneasy feeling gathering in her stomach (Did the murderer strike again...?! she thought to herself), she immediately swam off towards the action.

And, unfortunately, her gut feeling was right; now Kyogre laid dead before the creatures. There was a shocked sort of silence as the remaining Pokemon gathered.

Almost at once, the bickering began. The overly zealous Piplup pointed to her and the other Vaporeon, claiming it was them. "They are suspects! Maybe Kingdra was right!" he exclaimed. Before he could continue, another chimed in.

"Lapras may be our best lead, with water and ice."

"But what about calm before the storm?" yet another queried. "That could point to Lanturn very well!"

"You're very suspicious for being so quick to pin the blame on someone, Piplup..."

"Maybe it's someone that hasn't been as talkative and helpful as we have been in trying to solve this murder rampage, like Psyduck..."

The pointless accusations just kept flying. They just kept taking shots in the dark. Yet there were so many clues just WAITING in front of them! Were there only a few Pokemon using their heads? Maelstra shook her head, before she finally couldn't take it anymore.

"You guys! Stop it! Stop it right now! Don't you see what you're doing here? We have so many clues, but you're only looking at one or two! We're basing all of this on theories that can't be backed up by PROOF! If we're going to catch the murder, we need SOLID evidence to pin the blame on someone. It has to be solid, else we're going to keep losing more and more Pokemon."

Once again she brought out the notes on the subject. After quickly going over the newest note and scribbling 'the calm before the _____', she gave only a brief glance over what she had nearly memorized and began her statement.

"Now, I think it's fair if we look over ALL evidence on ALL players here, be it true evidence or potential evidence. I'll start from the beginning: Suicune."

The picture of the ghost, in his majestic form before his brutal murder, flooded her mind. Don't worry, Suicune...I'll help as much as I can...

"Suicune was murdered a few nights ago; he was the first of us to go. Suicune is a bulky Pokemon with incredibly high Special Defense, and yet he was taken down by Hidden Power Fire. Many burns cover his body. While it seems impossible that Suicune would be so easily felled by HP Fire, it COULD be possible by way of another burning move. Maybe the Pokemon weakened it more, although I'm sure that we would have been told that in the description. The fact that the bulkiness of Suicune should have protected him, yet he was the first to go concerns me. The murderer is flaunting his or her ability to kill someone so easily.

"Next one that died was Mudkip; he was too quick to try and find evidence, and thus Darkrai got to him. I'm not sure of how much evidence we can find in a modkill...

"After that, Luvdisc perished in the same manner as Suicune- with Hidden Power Fire. While there's nothing really new to gain from the death itself, we can't ignore the fact that Luvdisc brought up the theories of a Pokemon using a Surf-type move to drag the mighty Suicune up to the surface. Another factor behind that was the fact we could change our Hidden Power by his suggested theory, which might not have sounded great to the murderer. He was killed very quickly, so there might be some sort of blame to put on the murderer for that.

"Next one, we killed Kingdra. While Kingdra's known for its assortment of moves and its dragon-likeliness, perhaps we weren't looking close enough. While Kingdra can learn many moves, it still partially dislikes ice attacks used against it. Unfortunately it's too late to bring him back from the dead...

"Lastly for the murdered, we have Kyogre, perhaps the strongest of us all. Once again, Hidden Fire was used. Kyogre was very suspicious with his posts, stating what he had for moves. For some reason, the murderer killed him off. Perhaps the murderer is toying with us again, trying to make our lives harder, or maybe there was some reason why he or she wanted to kill him. I'm unsure at this point...

"That leaves those alive. I think it fair enough to go down the list and...well, list all accusing evidence against ALL parties." She hesitated, gathering her wits. "We cannot knock anyone out of this so soon. No, not even myself..." Without a moment's hesitation, though, she began.

"First, I'll start with evidence on myself. Maelstra, Vaporeon. Vaporeons are known for melting into the water, which would give plenty of camoflage when striking for a murder. As Mudkip mentioned, 'M' could stand for Maelstra, although I claimed my name long before the game began. Since the Murderer did not specify what M is, it still points the blame to me in that aspect. Also of note is that Vaporeon do have paws as the original murder stated. Yet, unless we go by Luvdisc's theory that Surf was used, I could not lift up Suicune OR Kyogre in order to kill them. The paws and surf theory overlap too much, the way I see it. Also of note is the fact that I would never make such common spelling mistakes as seen in the notes: quite, iciness and future were all spelt wrong by the murderer. Feel free to add evidence to this if you wish...

"Next, we have my fellow Vaporeon (sonicyellow). Many of the above reasons apply to him, besides the fact that he potentially could have spelt the words wrong on accident. It was also slightly suspicious that he immediately claimed that he didn't have Acid Armor, and got defensive when a finger was pointed his way. Feel free to add to this...

"Next, we have Piplup (Joeypals). Piplup is a penguin Pokemon, thus immediately framing him in the water-and-ice department. His actions are extremely suspicious in game, as he often plays a lot while an investigation is underway. He also has a good motive for killing off Luvdisc; he has fins, and thus may not have liked that theory at all. He was also very quick to blame another Pokemon as soon as the day began, with little reasoning behind it. However, I'm not so sure he'd be capable of killing off Suicune and Kyogre with ease. He IS just a little Piplup...

"...yet along that same note, we have Empoleon (mammaluigi). Again, being a penguin and having a motive immediately frame him as a potential murderer. With evolution comes great power, and he could potentially have the power to kill Suicune or Kyogre. He hasn't said too much in the game either, posting maybe once or twice since it started. Whether his inactivity in the game frames him for trying to stay as innocent-seeming as possible (for we could forget about him that way) or if it's because he's not the murderer and thus is losing interest, this has yet to be seen. We need more clues first.

"Next we have Feraligatr (Shoyru). Feraligatr is a massive Pokemon, who would be able to at least lift Suicune to the surface. Of interest is the fact that in his picture, Feraligatr is using Ice Punch. That would cover the water and ice parts quite nicely. Although they're not 100% paws, he does have hands, which would be ample enough to fit the classification of 'paws'. Yet the thing I'm stumped on is the fact that he is more of an attack-based Pokemon, not a special-attack-based attacker. So, this remains up in the air...

"Lapras (Guy) is next. Immediately we can frame him because of water and ice types. Lapras, like Kingdra, can learn a wide movepool of moves as well. He's also very large, allowing him potentially the ability to use one of his horn-like structures on his back to drag a Pokemon up to the surface (like Suicune). Blizzard seems to be a popular choice to use with Lapras, given how it can use it in conjuncture with Hail, hence 'calm before the storm' possibly, given Lapras is seen as a calm Pokemon. Feel free to add to this...

(...and unfortunately I have to stop there for now. Work calls... I'll finish with my theories after work.)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

Of course you could posibly vote for me. Inactivity is Excusable.

OoC: I have been going through HUGE testing at school. This test will give a big part of my grade.
School first. Games second.

IN: The clue mentions the Iceyness of seclusion or somthing like that.
I belive the only ice types we Had were Suicune.
And the only Ice type we HAVE is Lapras.

Vote: Lapras (Guy)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

Ice Espeon said:
Suicune is Ice type?


Crystal Hikara said:
(wall tiem! Can't use quotes as I'm on the Wii so I'll try and point out stuff best I can...)

"Lapras (Guy) is next. Immediately we can frame him because of water and ice types. Lapras, like Kingdra, can learn a wide movepool of moves as well. He's also very large, allowing him potentially the ability to use one of his horn-like structures on his back to drag a Pokemon up to the surface (like Suicune). Blizzard seems to be a popular choice to use with Lapras, given how it can use it in conjuncture with Hail, hence 'calm before the storm' possibly, given Lapras is seen as a calm Pokemon. Feel free to add to this...

@bold: *coughmisspellingcough* but its really annoying and takes a while to type on the wii, so meh.

@lapras: theres not much to add (that i can think of) other than the fact that when using hail in the games it describes it as a hailstorm. However, the fact that lapras's "hands" can not easily be mistaken as paws saves it, thus i cast no vote as of yet. The whole faw thing could possibly be a lie though.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

Ice Espeon said:
Suicune is Ice type?

I thought he was.

Anyways, I belive we need a clue to help us conclude this Hysteria.
to go along with the others votes,
Vote: Mudkip

OoC: Please excuse my absence for another day.
Going to visit Relitives.

EDIT: sorry for the edit.
Didn't know I had to wait for another person to post before I could without it being an edit.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

Your gona let one little clue that could have been preceived wrong point to me? The murder has to have been someone who has payed attention in the past and is active. (e.g. -M and has the time to decribe)

So I putting a few players out of the question and a few are just a bit more suspicious, not to name names, but I think I have an idea of who the murderer might be.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

(SY: Obviously you don't know about me when I joke. I'll often purposely mis-spell time as tiem or teim when I'm in a joking mood. ;D

Also for the record, Suicune's a water type. Hook yourselves up with some Serebii yo.

Anyways, back to wallin' moar. (ucwhutididtharSY?))

After only a couple of speculations, the Vaporeon continued. "Sorry about that little absense. As I was saying...uh...right. Next up: Swampert.

"Swampert (shadoworganoid) has a few interesting ties behind him. Like Feraligatr, he's seen not really as a special attacker, but more of a defensive Pokemon. Also, he is part-ground, so this much would make iciness seem obselete. However, Swampert is one of the few that have 'paws' and the potential strength to lift Suicune. Also, given it is a partial land creature, it would be slightly easier to him to attack at the surface of the water. Another interesting fact is that there was something that said 'F for Flare' in the second(?) note. If I am correct, it was down to Flare and Shadoworganoid last game. F for Flare very well could infer that like Flare, he is now the murderer instead of the winner of the game. I'm still somewhat clueless on the 'G for Gale' part, yet I think that this much is of suspicious evidence.

"Oh, Wooper, Wooper, Wooper (sillykyle). One without hands, he would have an EXTREMELY hard time of knocking out one of us I warrant, let alone dragging Suicune up to the surface and using a strong enough attack to fell him. There's next to no evidence linking him to any murder of any kind. So I seriously doubt he's the murderer, unless he's the one we'd most doubtfully see as murderer and thus he has us all fooled? Again, he has a motive for killing Luvdisc- no hands makes for Luvdisc's theory of the water splashing. I know I keep bringing it up, but it may be important for identifying the murderer. We can't really take any chances with overlooking information.

"Next is Lanturn (Freak, right?). As has been stated before, Laturn lacks paws yet falls to the potential Luvdisc motive theory I have. Also of note is that Lanturn falls to 'calm before the storm'; It can be seen as a docile Pokemon (a wall of all sorts of things), yet with Rain Dance and Thunder it can create some nasty storm weather. It could also be noted that he could have inadvertently shocked all water types into such a state where they are paralyzed/knocked out, and then finished them off with HP Fire. And unless I'm highly mistaken, electricity (as in lightning bolts) can BURN something just as well as they can electrify, thanks to their heat. Not to mention I'm not sure how well he's contributed to the game either...

"Lastly (unless I missed someone), we have Psyduck (Tristan). While it is a duck, it can learn Scratch, so it's webbed wings could be seen as paws. I seriously doubt that much could be physically possible without the aid of Surf for lifting Suicune, but like all of us we can learn Surf, thus we all could fall under Luvdisc's theory, thus giving him a motive. Another point of interest is that he's been surprisingly quiet in this game (a word misspelt by the murderer) in comparison to other games. He could potentially be hiding the fact that he's the murderer this way. There was also one thing said in the latest note- something about making heads spin? Something like that? ((OOC: Remember I'm on my Wii; I can only have the typing window open as I'm writing this. ._. Can someone quote this for me?)) Head-spinning (or whatever the exact word-choice is, forgive me) is a synonym for headaches potentially. And what better Pokemon to have a headache than Psyduck? Again, he lacks offensively to potentially be the murderer, but he could have ways to weaken-or disable- the victims first."

As she finished up with ((HOPEFULLY)) all the current player's profiles, she glanced over her notes. Yes; she still had more. "There are a few more minor things to note, clues I haven't figured out yet from the murderer, as well as a few potential theories. It will take me a moment to collect my thoughts, though, so hopefully someone has something to add to my theories in the meanwhile...?"
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

*Puts up sign for jewels, opening sale at 50% off. After this, Joey makes a seaweed bag and gathers as many gems as he can* Huh? *Partially hears Malestro(?)* Something about Swampert... Can't make out the rest... *Goes back to jewel hunting*
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

Feraligatr walked up to the shop. He picked up a Sapphire. He examined it closely. He held it up to the storekeeper.
"How much is this?" he inquired.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

Random Guess, cuz I don't want to die (Please RNG)

Vote: Crystal Hikara :eek:
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

Lanturn listened to the Vaporeon. The Vaporeon had many great points and Lanturn knew exactly what the Vaporeon meant. There were not enough clues to find out who the murderer was. It would be hard to find the murderer unless there was another murder.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 3 Ends 5/8

Lapras 3
Lanturn 1
Vaporeon (Crystal) 1

Mudkip 4

Snorchu now needs to PM me a very vague clue, so don't just reveal it here!
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