Finished Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Joeypals!! Wins

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RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

ooc: how so?

IC: *hears* 50% off? *shouts so loud everyone can hear* WHO WOULD BE SELLING STUFF AT A TIME LIKE THIS!?
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

Well, I have jewels, only $2 a piece.
OoC: Lately, I have been able to see through people's lying. Sadly, it only appears to work in real life.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

(God is it the 13th already? Have there been any votes? I didn't see any...)

Once again, another night came and went. However, the message this time was far more sinister; as she read it Maelstra felt her purple hues drain from her body. The murderer had bluntly stated that 'Vaporeon' would be next, though failed to specify which. All together, the thought of the murderer being out after her seemed to really shake her up.

Not only that, but more clues had been left that seemed not to add up. 'Look in the most obvious of spots' came to mind, as well as 'writing on the wall', the clue that Mudkip (may Arceus rest his blessed soul) left them. Something sounded familiar with the hint...hadn't there been a case of a faked clue with Unown writing on a wall-like surface somewhere? While Snorchu may have created it, could it ultimately been a good hint for them?

At that, she heard the Piplup rambling on and on about gems and selling them. Imagine, selling them so aimlessly while there was a murderer on the loose! His actions of accusing Pokemon right away were very suspiscious, not to mention the fact that he seemed strangely carefree about the murders. Maelstra struggled to remember if he was connected to the fake 'writing on the wall' hint...and, well, he was. He was right there, attempting to gather the fake information that Mudkip had created. Yet, could that little Piplup really kill so many Pokemon so easily, especially the god of the sea?

"Piplup," Maelstra shakily began, swimming down to the water type. There was a very worried yet serious tone to her voice. "I may suspect you as the murderer, but I'm not so quick to pin the blame on any one Pokemon. I suggest that you defend yourself from the evidence against you."

(Evidence so far:
Water/Ice- Piplup is a water type, and penguins also typically live in really cold temperatures
Motive to kill Luvdisc- Luvdisc made a theory that a Pokemon could use a Surf-like move to emulate paws. Since Piplup doesn't have paws, this could give him a motif for murder considering the theory could frame him as a murderer.
Hidden Power- Unless I'm mistaken, Piplup has revealed his HP to be Electric; HP Electric could have been used to weaken Kyogre and Suicune copious amounts before Piplup changed to Hidden Power Fire to finish them off.
Changing Hidden Power- another theory presented by Luvdisc. Again maybe Piplup didn't like that theory (because his murder methods were exposed, if that makes sense?)
Writing on the wall- Piplup and Mudkip were both working on a fake hint with Unown writing. This could potentially point to it?
Piplup's Behavior- ...has been very odd and sporatic since he started playing the game. Extremely quick to suspect and pin the blame on people.
Other potential clues- if I've missed anything it's probably in one of my massive posts earlier XP

Also, I vote for Luvdisc to give us a clue. UGH although there's a good bit of evidence against Joeypals!! there's just not enough evidence for me to vote for him. Has the murderer even been giving us clues in all their letters 42? D: )
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

(my appologize, I have forgotten to be roleplaying in this game. Let me tap back into my role playing skills for this post)

IC: Swampert was pacing around wondering who to blame. "!!!"
And idea hit him on the spot and he comes swimming over to the rest of the group and hops out of the water.

He stood there for a few minutes in total silence until he had all eyes on him. Then he spoke.

"I know who did it."

A surge of mumbled chatter rose from the group of remaining pokemon, started by swamperts bold statment.
The pokemon returned to silence after Swampert shattered a bolder with Hammer Arm which created an ear splitting noise.

"I have given thought about the clues we have and what remains. Maelstra has mentioned that Surf could be used to simulate paws for a pokemon that lacks them. That is a good way to frame another pokemon such as myself or Feraligatr. Right now we know who the next victim is; Vaporeon. However, we dont know which one.
From what we do know, we know that each murder has been by hidden power fire. From the start, that never settled well with me. How can a water type be killed by a fire attack? The only pokemon here with enough special power to even come close to a fatal strike is kyogre, and as we all know, is dead. My theory is that it was never hidden power fire at all.
Have you all forgotten? Electricity leaves behind a burn. A strong enough jolt of electricity will leave an electrical burn. This burn can easily be assumed to be from a fire attack.
The only pokemon left with enough electrical power.....Is Lanturn!"

"How does this tie into having paws or not? Simple, when suicune was being attacked, he was being hit by Thunder bolt now doubt. But thats not all, he must have been immoblized by paralysis induced by the attack. When paralyzed even the strongest of pokemon is helpless to resist. Lanturn may be physically weak, but when his target is not able to resist, it doesnt matter anymore. Plus, look around! We are surounded by WATER. Water reduces the weight of anything. So now we have suicune weighing a lot less and still unable to put up a fight.
I'll repeat myself, the murderer is Lanturn."

Vote: Lanturn
Vote: Luvdisc

(much better post)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

You do not understand, really. I do not have any reason to kill. I simply do not have the power. Remember "calm before the storm"? It usually leads to lightning. *Hint hint* I do not like going to poke finger at anyone, but use your hints. This is my defense.
Vote: Lanturn
Vote: Luvidsc
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

Joeypals!! said:
You do not understand, really. I do not have any reason to kill. I simply do not have the power. Remember "calm before the storm"? It usually leads to lightning. *Hint hint* I do not like going to poke finger at anyone, but use your hints. This is my defense.
Vote: Lanturn
Vote: Luvidsc

OF COURSE! Storms have lightning! good point Joey.

Vote: Lanturn
Vote luvdisc
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

Thank you! I thought about it for a second, then wala! Anyone want some gems? Additional discount if you are planning on making a proper burial of our lost beloveds.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

Vaporeon started, "however swampert, your theory is countered by 1 fact..." he paused. "the fact that it was not stated that the pokemon murdered was severely burned (correct me if im wrong), but that they were killed by a fatal move, that of hidden power fire. While an electric move would kill most water types easily, its simply not possible."
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

What about Electrical Fire, which causes burning? And, if not mistaken, HP Fire is a good choice for a move on Shoddy. Hello, can it get any straighter? Also, the name is Joey the Piplup, NOT SWAMPERT!
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

OOC: @Joey: rofl that was @ swampert, he said the electricity could have caused burns
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

Oh... I see... Still, this is our best lead right now.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

sonicyellow said:
OOC: @Joey: rofl that was @ swampert, he said the electricity could have caused burns

ooc: It can. Electricity can leave a burn. The power of the fatal attack is what killed, and we all assume it was HP fire due to the burn left behind.
Electricity would be a fatal blow and still leave behind a burn.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

you guys arent getting it

my point is it was specifically said that hp fire was used for the fatal blow
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

sonicyellow said:
Vaporeon started, "however swampert, your theory is countered by 1 fact..." he paused. "the fact that it was not stated that the pokemon murdered was severely burned (correct me if im wrong), but that they were killed by a fatal move, that of hidden power fire. While an electric move would kill most water types easily, its simply not possible."
I was referring to this. You simply did not think of the hint "The calm before the storm...". What happens in a storm? Thunder. Lots and lots of thunder.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 4 Ends 5/13

sonicyellow said:
you guys arent getting it

my point is it was specifically said that hp fire was used for the fatal blow

No. Your not understanding what IM saying.

The fact that HP fire was the fatal blow MAY only be an assumed statment. Until 42 comes here and says specifically that it was hp fire, I will remain with my arguement and say that its just a false assumption.
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