Finished Murder VI- The Quest Congrat to Porygon-X for finding the final killer: Hatman. Joeypals!! was hosti

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RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

Name of your character: Pluff

Gender: Male

Behavior: Easy going, fluffy, (lol) and very brave

Distinctive features: (None)

How your character feels about Celebi's poisoning: He doesn't know what to think. He wonders if there might be some kind of cure.

First night impressions and your feelings about the quest ahed of you: He's scared for his life, and his friend's lives. He wonders if the murderer can be stopped.

In Character:

*Pluff floated down to the note an began reading* What! What is this madness!

*Ponders for a while*

"I'm going to wait and see how others act, before I vote..."

*The wind blows, and Pluff is swept away*

"Uh, guys, some help. Guys?"
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

OOC:how do i make it bold
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

"Hmm... time to use my detective skills! You guys will be surprised to know I partied with Hercule Poirot once."

VOTE: batui4
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.


Put your text in between there. ;)
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

Name of your character: Aero

Gender: Female

Behavior: Very observant and patient. In discussions straight to the point and very defending.

Distinctive features (e.g. neclace, scar) (optional):
Light pupils, it looks like she doesn't have any.

How your character feels about Celebi's poisoning: Doesn't like it, but also doesn't think it's that big of a deal.

First night impressions and your feelings about the quest ahead of you: Scared, but curious about the outcome.


Aero watched silently as the first discussion unfolded. She thought to herself that everyone was jumping to conclusions way to quickly.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.


Put the text inbetween the ] and [ below.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

Frank also took a step back and watched events unfold.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

*Shane floats up to Pluff and helps him back down.*
"No problem. We all need to watch out for each other."
"Guys, are we seriously going to just start blaming each other? If we have no trust than we can't make it through the journey. I get that no one likes the fact that we're sleeping with a murderer. But what can we do about it? I don't think I can will myself to vote. I mean, do we even have any reasoning to our votes? Otherwise this is going to end in chaos. I'm just as suspicious as you are, but I mean, if there is any reasoning. I would have to vote Dark... Wouldn't he try to keep himself alive? This could be a ploy to et us to leave him as he won't be killed. Maybe that's what he wants. I'm not jumping to any conclusions. That is just m theory. Do we have any better ones? I would like to know if we do."
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

Dark's ears twitch in annoyance
"EVERYONE STOP! We need to stop accusing random people and find more clues. Our first Clue was directed to everyone to turn against me. And at the bottom it says 'M' Who could 'M' be? This is what we need to do."
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

"'M' typically stands for murderer. Anyways, who are you to talk? You haven't even unvoted me yet!"
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

Galleo turns to Shaun. "You don't want to vote? That's bad juju right there, for you."

Galleo turns to Dark, "Ahhh... that's just what the murderer wants you to think. Obviously, the M stands for Murderer. If he were to put his initial, he would be the dumbest murderer alive. Haven't you ever heard of Hercule Poirot?"
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

OoC: Sorry, I couldn't edit to show you... I forgot they would disappear...

In: Thanks! *Pluff planted his feet in ground so he wouldn't float away.*

Hmmm, well, we could ask everyone, and see if they answer no nervously. Kind of like a lie detector! Who here had studied psychology?
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

Aero found an interesting clue herself. And the peculiar thing about that one clue is that it points to the same person as another clue pointed at.
Being unsure about this discovery, she kept it for herself for a while.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

Unvote: 42 Chocolate

"We need to think here!"
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.


"your right we do need to think about this"
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.

"My vote stays."
OoC: How do you pick the murder? RNG or do you pick personally?
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