Finished Murder V: The Fifth Generation

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RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Tristan, use proper voting format.

Also, just to recap, there are several different theories flying around using the first day note as a guideline:

Guy89 said:
The murderer left this note.

thats right, i killed empoleon

it really helps being unfamiliar around here, let me tell you. you guys don't have a ghost of a chance at catching me!

everyone should just give up and go Home.

if you don't, you will all See my rage Flare. you have all been warned.

Begin Day 1!

My analysis focused on line 2, particularly the word "unfamiliar" and the phrase "ghost of a chance". That's when I first suspected Hatman/Froslass, because Froslass is a ghost and Hatman is a new face in Murder and on Pokebeach in general. This theory is further supported by the odd capitalization and strange grammar, which is indicative of people like Hatman.

Someone else used the same argument on Charidude/Shaymin, along with the fourth line, which was interpreted to be similar to the move "Seed Flare", Shaymin's level 100 specialty attack.

Joeypals!! decided to pick on Nod3 because of his sign-up post: "Bastiodon. NAO! OR FEEL MY WRATH!", which was loosely connected to "See my rage Flare" He ended up being the lynch. Clearly he was not guilty.

And finally, Ice Espeon got the axe during the night. Murder weapon is currently unknown. It's ironic, since Ice was first to die in Murder III as well.

Count is 5 for Froslass and 1 for Shaymin. 6 people want Ice to give the CoG hint.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Count is 6 for Froslass and 1 for Shaymin. 7 people want Ice to give the CoG hint. Also, I will be offline pretty much all day tomorrow. My sister's becoming bat mitzvah and there's a whole mess of a ceremony that accompanies that.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

I hostly believe too much info is stacked against froslass. They may be doing something like joeypals! did in the last one, stacking up the evidence on good players. We only know for sure that Ice Espeon's clue will be about the murderer. I guess there is too many votes for froslass already but I will share my Reshiram theory once again.

The murderer left this note.

thats right, i killed empoleon
This could have been anyone. But is it a clue? I don't see one."

it really helps being unfamiliar around here, let me tell you. you guys don't have a ghost of a chance at catching me!
Reshiram is knew to us as he has been just released and many things about him are still unknown. Is froslass really that unknown to us? We've been using him for at least a year now. Also referring to the "ghost of a chance" he looks rather ghostly. Just his apperence in general made my think "Another ghost/dragon"

everyone should just give up and go Home.
"Go Home? It's captialized, and he referred to us all. Meaning almost all of us must have came from one place. And one way you can divide that up is by region. There are signifacantly more 4th generations that 5th here.

if you don't, you will all See my rage Flare. you have all been warned.
"Flare, That makes me think fire? And reshiram's dex entry is it burns everything around it. Could he be talking about those flames as his rage? Also, the word see is capitalized. This makes me wonder but I have not come up with a response to this but I will be thinking.

But once again we'll never know if the murder is stacking the odds again.

Vote: Reshiram
Vote: Ice Espeon
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Good argument, should I... No, maybe Day Three I will vote Reshium. That is if I can survive...
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Can I sign up as a replacement?
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Snorchu said:
Tristan, use proper voting format.

Thank you mister mini mod.

I will read more on monday right now I only have time to pop in and out because weekends are bad for me

RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

charidude said:
I hostly believe too much info is stacked against froslass.

This. Also, I believe the evidence points 2 different pokemon, but having 1 seem more suspicious then the other so it can be killed. Either this or the murderer had the evidence point to many different people and having a slight clue in there pointing to him/herself.

Vote: Reshiram
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Glaceon sighs in frustration.
"It's already been said that 'unfamiliar' either represents a Gen V Pokémon or a new player (and Hatman is one). And if 'Home' and 'Flare' do somehow obscurely point to Reshiram, then there's almost as much evidence for him as Froslass."
He shook his head.
"So obviously that leaves two possible conclusions:
- The murderer is the Froslass and couldn't think of very small clues.
- The murderer is banking on very obscure clues while 'coincidentally' setting up for Froslass."
He paused, considering it before continuing.
"Let's assume that the murderer isn't Froslass, but that leads to all sorts of questions: Is this sly killer setting up more than just the Froslass? The uncertainty is too much. I say we kill the Froslass now and if he's not it, we can be assured and at least get another clue to get on track. If we don't kill the Froslass, then he'll forever remain a nagging suspect for the next days. Kill him now and we'll have a prime suspect out of the way."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

*sits on a rock

You all are just pointing fingers. There are good arguments here, but you all are just no fun.

*Builds Fruit stand

So, to help with your thinking muscles, Imma selling fruit.
Free samples?
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Don't forget to boldface your lynch vote and italicize your CoG vote, or else Guy89 might not see either!

And to sonicyellow, MSE may look suspicious, but he has been known to fake his own guilt. See also Werewolf VI.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

The Glaceon scoffed at Zekrom and snatched an apple. He sat down and took a bite out of it.
"As if you've been doing so much anyway. I still don't see why I have to be here to convince you all about such an obvious thing."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

It sure seems like Zyflair is quick to target people... Just saying...
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

"Hmph. If you have something to say about the note, then do so. Otherwise, we're wasting time here. I'm satisfied with my belief, and I'd like to see a better counter-argument than what's already said."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Ugh, I already quoted a line of lucario where he literally referred to the murder note as "my scentence". How has there been any counter argument against that?

He killed empoleon. When the first DP tcg set was released, there where 2 good decks, empoleon and mario (machamp lucario)

He's new to the game.

He is resistant to ghost.

Go Home? See? Flare? HSF...
Hallberg-Sekrom Fabriks AB (Stockholm Sweden)
It's a metal supplying factory :eek:

Then theres the point in which both lucario and the murderer have bad spelling/grammar.
So I guess that makes me go:
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

"Don't forget though Glaceon, every night the murder will be taking out whoever's (if anyone) is voting for him. So time will be our enemy. Hopefully the council gives us a good enough clue...."
EDIT:"That does make a good argument zorura but really, who knows about your whole HSF thing. I am not from Sweden and would have no idea about that. Also, HSF were on three different lines, not one."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

(You're not allowed to edit posts.)
He groaned.
"First of all, the Lucario wouldn't be able to even muster such obscure clues with the horrible language. The note suits very much more the the Froslass's (Hatman's). In case if you didn't hear everything, let me repeat it:"

Snorchu said:
Hatman said:
D: But I'm too much of a n00b to be a murderer!
:p i dunno, but I don't like being framed. Also, How was Empoleon killed? was there any evidence of what weapon was used, or if it was just the bare hands/feet/whateverthepokemonhas?
Last edited by Hatman: Monday, June 14, 6:08 PM

There is a lot of truth to this statement; he is too much of a n00b. Too much to play the game correctly. Not too much to be a murderer. And being a n00b does not discount the possibility that Hatman is the murderer. And if you look at the capitalization pattern, you'll see it matches the pattern in the note! Thus I have every reason to believe that Hatman is the murderer. My vote remains as such.

"The Empoleon was mentioned on the very first post so there's already no relation with who killed what. And the HSF thing is so ridiculous, you'd be better of not even mention it. Seriously, where do you come up with these things?"
He turned to face someone else.
"And as for you, Shaymin, your logic is just as faulty: if we lynch the murderer now, then there's no fear of death and NO ONE gets taken out."
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