Finished Murder V: The Fifth Generation

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RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Zyflair said:
(You're not allowed to edit posts.)
He groaned.
"First of all, the Lucario wouldn't be able to even muster such obscure clues with the horrible language. The note suits very much more the the Froslass's (Hatman's). In case if you didn't hear everything, let me repeat it:"
Last edited by Hatman: Monday, June 14, 6:08 PM

There is a lot of truth to this statement; he is too much of a n00b. Too much to play the game correctly. Not too much to be a murderer. And being a n00b does not discount the possibility that Hatman is the murderer. And if you look at the capitalization pattern, you'll see it matches the pattern in the note! Thus I have every reason to believe that Hatman is the murderer. My vote remains as such.
"The Empoleon was mentioned on the very first post so there's already no relation with who killed what. And the HSF thing is so ridiculous, you'd be better of not even mention it. Seriously, where do you come up with these things?"
He turned to face someone else.
"And as for you, Shaymin, your logic is just as faulty: if we lynch the murderer now, then there's no fear of death and NO ONE gets taken out."

You are missing the message. Hatman was asking about the means of murder, not the motive or opportunity. His question was "What was the murder weapon?", not "Empoleon's dead? ZOMG!!" That breaks your counterargument. Also, the murderer could have been smart enough to post the note and then play innocent.

Also, does charidude's edit mean modkill?
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Anyone have the vote count?
In: "Sweden? How does a country that not that many people are from relate to here? And the whole innocent thing could be true. Take a look at what my cousin Umbreon did. Acted innocent, but was very guilty. Our best bet is to vote out the main suspects, then go for the smaller suspects. There had better be another note to help later.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Count is 6 for Froslass, 1 for Shaymin, 1 for Reshiram, and 1 for Lucario. 9 people want Ice to give the CoG hint. NOTE: If you voted incorrectly, I did not count you.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

"You better hope the right person dies tonight...."
Vote: Ice
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Count is 6 for Froslass, 1 for Shaymin, 1 for Reshiram, and 1 for Lucario. Ice will be giving the CoG hint tonight.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Snorchu said:
You are missing the message. Hatman was asking about the means of murder, not the motive or opportunity. His question was "What was the murder weapon?", not "Empoleon's dead? ZOMG!!"
"I'm afraid I don't understand. May you please clarify?"
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

What is that supposed to mean forte? Are we or are we not hoping to catch the person in the morning, as we have no control of the night.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

"There is a chance...a huge chance that you will be killing another innocent person tonight...."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Zyflair said:
"I'm afraid I don't understand. May you please clarify?"

How much further can I clarify? Your interpretation of Hatman's post was that he was surprised that Empoleon was killed. My interpretation, and possibly the correct one, was that he was questioning the cause of death.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Says the person who did not vote last time i checked. If you do not want to kill an innocent person, VOTE! And it is clear that we have a 1/18 chance in catching him righy now, but that is no reason to sit around! I have got my eye on you as long as I am alive. I am here to support as much as I can, as Snorchu and everyone else noticed I am not the killer based on writing style. I am not sure if you are on the same boat as everyone else though, as last time I checked, you sit tgere ending most sentences with ...s. At least contribute if you know you are not the killer and help us catch this guy. Anyone else reading this can choose to ignore this or not, up to you.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

"I see no reason to vote against anyone here with the amount of evidence, and shall not take part in the murder of innocent people."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

You are kidding, right? Hello, earth to Muder I winner! That's how you win! You have to vote, even if it means accidently killing innocents! It intrigues me though how you can somehow distinguish the difference between the innocent and guilty, even with the large amount of evidence. Something you wish to say before I hunt this theory down on Day 3 if we reach there? Before I forget, you are not saving anyone by not voting. It is just as bad as killing them yourself.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

"I may not be saving anyone, but I'm not putting someone's name up to be murdered. So where does that put us? Are we all murderers? I mean that we are voting for someone to die, so what separates us from the murder now? I mean now they'll be killing to protect them self, just as we are voting to protect our own life."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Snorchu said:
How much further can I clarify? Your interpretation of Hatman's post was that he was surprised that Empoleon was killed. My interpretation, and possibly the correct one, was that he was questioning the cause of death.
"I believe there's a miscommunication. Zorua here is saying that there is a connection between Lucario and Empoleon because they both were part of DP TCG Decks. However, since the murderer was said before Lucario even signed up, the connection is downright baseless."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

You know where that puts the innocents? One less person supporting if an innocent, put in the guilty spotlight if they are the killer. Let me ask you all a question. If you were the killer, would you kill me night 1? Most will say yes. Why? My track record, winning both as an innocent when no one believed me and as a murderer when I was cunning enough to use enough strategy to win. So, forte, let me ask you this. If Guy can make an innocent winner a killer as seen in the two games before this, what stops him from doing it again, going further back, all the way to the Mansion? I can tell everyone else this now:
-Froslass will die. It will either be a win for Zyflair, or another night.
-In night, I am most likely to be killed, or someone that is not highly suspected, as I did when I killed Blissey and Ampy, who recieved no votes, the first two nights.
-If it gets to day 3, most will go for Reshium, without any doubt. However, some will look away from the obvious, such as myself, and go for others due to sneaky behavior. Why? Well, when Ice and sonicyellow caught on to me, they were too late and could not convince anyone. That cycle could be stopped. If you excuse me, I have research to do on the two generation five legends.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

"Well I will start voting as soon as more evidence is provided."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Zyflair said:
"I believe there's a miscommunication. Zorua here is saying that there is a connection between Lucario and Empoleon because they both were part of DP TCG Decks. However, since the murderer was said before Lucario even signed up, the connection is downright baseless."

Ah, okay, I thought you were talking about something different. Thanks for clarifying.

And to fortegoddx, Joeypals!! is right. It's only the second day, so not much evidence is available in the first place. We are all voting based on both our personal suspicions and the collective opinion of the group. It also helps that we have a note to analyze and cross-examine. So vote, even if you're not 100% sure, because in the end someone has to go.
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

Besides that, look at the note, then at what Zyflair has posted three times now:
Zyflair said:
"The Frolass has several key points pointing at it:
-'Unfamiliar' because the player is new, a first-timer in this game.
-'Ghost' for its type.
-The capital 'H' for Hatman.
-The 'S' and 'F' for the last and first letter of Froslass, respectively.
No other Pokémon seems to be more attacked by the implications of the note."
Make sence?
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

"I've heard the evidence, and still not voting. These first days are mostly based on personal picks and I have no reason to vote against any of you."
RE: Murder V: The Fifth Generation: Day 2 Ends 6/21/10 10PM PDT (An RPG)

All suspicions (minus the Nod3 suspicion) are based primarily on the note. The Froslass suspicion originated entirely from the note and was later linked to events outside this thread.
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